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1、河南科技大学 硕士学位论文 济慈颂诗的功能文体分析 姓名:孙彩媛 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:邱天河 20080601 摘 要 I 论文题目论文题目 济慈颂诗的功能文体分析济慈颂诗的功能文体分析 专专 业业 外国语言学及应用语言学外国语言学及应用语言学 研研 究究 生生 孙彩媛孙彩媛 指导教师指导教师 邱天河邱天河 教授教授 摘 要摘 要 长期以来语言学和文学研究之间存在着一条鸿沟研究语言的学者不涉及 文学方面的问题而研究文学的学者不涉足语言学的领域这一现象一直持续到 20世纪初现代文体学的出现现代文体学的确立以查理巴利 (Charles Bally, 1865

2、- 1947) 的法语风格学纲要(Traite de Stylistique Fransaise) (1902)一书的出版为 标志它主要采用语言学理论和分析方法研究文学作品从而为语言学和文学研 究之间架起一座桥梁此后文体学一直追随着语言学理论的发展而发展 文体学是一个颇有争议的概念争论的焦点主要是关于形式与意义的关系问 题一些文体学家的文体观或者只注重形式或者只强调意义韩礼德 (Halliday) 的文体观是将二者结合起来因而较好的诠释了文体的性质韩礼德提出文体即 “意义潜势”或“有动因的突出”这一观点是基于语言功能理论之上的韩礼德的 功能语言学理论强调语言在使用过程中具有三种元功能即概念功能

3、人际功能 和谋篇功能这三种元功能在情景语境的制约下通过词汇语法层来表达文章的意 义尽管很多语言学家对这一理论存在不同的看法但相对于传统的文学文体学 分析它提供了一个运用语言学理论进行文体学分析的理论模式和分析框架并 扩大了文体学研究的视野和范围根据这一理论笔者分别从概念功能人际功 能和谋篇功能三个方面对约翰济慈 (John Keats) 的十首颂诗进行分析旨在总结 济慈颂诗中的语言运用情况 济慈是英国浪漫主义时期重要的诗人之一一生写下138首诗其中包括10 首颂诗他对诗歌的贡献主要体现在颂诗创作上很多研究者从不同的角度对济 慈的颂诗进行研究如济慈的思想写作风格在颂诗中的体现等等但是对济 慈的功

4、能文体方面的研究还未引起学者们的注意本文意在探讨济慈颂诗中语言 形式的选择对深化其主题意义的贡献作用同时例证功能文体学的实用性和理 论价值 本文采取描述和统计相结合的方法首先从及物性系统语气系统和主位 结构的角度对济慈的夜莺颂进行个案分析然后分析十首颂诗中的及物性语 气和主位的频率分布情况并将分析结果与语境相结合最后笔者总结了济慈 颂诗的文体特征 本研究结果表明济慈在语言形式的选择上有其较突出的特征从概念功能 摘要 II 角度来看济慈主要选择含有物质过程关系过程和心理过程的小句来表达颂诗 的主题意义其中物质过程所占比例最高它被用来描述现实世界和想象世界中 所发生的与所做的事情其次为关系过程它主

5、要被用来表达诗人对美的赞颂和 对现实世界和想象世界所进行的对比再次为心理过程它则较直接地表达诗人 的所见所闻和所思所想从人际功能角度来看济慈主要运用陈述语气来描述 诗歌的主题残酷的现实世界和美好的想象世界的对比同时表达他对美的向往 和赞颂诗人主要采用一般现在时进行陈述这与文学作品普遍采用过去时态不 同他把自己的所见所闻和所思所想即时的记录下来与读者分享从谋篇功能 来看简单主位成为颂诗中语篇组织的主要方式这一现象表明颂诗中的语言简 洁明了而且76.8%的主位为无标记主位这说明颂诗中的语言比较工整偏离 常规的语言形式较少 本文的分析有助于读者更好地理解济慈的颂诗同时为济慈的诗歌分析提供 新的视角但

6、是由于韩礼德的功能文体学理论和众多其他的理论一样自身存 在需要明确和完善的地方颂诗中的有些语言现象并不一定能通过功能文体学得 到很好的解释这一理论在一定程度上单纯强调数量突出而忽视性质突出通过 对济慈颂诗的分析笔者发现单纯运用这一理论只能识别出诗歌中在小句层 面的突出对于词汇和语法方面的偏离现象无法做出解释而诗歌作为特殊的文 体语言运用中的偏离现象通常会成为它的突出特征因此在对诗歌进行功能 文体分析的过程中笔者建议同时结合Leech 的文学文体学理论进行全面分析 以求更加深入全面的理解诗歌 关关 键键 词词功能文体学 有动因的突出 概念功能 人际功能 谋篇功能 论文类型论文类型应用研究 Abs

7、tract III Subject: The Functional Stylistic Analysis of Keatss Odes Specialty: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Name: Sun Caiyuan Supervisor: Pro. Qiu Tianhe ABSTRACT There seemed to be, for a long time, an insurmountable gap between linguistics and literary studies, with linguists unconc

8、erned with literature and literary researchers taking little care of linguistic theories. This phenomenon went on until modern stylistics was established at the beginning of the 20th century, marked with the publication of Charles Ballys Traite de Stylistique Fransaise (1902). Modern stylistics empl

9、oyed linguistic theories and methodologies to study literary works, which set up a bridge between linguistics and literary studies. Afterwards, stylistics was developing with the flourishing of linguistic theories. Stylistics is a concept of heated disputes, with the controversy focused on the relat

10、ionship between forms and meaning. Some scholars stress forms only while some others simply emphasize meaning. Hallidays view on style is that of “motivated prominence” or “meaning potential”, which offers a solution to the dispute by combining forms with meanings. This view is based on Hallidays fu

11、nctional linguistic theories. Halliday (1994) holds that under the influence of context of situation, language embodies in itself three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal and textual. These three metafunctions are realized separately by the lexica-grammatical forms, which include transitivity

12、system, mood and modality system, and thematic structure, etc. Although many scholars hold different views towards the theory of functional stylistics, Halliday proposes a theoretical model and analytical framework to analyze literary works by means of linguistic approach. Based on Hallidays theory,

13、 the author makes a study of Keatss ten odes from the perspectives of ideational, interpersonal and textual functions. Keats is one of the leading poets in British Romantic period. Many of his poems have now become the cream of British poetry and world literature, of which his odes are the perfectio

14、n of his art. But even for English-learning students, the appreciation of Keatss odes is a big problem; therefore, it is of necessity to make a study of them. As a matter of fact, the studies of Keatss odes have never been stopped; but the focus is mainly on his thought, his idea and criticism of hi

15、s poems, etc. And there are few stylistic studies made of his odes. In view of this case, based on Hallidays Abstract IV functional stylistics (1971) and from the perspectives of ideational, interpersonal and textual functions, and with association of context of situation in the evaluation of the od

16、es, the present thesis attempts to survey Keatss odes from the perspectives of transitivity system, mood system, and thematic structure to explore how the poet conveys and strengthens the themes through his choice of language forms in the odes and to further testify that functional stylistics is of notable power of ap


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