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1、上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 基于VMI的胰岛素冷链库存管理研究 姓名:季芳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:工业工程 指导教师:蔡建国;马晓蓓 20090501 上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文 摘 要 i 基于基于基于基于 VMIVMIVMIVMI 的胰岛素冷链库存管理研究的胰岛素冷链库存管理研究的胰岛素冷链库存管理研究的胰岛素冷链库存管理研究 摘摘摘摘 要要要要 供应链管理是近年来在国内外逐渐受到重视的一种新的管理理念与模 式。 随着经济全球化和知识经济时代的到来,以及全球制造的出现,供 应链在制造业管理中得到普遍应用。供应链强调的是链上的企业结成战略 联盟,共享利益,共担风险,通过降低整个链上的总

2、成本来达到总体最优 和各个企业的“共赢”。供应链的库存管理,不是单个企业独立追求最低 库存,而是用系统优化的思想来降低整个供应链的库存,提升整个供应链 的竞争力。随着市场竞争的愈加激烈,单个企业抵御市场风险的能力将越 来越弱,整个供应链上的企业要结成战略联盟共同抵御市场风险。所以在 今后的市场竞争中将更多地表现为供应链与供应链的竞争,来提升整个供 应链的竞争能力。 中国是全球胰岛素销售增长速度最快的地区,市场潜力巨大。为了争 夺巨大的中国市场,各个胰岛素生产企业之间的竞争日益激烈,正在运用 各种手段提高竞争力。随着医药行业的“微利”时代的到来,胰岛素生产 企业面对的核心问题就是如何整合供应链资

3、源和降低成本,把生产资源的 分工协作和物流过程组织协调成为总成本最低、效率最高的供应链。 本文针对 L 公司在传统供应链环境下胰岛素冷链面临的关键问题:不 断增大的库存数量、高昂的库存成本和质量风险以及缺乏的冷链仓库资 源, 基于不同的业务模式及供应链特征, 研究分析了库存结构和管理机制, 以及 VMI 的基本理论和应用。利用不同的 VMI 概念模型和技术支持,建立 了与其相适应的 VMI 实施方案,在胰岛素供应商、生产商和部分分销商之 上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文 摘 要 ii 间构建了伙伴关系,用实际案例实证了三个不同层面的 VMI 运行模式和补 货策略。基于这些 VMI 方案的实施和运用

4、,逐步实现了胰岛素冷链的局部 优化,使链上的胰岛素库存成本减低 30%, 冷链资源使用效率提高 50%。 随着公司对 VMI 策略的推广应用,企业的总体竞争力也大大增强。 关键词:VMI, 供应链管理,胰岛素冷链,补货策略,案例分析 上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT iii RESERCH ON VMI INVENTORY MANAGEMENT OF IN INSULIN COLD-CHAIN ABSTRACT Supply chain management is gradually becoming popular as a new management concept and

5、 model around the world in recent years. With economic globalization and knowledge economy era, as well as the emergence of global manufacturing, supply chain management in the manufacturing industry has been widely used. Supply chain is the chain to emphasize the strategic alliance of businesses fo

6、r a “win-win” situation, with shared interests, the total risk, by reducing the assembly of the entire chain would have to achieve the optimal and the overall business. Supply chain inventory management, rather than the independent pursuit of individual enterprises to reduce the cost of the minimum

7、inventory, uses the system idea to optimize the whole supply chain to reduce inventory and enhances the entire supply chains competitiveness. With the increasingly fierce market competition, the ability to withstand market risks for individual enterprises will become much weaker, so the member-enter

8、prise needs its entire supply chain strategic alliance to jointly withstand the market risks. Hence then, more and more competition will happen among supply chains in the future and to enhance the competitiveness of the whole supply chain. The insulin sale in China is the worlds fastest-growing area

9、s, so the market has great potential. In order to compete for huge Chinese market, all insulin production enterprises are using various means to improve their competitiveness. Confronting with the pharmaceutical industrys “little profit“ era, the core issue of insulin production enterprises is how t

10、o integrate the supply chain resources, reduce supply chain costs and establish a lowest cost, with highest efficiency supply chain through the division and collaboration of production resources and the overall organization and coordination of the logistics process. . In this paper, under the enviro

11、nment of traditional supply chain, the key issues of the insulin cold chain in company are as following: ? the high inventory volume, cost and quality risk ? the lack of resources to protect the cold chain, Aiming to the above issues, the author has analyzed the inventory structure and 上海交通大学工程硕士学位论

12、文 ABSTRACT iv management system of insulin cold-chain, as well as the related VMI theory and application. Using the variable VMI concept module and technique applications, proposed the appropriate VMI implementation plan and established the partnership relationship between the supplier, manufacturer

13、 and some retailer, and demonstrated 3 case study of appropriate VMI implementation module and replenishment strategy of different level in supply chain. The progressive realization the optimization of supply chain in certain degree makes the whole insulin supply chain reduce its inventory costs abo

14、ut 30%, and improve the investment efficiency and security of cold-chain resources to 50%. With continuously strengthening the relationship of the supply chain alliance, the overall competitiveness was greatly enhanced. KEY WORDS: VMI, Supply Chain Management, Insulin Cold-Chain, Replenishment strat

15、egy, Case Study 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本 论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本 文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复

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