四年级上册英语教学设计Unit6 Period4人教PEP

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1、四年级上册 Unit 6 Meet My Family! 第四课时教学设计一、教学内容四年级上级Unit 6 Part B Lets learn, Lets do二、教学目标1、知识与技能目标:(1)能听、说、读新授单词,baseball player, driver, farmer, doctor, nurse.(2)能综合运用句型:Whats he? He is a . He is . He likes .2、情感态度:培养学生从小树立远大理想的情感。3、文化目标:了解多种职业的特征。三、教学重点难点1、重点:掌握5个单词的读音。2、难点:掌握句型:Whats he? He is a .

2、四、学生情况说明 通过第三册第三单元的学习,同学们对人物特征的描述He / She is .和爱好He / She likes . 已经有了较好的掌握,为本单元的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是如何将分散的语言点进行整合、拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用。在教学时,教师要通过创设情景,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教学活动,将新旧知识有机结合,对本单元知识加以强化,从而让学生更好地掌握和拓展职业这一话题。本案例是第六单元的第四课时。学生在前面已学过人物特征的描述和爱好等内容。因此,这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识

3、的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。六、课前准备 单词卡片、若干图片、录音机、多媒体设备、职业道具。七、教学步骤Step 1: Warm-up(1) Sing the song: If you are happy.T: Today its a sunny day, are you happy? Lets sing a happy song.设计意图通过学生喜欢的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,学生开心地进入今天的课堂。来源:学科网ZXXKStep 2: Lead-in(1) T: Its a sunny day, lets go to the Guidu Park. How do you

4、get there? (导入自然,不露痕迹。) Guess. (CAI) T: Every box has a car, you can choose, and then drive that car.设计意图通过宝盒中奖,激发学生兴趣,自然引入接下来的教学。(drive the bus / drive the jeep / drive the car)Step 3: Presentation and practice1. Teach driver(1) drive the car, drive the car, I can drive the car. So I am a driver. d

5、river设计意图渗透字母组合发音,为语音学习打下基础。(2) Read after the teacher with body language. (带上肢体语言,加深印象。)(3) Who want to be a driver?(4) Whats he / she? He / She is a driver.(5) Role play: To be a driver, who drives fast? But when you drive a car, you should be carefully.设计意图单词与句型紧密结合,通过比赛,活跃氛围,并运用到实际生活中去,体现“学以致用”教

6、学理念,并进行德育教育,小心驾驶。2. Teach farmer(1) T: Lets drive the car to the farm. (CAI shows the word farm)来源:Zxxk.Com(2) Let Ss listen to the poem:悯农. T:Whats he ? farmer (3) Ss read: farmer, farmer, He is a farmer.(4) T: Guess, whats the farmers hobby? S1: He is a farmer. He likes . (CAI) Ss: He is a farmer.

7、 He likes playing balls.设计意图通过猜爱好,将新旧知识有机结合,达到知识循环的目的;听学生熟悉的古诗,既自然呈现新知,又能很好地渗透德育教育。farmer farmer给学生渗透部分名词后面加er可以表示一类人的概念。3. Teach baseball player(1) T: What kinds of balls do you like? S1: I like .(2) T: The farmer likes playing many kinds of balls. Look! (CAI) football, Beckham football playerbaske

8、tball, Yao Ming basketball playerPing Pong, Kong Linghui Ping Pong player(Teach the word: player)baseball, a boy baseball player(3) Ss read: player, player, a baseball player(4) (T shows a toy baseball stick)T: Im a baseball player.(T pass it to S1) T: Whats he? S: Hes a baseball player.设计意图从学生喜欢的球类

9、和球类明星入手,生动、直观,扩大了知识面,又为新知识的呈现降低了难度,整个过程清晰、流畅。通过表演棒球运动员的方法来提高学生的学习兴趣。4. Teach doctor(1) I hurt my head, who can help me? We should call 120. doctor (CAI出示救护车)导入自然,不露痕迹。(2) Ss read: Doctor, doctor, he is a doctor.来源:学科网ZXXK(3) T: I dont like doctors. What about you? S1: I like / dont like doctors. T:

10、So I eat an apple a day. Because there is a saying An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ss read the sentence.(4) Let Ss sing the song: An apple a day.(5) Whats the doctors hobbys?设计意图复习旧歌曲,既活跃了课堂氛围,也使新知识进一步得到巩固。5. Teach nurse(1) Who can help the doctor ? nurse(2) Read after T with body language.(3)

11、 T shows a nurse cap and puts it on a girls head and asks: Whats she? nurse来源:学科网(4) Ss read: Nurse, nurse, she is a nurse.(5) S: Nurse, nurse, I/m ill. (老师假装打针)设计意图将生活带进学生课堂,创设语境,从学到用,强调真实,增强语言交际的真实感。Step 4: Consolidation and extension1. Review the words(1) Read all the words with the body language

12、.(2) Read after the little teacher. (请小老师带读) T: Whats he? S: Hes a little teacher. (处处与句型相结合,使学生懂得运用,达到学习语言的真正目的。)(3) Fast reaction. In every group, a student goes to the blackboard, the others read the word according to the teachers gesture. The students in front of the blackboard point to the pict

13、ure as quickly as possible.(4) Ss practise: Lets do. 设计意图复习所学单词,通过肢体语言,小老师带读,快速反应,能反应学生的程度。2. (CAI)Task: “我为梅州亚运做点事”2025年亚运会即将在梅州举行,你能为亚运做点什么呢?想成为什么职业呢?说说你的理由。每一组选一名介绍者,并完成表格。设计意图培养学生的合作意识,增加交际氛围,引导学生结合语境,促进学生的实践能力,增强民族荣誉感。Step 5: Homework来源:Zxxk.Com1. 把你喜欢的职业名称,做成2张卡片,写上单词。2. Ask your friends or your relatives about their jobs.设计意图引导学生将在课堂上获取的语言信息运用在自己的实际生活中。


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