五年级下册英语课件-Unit1 My day第三课时 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共23张PPT)

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《五年级下册英语课件-Unit1 My day第三课时 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共23张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下册英语课件-Unit1 My day第三课时 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共23张PPT)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 My day,第三课时 Part A Lets spell,教学目标,1.学生能够听懂、朗读该部分所列举的单词、扩大词汇量。,2.学生能掌握该课时列举的单词中字母组合“cl”和“pl”的发音规律。,3.学生能够在四线三格上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范、正确。,教学重难点,1.掌握字母组合“cl”和“pl”在单词中的发音规律。,2.能够读出符合字母组合“cl”和“pl”发音规律的单词。,Warm-up,Sharp eyes,do morning exercises,play sports,finish class,have science class,go back to sc

2、hool,eat breakfast,go to bed,A: When do you get up?,B: I usually get up at 5:30.,( At 5:30.),A: When do you go to bed?,B: At 6 oclock in the morning. I work at night.,A: When do you usually finish class in the morning?,B: We usually finish class at 11:20.,clean the room,clock,have English class,Engl

3、ish,Hes _.,clever,plate,eggplant,please,play,Lets spell,clean clock class clever,play plate please plant,cl/ kl /,pl/ pl /,Lets spell,单词闯关,clock clean clothes clear class clap close cloudy uncle bicycle play plate plane plant player playing please eggplant people purple,Lets chant,Please clean your plate. Please clean your plate. No more eggplant, no more peas. So clean your plate. Please, please, please.,Lets spell,Lets spell,Homework,朗读本课时课本上的单词和句子,并练习所学字母组合的发音。,Thank you for watching,


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