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1、 小学四年级英语下册摸底测试卷姓名: 班级: 一、单项选择(10分) ( ) 1. What are those? -_ A.They are tomato. B. They are sheep. C. They are sheeps. ( ) 2._ I go outside now? A.Can B. Do C. Are ( ) 3. Are these yours? -_ A、Yes,they are. B、Yes,it is. C、No,they are.( ) 4._ time is it? A.Where B. What C. Whats ( ) 5.Whats the weath

2、er like _ Beijing? A. in B. on C. at ( ) 6. Is this the _office? A. teacher B. teachers C. teacher s( ) 7. Do you have _art room? A. a B. an C. / ( ) 8. Its time _ go to bed. A.to B. for C. at ( )9. Where is the library? -_A. Yes, we do. B. Its on the second floor. C. No, it isnt. ( )10. Whose pants

3、 are these? -_ A. They are Mikes. B. Its Mikes. C. They are my.二、判断每组单词中划线部分发音,相同的打对(),不同的打错()。(10分)( ) 1. A dinner B water ( )2. A apple B leg ( ) 3. A bike B fish ( )4. A shirt B girl( ) 5. A fork B homework 三、情景选择(10分) ( )1. 你想知道现在的时间,你应说: A.What time is it now ? B.What colour is it ? ( )2.你想问对方图

4、书馆在哪里,你应说: A.Where is the library? B.Do you have a library?( )3.询问别人今天厦门天气怎么样,你应该说: A. Whats the weather like in Xiamen? B. Wheres the library?( )4.询问别人这是谁的短裤时,你应该说: A.Whose pants are these? B. Whose pants is it?( )5.当你在电话里介绍自己时,你应该说: A.Hello. This is Mark. B. Hello. I am Mark. 四、按要求完成句子(10分)(1)、 Wh

5、ose hat is this? (仿写句子) (2)、-Are they potatoes? (作肯定回答) -Yes, _ _. (3)、Whose shoes are these? (写出答语:它们是Mike的。) _(4)、Sarah,你能帮帮我么?(汉译英) _.(5)、Those are green beans.(对划线部分提问) 五、读一读,选一选 (10分) ( )1.Wheres the library? A. Its 4 oclock.( )2.Whats the weather? B. Its on the first floor. ( )3. Can I go outs

6、ide now? C. No, I dont.( )4. What time is it? D. Its sunny.( )5. Do you have a TV? E .Yes, you can.六、阅读小短文,选择正确答案。(10分) My name is Amy. Im a student. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7:00. Now, its 7:30. Its time to go to school. Its 3:45. Its time forPE class. My P.E teacher is Mr. White.( ) 1.

7、 Its . Its time to get up. A. eight oclock B. six oclock C. six fifteen( ) 2. She goes to school at . . A. seven thirty B. seven oclock C. seven twenty ( ) 3. Its 3:45. Its time for . . A. breakfast B. computer class C. PE class ( )4. Whos her PE teacher? A. Miss Liu B. Miss White C. Mr. White( )5. What is Amy? Shes a . . A. teacher B. student C. farmer



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