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1、广东实验中学附属天河学校2010年初一入学检测英语试题说明:全卷共10页,七大题,满分100分,考试时间为50分钟一、 语音(每小题1分,共10分)A.选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(5分)1. A. studyB. subjectC. pupilD. sunny2. A. thanB. otherC. weatherD. three3. A. seasonB. lastC. becauseD. thousand4. A. coolB. foodC. footD. soon5. A. stayedB. helpedC. washedD. askedB.选出重音与其他三个不同的单词。(5

2、分)6. A. becomeB. agoC. intoD. surprised7. A.memorial B. scientistC. inventorD. renew8. A. eagleB. degreeC. preferD. inside9. A. togetherB. yourselfC. prepareD. population10. A. fortyB. fourteenC. borrowD. certainly二、单项选择题:(每小题1分,共20分)11. These footballs are for _and_.A. hisme B. youher C. Iyou D. th

3、emwe12. Mr. Smith has no sons _ daughters.A. or B. and C. but D. too13. Who is_, Mrs. Read or Mr. King.A. more carefulB. careful moreC. carefulD. most careful14. -_does Tom put the boxes?-He_ them there. A. When, putsB. Who, is putting C. What, is going to putD. Where, puts15. Look! Sams uncle _ und

4、er a big tree and _ a book.A. sits, readingB. is sitting, readsC. is sitting, readingD. sits, reads16. Please _ this coat. Its cold outside.A. take off B. put onC. put away D. take away17. I have a_.A. paper B. orange C. tea D. basketball18. Do you have _ sisters?A. anyB. an C. some D. a19. Tom _ hi

5、s homework on Sundays.A. dontB. doesnt C. dont do D. doesnt do20. There are some birds _ the tree.A. of B. to C. on D. in21. _are the eggs?A. WhatB. How much C. How D. How many22. Its time_ supper.A. forB. to C. have D. eat23. _. Do you have a pencil?A. SorryB. Excuse me C. Hi D. OK24. Which would y

6、ou like, a cup of tea _ a banana?A. andB. but C. or D. so25. The man _ blue is Mr. White.A. on B. ofC. in D. at26. -Are those English cars?-Yes, I think_.A. itB. so C. right D. that27. Kate has three_.A. knifeB. knifesC. knivs D. knives28. Jenny, _Mr Zhang.A. itsB. thiss C. it D. this is29. I always

7、 drink milk every morning, but I _ yesterday.A. didntB. dont C. doesnt D. am not30. She walks down the street_.A. loudB. loudlyC. quick D. slowly三、情景交际。(每小题1分,共15分)31. -Would you like to go with us? -_.A. I would likeB. OK, Id loveC. Yes, I likeD. Id love to32. -Hi, Mary.-Hi, Kate. Whos that?-_.-The

8、 one behind the door.-Oh, its Jim.A. Whose is it?B. Where is it?C. What?D. Which one? 33. -Can you find China on this map?-Yes. _. Its here.A. China is a good country. B. Let me see.C. Its on the wall. D. I have a new map of China.34. -_.-Yes, speaking.A. Dick! Nice to meet you. B. Dick! How are you

9、?C. Hello! Is that Dick?D. Hi! What are you doing?35. -_.-I caught a cold.A. Whats wrong with you?B.Why do you study English?C. What did you catch?D.Where are you going?36. -Help yourself to some fish.-_.A. I havent caught a fish yet. B. Oh, it smells bad.C. Thank you. But Im full. D. No, I cant. Im

10、 too full.37. -Whose coat is this?-Is it a black one?-Yes, it is.-_.-Here you are.-Thank you very much.A. I think its mine. B. I think its yours.C. I think its his. D. I think its hers.38. - Did you see Mr. Green?-Sorry?-_.A. Are you Mr. Green?B. Thanks all the same.C. Thats all right. D. Did you se

11、e Mr. Green?39. -Can you tell me the way to Tianhe Plaza?-Sorry. I dont know. Im a new comer.-_.A. It doesnt matter. B. Thank you all the same.C. Im afraid you are wrong. D. Ill find it myself.40. -Are you sure Li Ping has hurt himself?-Yes. I saw it myself.-_. Lets go to see him in the hospital.A.

12、Im busy. B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Thats good news. D. With pleasure.41. -_ ?-Its interesting. Id like to read it again.A. How do you like the book? B.Why not read the book?C. How do you get the book? D. Whats the book about?42. -_.-She works on a farm.A .Does she work on a farm?B. Can she work here?C. What is she?D. Does she like working?43. -Shes from England. What about you?A. I am a student. B. I want to go there. C. I come from Canada. D. Oh. She speaks English.44. 如果你想知道周六的天气如何,What w


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