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1、CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT保密协议between本协议由以下双方签署: Company, Ltd. Road, District, P.R.China 有限公司地址- hereinafter referred to as XXXX - 以下简称 “XXXX”and 及, ltd.P.R.C.有限公司地址- hereinafter referred to as XXXX - 以下简称 XXXX - XXXX, XXXX are hereinafter jointly referred to as Parties or individually as “Party” - ,

2、 以下合称“双方”或单独称“一方” 。PREAMBLE序言The Parties intend to enter into discussions regarding IP7400-CHI control panel IP protocol/SDK. The Parties therefore agree as follows:合同双方有意进行关于 IP7400-CHI 报警主机IP协议/SDK讨论,双方因此就如下事项达成协议:1. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION 信息交换During the term of this Agreement the Parties will ex

3、change commercial and technical information (drawings, measuring results, experiences, samples, etc.) relating to the subject mentioned in the Preamble (“Information”).在本协议期间,双方将就与序言中所提主题事项相关的商业和技术信息(图纸,测量结果,经验,样品等)进行交换(简称“信息”)。2. CONFIDENTIALITY 保密2.1 Either Party shall use Information received fro

4、m the disclosing Party solely for the purpose of the intended cooperation and shall keep it confidential, i. e. shall not disclose it to third parties, directly or indirectly, orally or in writing or in any other way, shall not disassemble, decompile or translate software received hereunder into any

5、 other kind of code, and shall not open or disassemble samples received hereunder, except when expressly authorized in writing by the Party from which such Information has been obtained. The Party providing the Information retains all rights (including copyright and the right to apply for industrial

6、 property rights, such as patents, utility models, mask work protection etc).任何一方应将披露方提供的信息仅用于双方的合作之目的,且应对此类信息保密,即,除非得到该信息来源方明示的书面授权,不得直接或间接地以口头或书面或任何其他形式向第三方披露;不能将从另一方获得的软件分解、解译、或翻译成另一种编码,且不能打开或拆卸从另一方处获得的样品。信息提供方留对其所提供的信息所享有的全部权利(包括版权和申请版权和申请各类工业产权,例如专利、实用新型外观设计等的权利)。2.2 Either Party shall use the

7、same degree of care as used in its own comparable affairs to keep confidential all Information received hereunder. The obligation to keep confidential according to Article 2.1 shall not or no longer apply to Information for which evidence has been furnished that it任何一方应以使用己方类似信息时同样的关照程度,对从另一方获得的信息进行

8、保密。保密义务不再适用于那些有足够证据显示该信息:- was publicly known at the time of disclosure or, through no wrongful act of the receiving Party, became publicly known thereafter, or在披露时已为公众所知,或通过非接受方错误行为而导致公众所知,或- had already been known to the receiving Party prior to such disclosure or was after such disclosure lawfull

9、y obtained from a third party without any obligation to keep confidential, or接受方在另一方披露之前已知晓,或披露后通过合法渠道在不承担任何保密义务的前提下从第三方获得,或- has been or is being developed by the receiving Party independent of any such Information disclosed by the other Party.独立于另一方披露的信息,已被接受方开发或正在开发。2.3 Either Party shall - upon

10、request of the other Party return to the disclosing Party or destroy without delay all written or otherwise recorded Information (including copies, if any) and samples obtained from such Party. The receiving Party shall confirm such destruction in writing. The return or destruction may be requested

11、at any time during the term of this Agreement and up to but not later than three (3) months after its expiration. The obligation to return or destroy copies of Information shall not apply to copies the receiving Party retains for the purpose of evidencing content and course of the discussions.在另一方要求

12、时,任一方应立即向披露方返还或销毁从其处获得的所有书面信息或其他纪录的信息(包括任何复印件,如有)和以及从该方获得的样品。接受方应书面确认该类销毁。该类返还或销毁要求可在本协议有效期内随时提出且该类返还或销毁最晚应不晚于本协议终止后三(3)个月内。返还或销毁信息的复印件的义务不适用于接受方保留用于证明谈判内容和过程的复印件。2.4 For personal data, each Party shall comply with the regulations of privacy legislation and shall take required technical and organiza

13、tional measures to protect such data, for example, but not limited to, authorized access, unauthorized modification or passing on, in particular in case of transmission of such data in a network.对于个人数据,各方应遵守隐私立法方面的法规,同时,应采取必要的技术和组织措施保护以保护该类个人数据,例如(但不仅限于此):保护私有数据不受未授权的访问、修改和传递(尤其是个人数据在网络中的传递)。3. RIGH

14、TS, WARRANTY, LIABILITY 权利、担保、责任3.1 No title, license, copyright or any other rights are granted expressly or implied under this Agreement and by the exchange of Information regardless whether or not covered by industrial property rights. 无论是否被工业产权涵盖,任何权利、许可、版权或任何其他权利,均未通过本协议或本协议项下信息交换以明示或暗示方式授予。 In

15、 case one Party is interested in the acquisition of a respective license, this shall be subject to a separate agreement. 如果一方有兴趣获得相关的许可,需另外订立协议。3.2 Nothing in this Agreement constitutes, implied or expressly, any representation or warranty by the disclosing Party regarding completeness, faultlessness, merchantability, fitness for purpose, or freedom of third parties rights of the Information made accessible hereunder. Likewise, by virtue of this Agreement the disclosing Party assumes no liability for any damages incurred by the receiving Party, or any third party, as a consequence of



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