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1、Unit4 My home A lets learn 课型:新授 讲学时间:1课时【学习目标】来源:学科网1.能够听、说、认读单词bedroom,living room,study,kitchen,bathroom。2.能够熟练运用句型Wheres Amy ?Is she in the study? Yes, She is. / No, she isnt.进行询问并作出回答。重点 能够听、说、认读单词bedroom,living room,study,kitchen,bathroom难点 kitchen和study的发音。【新知预习】自我展示平台我会学我猜,我想,我读: student +um

2、brella +dy = study b+ father + mouth +room= bathroombed + room = bedroom给下列图片选择正确的单词或词组。 A.living room B. kitchen C. bathroom D. study E. bedroom1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 【课堂探究】一、同学们,你能说出下列相应的房间吗?We watch TV in the_.We read a book in the _.We have a snack in the _.We take a shower in the _

3、.We have a sleep in the _.二、拆拼法记单词来源:学&科&网这是把一个生词分成一个已经认识的单词和另外一个或几个字母,或者把一个生词分成两个或两个以上的单词来记忆的方法。例如:football=foot+ball来源:Zxxk.Com【针对练习】你能利用拆拼法记忆下列单词吗? (1) classroom=_+_ (2) bathroom=_+_ (3)bedroom=_+_ (4)schoolbag=_+_三、Is she/he in the?该句是一般疑问句,询问某人是否在某处,它的回答方式分为肯定回答和否定回答。肯定回答:Yes, shehe is.否定回答:No,

4、 shehe isnt.【针对练习】 (1)Is he in the living room? 肯定回答_(2)Is she in the study? 否定回答_【针对练习】一、选出与下列房间名称对应的活动。( )1. study A.read a book( )2. kitchen B. watch TV( )3. bedroom C. have a snack( )4.bathroom D. take a shower( )5.living room E. have a nap二、情景选择( )1.想问Amy在哪里时,你可以说:A.Is it in your hand? B.Where

5、is my pen? C.Where is Amy?( )2.当想让对方去厨房时,可以说:A.Go to the kitchen. B.Go to the bedroom. C.Go to the bathroom.( )3.想让对方休息一会时,可以说:A.Have a snack B. Take a shower. C.Have a nap.( )4.当想问钢笔是否在对方的书桌里时,你可以说:来源:学科网A.Yes,the pen is in your desk. B.Is the pen in your desk? C.Is the pen on your desk?参考答案一、来源:学科网ZXXK1.A 2. C 3. E 4. D 5.B二、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 【课后反思】学后反思 你得到了几个笑脸?_


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