四年级上英语单元测试Unit 10 Revision深港朗文版

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1、Unit 10 Revision【知识要点】 Koko的话:小朋友,这个单元是复习课。你能用在前几个单元学习的内容完成以下的任务吗? 1请你用英文说出春节你打算做什么事情吗? 2你能帮你家附近的购物中心写一张宣传单吗?你可以按照书上69页Pat 的模式写哦。 3下面的单词、词组和句子你会听、会说、会读、会写吗? 1)bread, butter, coffee, eggs, fried chicken, meat, rice, tofu, a sandwich, dumplings, a bowl of moodles; 2)buy new clothes, clean the house, e

2、at a big dinner, get lucky money, say “Happy New Year”,visit family and friends; 3)What would you like?Id like 4)We have some,but we dont have any 5)Are there anyor ?Yes, there are someand 6)What are you going to do?Im going to 同学们也买了不少东西,看一下有些什么?选词填空。 twelverun in a racedraw a picture whenwhose the

3、se betweenon the ground floora piece of matter any some 1What are you going to do on Sports Day? Im going to . 2What s the ? Im ill. 3Where is the toilet? Its the cinema and the restaurant. 4 game is that? Its their game. 5Are your lunchboxes? Yes, they are. 6Do you have bread? Yes ,I have . 7Where

4、is the bank? Its . 8 is Teachers Day? Its on September 10. 9I am going to for my mothers birthday. 10There are months in a year. 11What would you like? Id like cake. 将左右两边单词加在一起组成新词。 blackother= sandboard= blackboard suncastle= lunchglasses= anbox= beshop= bookmarket= supercream= iceside= Pat 回到了家,今

5、天是谁在做晚餐呢?请根据情景,用1,2,3给句子排顺序。( )And we dont have any rice, either.( )Pat , your mum is out . Im in the kitchen. Come and help me .( )Is there any meat?( )Im going to cook dinner.( )Oh, no! Lets go to the market and buy some food for dinner.( )Im back, Mum. Where are you?( )OK, Dad. What are you doing

6、?( )NO, there isnt.P: Chinese New Year is coming soon. What are we going to do?M: First , we are going to clean our house. Pat ,can you draw some red packets?P: Sure, Mum.D: And I can put on the decorations.P: Mum, are we going to buy mew clothes tomorrow?M: Yes. we are going to wear new clothes at

7、Chinese New Year.P: Are we going to see Uncle Lee, Dad?D: Yes, we are. And we are going to have a big dinner with him.P: Thats great. I like Chinese New Year. I can get lots of lucky money. And its going to be lots of fun.妈妈回来了,全家人一起高高兴兴地吃晚餐。他们在饭桌上谈起了今年春节的安排,请根据他们的新年计划回答下面的问题。 1What are they going t

8、o do first? . 2What can Pat do? . 3When are they going to buy new clothes? . 4Who are they going to visit? . 5Are they going to have a big dinner with Uncle Lee? . 6Does Pat like Chinese New Year? .NovemberSunMonTueWedThuFriSat123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930TodayTo the Botanical

9、GardensVisit my grandparentsFathers birthday这是Ken十一月的记录,请你仔细看一看,并回答问题。 1What day is today? 2What is the date? 3What day is tomorrow? 4What is Ken going to do on November 29? 5When is Kens fathers birthday? 5Where was Ken going on November 15? 【静坐凝思】 100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( ) 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( ) 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )


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