语言学知识点 语言学简明教程胡壮麟版

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1、DefinitionA卷 Phonetics 语言学 (P17)Phonetics is the field of language study concerning the physical properties of sounds and speech sounds.Minimal pairs 最小辨立对 (P42)They are made up of similar sound sequence except for the difference of one sound in the corresponding position.Open-class 开放类词 (P66)They a

2、re indefinitely extendable. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and many adverbs are all open-class words.Invariable words 可变化词 (P67)Invariable words refer to those words such as conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, etc. . T hey do not have inflective endings.Morpheme 语素 (P68) In linguistics, the minimal

3、 unit of meaning is called morpheme.Compounds 复合词 (P69) Compounds consist wholly of free morphemes.Derivation 派生 (P72) Derivation is the process in which new words are created from already existing words through affixation.Pragmatics 语用学 (P150) Pragmatics is a study of the intended meaning of speake

4、rs in a particular context.Blending 缩合 (P187) Blending here means to form a new word by joining the initial part of a word and the initial or final part of another word together.Dissimilation 异化 (P189)This occurs when one of two similar or identical sounds in a word change in such a way that it beco

5、mes less similar to the other.B卷 Articulatory phonetics 发声语音学 (P18)It studies the sound units from the angle of how each sound segment is articulated. Diphthongs (P)There are vowels which may be described as a sequence of two sounds, or the glide from one vowel position to another. Minimal pairs最小辨立

6、对 (P42)They are made up of similar sound sequence except for the difference of one sound in the corresponding position. Closed-class 封闭类词 (P66)Words in this class cannot normally be extended by the reation of additional members. Stem 词干 (P70)A stem is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to whic

7、h an inflectional affix can be added.Conversion 转化 (P75)Conversion is actually the derivational process whereby a word is adapted or converted to a new word-class without the addition of an affix.Text 语篇 (P112)A text is a chunk of language spoken or written for communication in actual circumstances.

8、Theme 主位 (P113)Theme is the point of departure in a sentence. The rest of the clause is called the Rheme(述位).Assimilation 同化 (P189)Assimilation is a sound becomes more similar to its adjacent sound.Idiolect 个人方言 (P202)Idiolect refers to the characteristics of an individuals speech.Write the sources

9、of the following Latin abbreviation and translate them into Chinese P85cf. :confer 参看 etc.:et cetera 等等 et al.:et alii 以及其他等等 vs. :versus 对 e.g.:exemmpli gratia 例如 id.:idem 同上 a.m.:ante meridiem 午前 p.m.:post meridiem 午后 l.c.:loco citato 在上述引文中 sec.:secundum 根据 Disambiguate the following sentences by

10、 providing two unambiguous interpretations.P110 P157 We have greater interest in our environment than the younger generation. We have greater interest in our environment than the younger generation do. We have greater interest in our environment than in the younger generation. There were more wealth

11、y farmers than you young industrialists. There were farmers more wealthy than you young industrialists. There were more wealthy farmers than there were you young industrialists. They need more highly trained teachers. They need teachers who are more highly trained. They need more teachers who are hi

12、ghly trained. The long drill was boring. The long drill was making a hole. The drill that lasted for a long time was boring. It takes a good ruler to make a straight line. Only a good leader can make a proper policy. Only with a good rule can we draw a straight line. The Congressman is a dirty stree

13、t fighter. The Congressman is fighting to make the streets cleaner. The Congressman is like a dishonest guy who fights in the street. The piglet is too hot to eat. The piglet is so hot that it is unable to eat anything. The piglet is served so hot that we cannot eat it. Old men and women will be ser

14、ved first. Old men will be served first and so will be women. Old men and old women will be served first. They are moving machines. The workers are moving machines. These are the machines that can move. John loves Bill more than Emma. John loves Bill more than Emma does. John loves Bill more than he

15、 loves Emma. They laughed at the colorful ball. They laughed in the colorful dancing party. They showed open scorn for the colorful ball. He said he would file it on Monday. He said he would file the document on Monday. He said he would smooth it with a file on Monday.Semantic triangle(语义三角)P135 Reference (e.g. thought, concept, mental image) 指称意义(即,想法、概念和大脑中的意



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