四年级下英语教案Unit 10 Mocky’s store北师大版三起

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1、指导思想与理论依据(一)课标倡导建设性学习,注重科学探究的学习,关注体验性学习,提倡交流与合作、自主创新学习,在新知识的学习过程中采取以旧代新的滚动式的学习方法。在本节课中采用新课标倡导的英语教学理念, 体现以学生为本的教学思想,以学生的生活经验和认知发展水平为基本出发点, 采用体验, 实践, 参与, 探究和合作的教学方式培养学生综合运用语言的能力,通过丰富教学活动的设计,使学生们的形象思维得以训练和发展。注重引导学生主动参与动口,动手,动脑等活动,调动学生多种感官,强化听说两种技能的训练与提高。 (二)教学中,学生在学习某一项知识之前,头脑里并非一片空白。他们通过日常生活的各种经历,形成了对

2、事物的形形色色的看法,养成了一套他们独有的思维方式。教学上称这种学生的想法为“相异构想”。通过讨论对话,在学生的头脑中引起冲突,对“相异构想”进行修正,或者拓展、完善。这样的学习,称之为“有意义学习”。对教师而言,进行的就是启发式教学。理论与实践都证明:如果仅是告诉学生什么是正确的,而学生的“相异构想”没有得到冲突与纠正,过后又会把错误的反映出来。所以,在本堂课中,应用提问的方式,使学生的头脑中产生碰撞思考和猜想,并结合“合作学习”的方式,与同伴共同学习。 教材分析1、教材分析本单元的故事以Mockys store为背景,讲述了Lulu和Danny到Mocky的小商店去购物,后来Uncle B

3、ooky发现Mocky卖的物品属于自己,于是向Mocky指出来的故事。本单元主要的语言现象是表达自己的购物需求,并进行询问。例如:Can I help you? I want a Do you have one? Can I have the blue one?本单元故事中的话语较多,会对学生的学习造成一定的困难。2、学情分析学生在三年级上学期曾经接触过购物用语,例如How much? Here is the money.等故事中的一些词汇在以前的教学中也有所接触,例如:camera, hat. 句子:I want a Do you? What are you doing? Whose are

4、 they?等在以前的教学中也有过深入学习,为学生理解本单元的故事提供了保证。 来源:学科网ZXXK教学目标:知识目标:1. 结合插图、录音,理解故事的内容。用正确的语音语调朗读故事。来源:学科网ZXXK 2. 初步掌握用英语表达购物需求。能力目标:1. 通过学习,培养学生对插图的观察能力,对故事的表达能力。 2. 培养学生抓住重点词句理解课文内容,体验语言的能力。情感目标:通过学习Mocky错卖了Uncle Booky的东西的情节,告诉学生未经允许不能擅自使用他人东西的道理,帮助学生从小养成尊重他人的好习惯。教学重、难点 重点:对故事的整体感知、理解,并在故事中体会用英语表达购物需求。难点:

5、对自己购物需求的表达。词汇:magazine, sell, selling, thing.课 型 故事教学 教学环节 一、导入23min Say a chant. Can you tell me, What are these in Mockys store?二、呈现78min(一)呈现故事背景23min 1、引出:store来源:学+科+网This Sunday is May 12th. Its a special day. Do you know what day it is? Yes, its Mothers Day. (1)让学生将单词卡片都贴在黑板上,教师用简笔画勾勒出商店的样子。I

6、 want to buy something for my mother. What is it?学生:store 教师板书:store (2)先让学生看看图片,拓展,让学生说说还有什么样的商店。 Look, this is a bookstore, and this is a fruit store, how about this? 提问:What is it? 学生:store 教师板书:store2、展示主题图1,对学生说:(1)教师:This is a store, too. Look, what can you see in this store?(2)让学生说一说图片内容:学生应该

7、会说:I can see/ This is a(3)观察图片,提问:What is Mocky doing? ( He is writing. ) What is he writing? ( Mockys store. )Whose store is it? ( Mockys store. )(4)板书:Mockys store(5)Guess, what does Mocky want to do? 学生说:开商店,卖东西。 Yes, he wants to sell things. 引出“sell”seller”(二)整体呈现故事45min 1、初次观看教学光盘。(1) 提出问题。Ok,

8、lets watch. And then tell me: How many people are there in the story? Who are they?来源:学_科_网(2) 观看教学光盘。(3) 回答问题。 How many people are there in the story? ( four )Who are they? ( Mocky, Lulu, Danny, Uncle Booky )贴人物头像。2、二次观看教学光盘。 (1)提出问题: Mocky sells in this store. Who come here buy things? 板书:buy buye

9、rWhat does Lulu/Danny buy?Lets watch the story again, then tick it. (2)二次观看教学光盘,深入感知故事。 (3)回答问题Camera, hat, clock, magazine将学生说到的物品从商店中拿出,贴在头像下面。 三、故事细节(一)学习图2至图4. 1、重点学习图2和图3提出问题:Mocky wants to sell things, he is a seller. Lulu comes.What s Mocky say to Lulu? 学生可能会说出或者What can I do for you?板书:Can I

10、 help you?再问:What does Lulu want?Lulu likes taking photos, so she wants a new camera. What s Lulu say?Does Mocky have a camera? Now, lets watch how does Lulu buy a camera? 呈现PPT图2和图3,让学生读读,再分角色表演。2、学习图4 (1)What are these in Mockys hand? What color? What s Mocky say to Lulu? If you are Mocky, what wo

11、uld you say? But there are two hats here, which one does Lulu want? Does Lulu like it? If Lulu like the orange one ,he will say(2)If you dont like the hats, what should you say? Sorry, I dont like it. 3、练习(1)让第一个学生做Mocky,再找一名学生为Lulu,依次对话。 (2)教师再展开三组,同时进行。 (3)反馈一组。 。(二)学习图5、图6. 1、提出问题:Lulu has a came

12、ra and a hat. But what does Danny want? 让学生充分的说说,让学生说出clock2、展示图5和图6。 Yes,you are right. Danny wants a clock. 贴图片,学习“clock”。Where is our clock?Please, look at the pictures, can you guess, What are they talking about? 3、播放图5、图6. 来源:Zxxk.Com(三)学习图7、图81、出示图7. What does Lulu want this time? A book? List

13、en. 2、教师拿着杂志学习magazine,指导发音。3.两人分角色朗读(四)学习图9至图11 1、展示Mocky卖东西的图片,提出问题::(1) What is Mocky doing?He is selling (2) Is Mocky happy?Yes.(3) 出示受批评的图片,问:Is Mocky happy?No。Why?2、播放图911。3、回答问题。There are so many things in Mockys store. But whose things are they? Are they Mockys?把所有东西都贴在Uncle Booky头像下面。No,The

14、y are Uncle Bookys. Do you think Mocky can sell those things? No, he cant. 4、We know a lot of story of Mocky.Is Mocky a good monkey?同桌讨论。 He shouldnt sell Uncle Bookys things. He should ask Uncle Booky first.四、巩固练习9min 1、跟读光盘。(边读边做动作)2、跟读录音,指读。3、和录音一起读。4、分角色示范(四人)。5、小组练习, 教师巡视。6、反馈两至三组。 五、提高扩展。2min 1、让学生观看图片 Now, look, Mocky has a really store. Bobby comes and wants somethings. What are they talking?2、让学生试着说说。3、让一组学生示范。 六、小结与作业 2min(一)小


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