五年级上册英语教案Module8Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school外研版三起

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1、Module8 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amysschool教案【教学目标】1. 知识与技能 (1)学生能听懂,会读“三会”单词:bell. rang(ring 的过去式)(2)学生能听懂、读、会说句型 yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school. I skipped with girls. The bell rang at nine oclock. We went into the classroom. (3)能谈论别人的作息时间安排。2.过程与方法合作学习,小组学习,交往式学习3.情感态度和价值观(1)感受中

2、西两国不同的校园生活习惯,培养学生的跨文化意识。(2)培养学生学会增进友谊。【教学重点】学生能结合第 8 模块第 1 单元和第 2 单元描述学校生活。【教学难点】学生能正确发音 rang 这个单词【教学方法】1. 教法(1) Listening to the tape.(2)Using PPT(3)Group work.(4)Using cards.2. 学法来源:学科网ZXXK(1) Listening to the tape.(2)Learning through the PPT.(3)Work in groups.4.Learning words with the cards.【课前准备

3、】PPT, computer, tape-recorder, tape, cards【课时安排】 1个课时【教学过程】一、Warming up and Revision1. Revision(1)Lets sing 教师与学生一起唱歌,感受学生一天的生活。(2)Lets followSharpSPPT呈现之前学过的动词词组,让学生抢答,看谁反应快。(3)根据给出的时间进行回答。 教师请学生参考给出的图片进行回答。 (4) 根据给出的图片进行句子的表达。2. Lead in.Listen and chant 教师请学生观看动画,回答思考问题Does Amys house near the sch

4、ool?When does Amys school start? 学生思考并在文本中画出答案,教师再加以拓展知识点二、Presentation1.Listen and read(1)New wordsdo morning exercises play in the playground 来源:学科网bell rang(2)Match and say (3)考考你的记忆力按单词消失的先后顺序读单词。(4)教师播放动画,学生回答问题Answer the questions1. Where did Lingling go yesterday? 2. Do children do morning ex

5、ercises here?3. Do children play in the playground in the morning? 4. What time do children start school in the UK?5. What do children do in the playground?6.What did Lingling do with the girls? (5)Language PointIn the UK they dont start school at eight oclock.在英国他们不用八点上课。 dont (完全形式)do not I dont l

6、ike apples.The bell rang at nine oclock. 铃声在九点响了。 主语+动词过去式+其他。 I went home with you yesterday.(6)Read and fill in the blanks 1.Lingling went to school.2. Their school starts at .3. Children dont in the UK.4. Lingling with the girls in the playground.5. They went into the when the bell rang. (7)英汉互译1

7、. 我昨天去了艾米的学校。 .2. They all play in the playground.3. 铃声在九点钟响了。 .(8)Retell the story.根据图片,通过给出的图片,进行复述课文。 Lingling went to yesterday.In the UK children start school at . Before school starts, they . Lingling with the girls in theplayground. At nine oclock, the bell . 来源:学,科,网And children the classroo

8、m. (9)Have a try假如你要邀请Lingling和Amy去你的学校参观。试着写一封信给他们。 2. Mime , ask and answer 两个同学一个小组,进行哑剧表演。 三、Practice1.Do and say根据给出的表格进行问答。2.小练习1. He goes swimming.(改为否定句)2. She skipped with the girls.(改为一般疑问句) 3. 3. Did they do morning exercises ?(作否定回答)3.Listen and repeat (1)呈现内容,教师请学生跟读(2)连线四、Summary重点单词:来

9、源:Zxxk.Comrang bell play in the playground do morning exercises 重点句子:Lingling skipped with the girls. 来源:学科网ZXXK玲玲和女孩们一起跳绳。 五、 Homework1.Watch the video again.2.Write a letter. 【板书设计】 Module8Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys schoolrang 响 bell 铃声 play in the playground在操场上玩 do morning exercises 做早操 Lingling skipped with the girls. 玲玲和女孩们一起跳绳。


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