综合教程2unit11 open_the_door_to_forgiveness

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《综合教程2unit11 open_the_door_to_forgiveness》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《综合教程2unit11 open_the_door_to_forgiveness(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、forgiveness 04 吴怡 26 侯梦洋 04 吴怡 26 侯梦洋 Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another. Jean Paul Richter Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself。 Ausonius 祈求宽恕和宽恕别人,再没有比此时的人性更美的 了。 宽恕他人之种种;你罪无存。 There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness。 Josh

2、 Billings Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much。 Oscar Wilde 尽管去宽恕你的敌人吧没有什么比这更让他们 恼火了。 没有比宽恕更彻底的复仇方式了。 If we practice and eye for an eye and a tooth f or a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless。 Mahatma Gandhi 如果我们都要以眼还眼、以牙还牙,那这个世界很快 就盲眼且无牙。 Forgiveness Judith M

3、ammay Forgiveness is not easy When we believe Our world has ended, And blame lies with another. Forgiving is letting go of the pain; Accepting that what was, was. It will not change, Cannot change. Forgiving is dismissing the blame. Choices were made that caused the hurt. We each could have chosen d

4、ifferently, But we didnt. Forgiving is looking at the pain, Learning the lesson it has produced, And understanding What we have learned. Forgiving allows us to move on Toward a better understanding Of universal love, And our true purpose. Forgiving is knowing that love Is the answer to all questions

5、, And that we all Are in some way connected. Forgiving is starting over With the knowledge we have gained. I forgive you And I forgive myself. Do you know the International Day for Tolerance ? The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 16 November Message on International Day for Tolerance 国际宽

6、容日致辞 16 November 2014 2014年11月16日 Democratic and peaceful societies are not immune from prejudice and violence. There is growing hostility and discrimination towards people crossing borders in search of asylum or opportunities denied to them at home. Hate crimes and other forms of intolerance mar to

7、o many communities, often stoked by irresponsible leaders seeking political gain. 民主与和平的社会也会有偏见和暴力。为寻求庇护或寻找本国没 有的机会而进入他国的人面临着越来越多的敌意和歧视。有太多 的社区发生仇恨犯罪和出现其他形式的不宽容,而这常常是不负 责任的领导人为谋求政治利益而造成的。 I have strongly urged world leaders to protect people from persecution and to encourage tolerance for all regard

8、less of nationality, religion, language, race, sexuality or any other distinction that obscures our common humanity. 我强烈敦促世界各国领导人保护人民不受迫害,鼓励宽容所有人 ,不管其国籍、宗教、语言、种族、性取向为何,也不管他们是 否有其他的使我们看不到我们的共同人性的不同之处。 The International Day of Tolerance is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to work for the reco

9、gnition and protection of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms that is so essential to lasting peace. 国际宽容日提供了一个机会,让我们重申我们决心做出努力,承 认和保护对于持久和平至关重要的普遍人权和基本自由。 The United Nations is committed to strengthening tolerance by fostering mutual understanding among cultures and peoples. This impera

10、tive lies at the core of the United Nations Charter as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Promoting tolerance is also a key objective of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures being observed through 2022. And the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations is paving

11、the path to greater cross-cultural understanding. 联合国决心通过加强不同文化和民族之间的相互了解来促进宽 容。这是联合国宪章和世界人权宣言的核心要素。促 进宽容也是持续到2022年的国际文化和睦十年的一个重要目 标。联合国不同文明联盟正在为加强不同文化之间的了解铺平 道路。 On this International Day of Tolerance, I call on all people and governments to actively combat fear, hatred and extremism with dialogue,

12、 understanding and mutual respect. Let us advance against the forces of division and unite for our shared future. 值此国际宽容日之际,我呼吁各国人民和政府通过对 话、了解和相互尊重,积极消除恐惧、仇恨和极端主 义。让我们共同抗击分裂势力,为我们共同的未来团结 起来。 Do you want to be a neighbor to people of different races? A foreign investigation agency investigated the pr

13、oblem of global multiple countries, and calculated the receiving degree of each countrys reception of the foreign nation by statistical answer. Recently, the World Value Survey (which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries) asked individuals what types of people they would re

14、fuse to live next to. Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet, a survey claims. The global social attitudes study claims that the most racially intolerant populations are all in the developing world, with Bangladesh, Jordan and India in the top five. 最近一项全球社会态度调查表明,英国是全世

15、界种族观念最为 淡薄的国家之一;而最无法容忍外来民族的国家全都来自发展 中地区,孟加拉国、约旦和印度位列前五位之中。 By contrast, the study of 80 countries over three decades found Western countries were most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else. 相反,在过去30年对80个国家的调查中,西方国家对其它民族 的接受程度最高,其中英国、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚的接受 程度远远高于其他国家。 Researchers have suggested that societies where mo



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