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1、Unit8 知识整理 1. turn on 打开(与电器有关),反义词组为:turn off open 打开(门,窗,盒子,抽屉),反义词为close 2.cut up切碎,遇到it/ them 放在中间 3. pourinto.把倒入里 4.putin(to) 把放入里 5. make a banana milk shake 制作香蕉奶昔 6. a / one cup of 一杯 7. make fruit salad 制作水果沙拉 8. want to do sth 想要做某事 9. an onion 一个洋葱 10. addto 往里加入 11. another+基数词+n复=基数词+m

2、ore+n复“又;再” another two hours= two more hours 再两个小时 12. one more thing 还有一件事 13. forget to do sth 忘记做某事(事情未发生) forget doing sth 忘记做过某事(事情已发生) 14. need “需要”,在本单元中是实意动词,用法为: 人+need+to do sth / 物+need+ doing sth need还是情态动词,多用于否定句,疑问句。 15. make beef noodles 做牛肉面 16. take out 拿出,取出 17.a piece of”一片,一段,一块

3、,一张” 18. in the United States =in the US=in the USA=in America在美国 19. on special holidays 在特殊的节假日 20. on the fourth Thursday in November 在十一月的第四个星期四 21. a time to “的时间” 22. give thanks 感谢 23. come to 来到 24. the idea of “的思想” 25. by 介词,通过的方式 26. have a big meal 吃大餐 27. the way to do sth 做某事的方式 28. mi

4、x together 混合在一起 29. fillwith 用把装满=be filled with be filled with 可以与be full of 互换 30. coverwith=be covered with 用把覆盖 31. cutinto (thin) pieces 把切成(薄)片 32. serve sth to sb.= serve sb. with sth. 用某物招待某人 33. at a high temperature 以高温 34. rice noodles 米线 35. to do 不定式可以在句中作目的状语,如果放在句子前后用逗号 隔开,如果放在句子之后则不

5、用逗号隔开。 36. a pot of.”一锅” 37. one by one 一个接一个 38. its time to do sth=its time for (doing) sth 到了做某事的时间了 its time for sb to do sth. 到了某人做某事的时间了 39.tomato and egg soup 西红柿鸡蛋汤 40.59页绿色方框和3a要会背! How to make tomato juice? Tomato juice is a healthy drink. It tastes good and is easy to make. To make it, fo

6、llow this easy process(过程): First, try to make sure the tomatoes are clean. Next. you have to heat (加热)them in hot water for a few minutes. Then, youd better cut them into pieces so that you can easily press(按压) the juice from them. Finally. mix the juice with a little sugar. Soon you can drink a gl

7、ass of nice juice. 如何制作西红柿果汁? 西红柿果汁是一种健康的饮品。它尝起来很好并且容易制作。为了制作它,请随着这个简 单的过程。首先,尽力确保西红柿是干净的。接下来,你必须在热水里加热几分钟。然后 ,你最好把它们切碎以至于你可以容易地从它们中按出果汁。最后,你用一点糖和果汁混 合。很快你就可以喝到一杯好喝的果汁了。 How to make a sandwich? Do you like a sandwiches? I like them very much. Today, let me have a try to make a sandwich. First, wash

8、an onion and a tomato. Then put two spoons of butter on a piece of bread. Next, cut up the onion and the tomato. Add them to the bread. Then, put one spoon of relish(调味料) on the vegetables. Finally. put another piece of bread on the top. The sandwich is ready. Do you want to enjoy it with me? Salad

9、is very popular in China now. It is made of vegetables or fruit. It is delicious. Salad is great to eat in summer when the weather is hot. Heres the way to make vegetable salad. First, buy some lettuce, tomatoes and carrots. Buy some relish(调味 料), too. Next, wash the vegetables carefully. Then cut up the vegetables and put them in a bowl. After that, add the relish. Finally, mix the vegetables and the relish up. And then you have your salad! 知识回顾知识回顾 Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview



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