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1、新疆农业大学 硕士学位论文 小豆种质资源遗传多样性的RAPD分析及生态类群遗传关系研究 姓名:文自翔 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:作物遗传育种 指导教师:金文林;曲延英 20040501 中文摘要 小豆起源于我国有悠久的栽培历史研究野生半野生栽培型小豆群体的遗 传多样性对进一步明确小豆的起源进化传播途径具有重要的科学意义 本研究应用 RAPD 分子标记并结合植株形态性状特征鉴定对来自中国日本 韩国不丹尼泊尔越南 6 国的小豆种质资源群体的遗传多样性进行了检测和分析 筛选出 27 条 RAPD 随机引物检测到 285 条带有 261 条具有多态性占 92.98% 三个类型小豆都有其自身特征带遗传离

2、散度大小顺序是野生型半野生型栽培 型其遗传分化系数大小顺序野生型半野生型栽培型从分化系数差异看半 野生型小豆更接近野生型小豆从相似系数平均值来看半野生型小豆材料之间亲缘 关系较近而处在进化两极的野生型材料之间栽培型材料之间亲缘关系都较远来 自我国西南以及日本南部二个地区的小豆材料遗传离散度较大遗传分化系数相似 系数平均值较低聚类分析结果表明163 个小豆材料以遗传相似系数 0.32 为截值 可分为 8 大类归类有较明显的地理相关性及遗传类型的趋同性 对在北京地区能正常生长发育的84份不同进化类型小豆群体植株形态性状鉴定表 明同一生态类型群体内群体间都存在显著的形态多样性从性状平均值的变化趋 势

3、来看在野生型小豆向栽培型小豆演化的过程中株高相关因子如株高顶蔓 主茎节数及全生育日数均值逐渐变小产量相关因子百粒重单株荚数逐渐变 大半野生型小豆的这些性状上表现出野生与栽培型折中的形态特征野生小豆在所 考察的十个性状上平均多样性指数达 0.9725半野生及栽培型小豆十个性状上平均多 样性指数相对较高两者之间差异不明显植株形态性状所揭示的小豆群体遗传多样 性分化趋势与 RAPD 分子标记分析得到的结果相一致 关 键 词小豆种质资源RAPD遗传多样性遗传演化 新疆农业大学硕士学位论文 RAPD Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Genetic Relationsh

4、ip among Ecotypes of Adzuki beans (Vigna angularis ) Germplasm Postgraduate: Wen Zi-xiang Crop Genetic and Breeding Supervised by: Pro. Jin Wen-Lin Abstract Adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) originated from our nation, and had long cultivation history. It is very important to detect the genetic diversit

5、y of wild ,weedy and cultivated adzuki beans for further researching the process of diffusion, evolution and the origin of adzuki bean germplasm resources. RAPD variation was assessed in 163 accessions of adzuki bean from China, Japan, Korea, Bhutan, Nepal and Vietnam. 285 bands, including 261 polym

6、orphic bands, were detected by 27 RAPD primers. There were species-specific bands in the three races ;The order of Genetic dispersion was: wild adzuki bean weedy adzuki bean cultivated adzuki bean, and the order of Gst was: wild adzuki beanweedy adzuki beancultivated adzuki bean;The weedy adzuki bea

7、n has close genetic relationship with wild adzuki bean assessed by the difference of genetic dispersion; From the average of genetic similarity coef., relative close genetic relationship was observed in the weedy adzuki bean,whereas the wild and cultivated adzuki bean,as two pole of evolution,have h

8、igh genetic variation;The material from Southwest China and South Japan has relatively high genetic dispersion,low Gst and average of genetic similarity coef; The cluster analysis showed that eight groups can be clustered when genetic similarity coef. was given as 0.32. It appeared that the cluster

9、has obviously associated with the genetic races and different adzuki bean geographical regions. The morphological characteristics of different ecotypes of adzuki bean germplasm resources which could grew normally in Beijing were conducted in the present study. The results showed that the morphologic

10、al diversity was high among and in different ecotypes. In the process of evolution from wild adzuki bean to the cultivated adzuki bean, biometric average of HGT factors (plant high, tip tendril and no.of nods on stem) and MAT reduced based on the analysis of biometric average changing trend. Weed ad

11、zuki bean showed intermediate features between wild and cultivated adzuki bean. The average diversity index of weed and cultivated races of adzuki bean had no significant difference, and both were relatively higher than that of wild adzuki bean (0.9725). The results on genetic diversity diversity an

12、d differentiation among various ecotypes revealed from morphological and agronomic traits coincided with the conclusion obtained from molecular marker analysis. Key wordsAdzuki bean or Azuki bean (Vigna angularis);Germplasm resources;RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA); Genetic diversity;Genetic

13、 evolution 小豆种质资源遗传多样性的 RAPD 分析及生态类型遗传关系研究 ii 致 谢 本论文完成之际我首先要感谢导师金文林教授两年来的悉心指导和 热情细致的关怀金先生渊博的知识宽阔的思维严谨的治学态度和永 无止境的创新 开拓精神时刻鞭策着我 将永远激励我以后的工作和学习 恩师的教诲将使我终生受益在此谨向恩师致以衷心的谢意 我还要感谢本课题组濮绍京 赵波老师 技术工人雷广军对我的学习 生活多方面的关心与帮助 在这样一个团结 进取的小集体里我受益非浅 实验期间还得到遗传教研室郭蓓老师中心实验室于同泉主任路苹老师 的指导和帮助2000 农学班王鹏同学10111 农学甲班王瑜李志鹏同学

14、参与了部分实验及数据录入工作在此一并致谢 在新疆农业大学农学院学习期间得到姚源松教授曲延英副教授等老 师的关怀教导在做硕士学位论文期间还得到了北京农学院科学技术与 研究生工作处领导的关怀和帮助 在学业即将完成之际向所有曾关心帮助过我的师长同学向给 予我莫大支持与理解的家人朋友致以真挚的谢意 文自翔 2004 年 5 月 英文缩略语 缩 略 语 全 称 注 释 A F L P A m p l i f i e d F r a g m e n t L e n g t h P o l y m o r p h i s m 扩增片段长度多态性 BR Plant Branch 主茎分枝 BSA Bulked

15、 segregant analysis 分离体分组混合分析法 cM centiMorgans 厘摩 CSW 100 Seed Weight 百粒重 DS Diameter of stem 茎粗 HGT Plant Height 株高 MAS Marker assisted selection 标记辅助育种 MAT Days to Mature 全生育日数 NIL Near isogenic lines 近等基因系 NN No. of nods on stem 主茎节数 PC Pod color 荚色 PCR Polymerase chain reacation 聚合酶链式反应 PPL Pods

16、/plant 单株荚数 Q T L Q u a n t i t a t i v e t r a i t l o c i 数量性状基因座 R A P D R a n d o m l y a m p l i f i e d p o l y m o r p h i c D N A 随机扩增多态性 DNA R E R e s t r i c t i o n e n z y m e s 限制性内切酶 R F L P R e s t r i c t i o n F r a g m e n t P o l y m o r p h i s m 限制性片段长度多态性 SC Seed Color 粒色 S N P S i n g l e N u c l e o t i d e P o l y m o r


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