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1、Self-improvement 指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远(中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳(教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 刘道义(人教社英语教材主编)特约主编: 李俊和(北京四中英语特级教师) 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F)广告许可证号: 220101010014227网址: 适用于人教版高二新课标域卷 综合版 第 28 期 2016 年 12 月 30 日 28 高 二 2016-2017 学年度总第 736 期 适用于人教版新课标域卷 综合版 编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 80866034陈老师 本期定价 1.6

2、 元。印 刷: 郑州华宇印务有限责任公司地址: 河南省郑州市 1 1 Hover Camera A New Fashion of Taking Photos Roughly the size of an average hardcover book when folded up for travel, you probably wouldn t know it was a camera, let alone a flying one. Hover Camera is a small self- flying drone 淤 packed with a 13MP camera sensor, 4

3、K video capabilities, and has the ability to follow you around as you walk or run indoors and out. The Hover Camera s four propellers 于 and motors are fixed in a carbon -fiber 盂 framework that s not only strong and light, but its design helps self- cool itself. Unfold its “wings” and it s ready to f

4、ly; turn it on, let it go and, true to its name, it will just hover 榆. Hover Camera measures about 7 inches square and 1 inch thick, weighs about 8 ounces, and when not in use, it folds to roughly the size of a video cassette. The drone uses optical and sonar sensors虞to position and steady itself wh

5、ile it identifies and tracks people s faces and bodies. You don t need a controller because it simply uses your faces to guide itself around. What s more, it can hover as high as 164 feet or 50 meters. If you do want to fly it higher than you, you can use its iOS or Android app to position the quadc

6、opter with some simple taps愚. The app will have automatic options for shooting panorama舆videos as well. You ll also be able to transfer the photos and videos to your cell phone or PC for immediate sharing. Believe it or not, this smart self- flying drone is designed and made by a group of Chinese yo

7、ung men from Zero Zero Robotics, the Beijing- based start- up. They show to the world how fast the science and technology of China develops. (本报编辑部改编自: ) Notes drone n. 无人驾驶飞机 propeller n. 推进器 carbon- fiber n. 碳纤维 hover v. 盘旋 optical and sonar sensor光学和声呐探测器 tap n. 轻拍 panorama n. 全景 Task Fill in the

8、 blanks with proper words according to the passage. Hover Camera is a kind of self- flying drone which is very 1_. It can follow you around automatically and use people s2_ as guides, taking photos and shooting 3_. Besides, it can 4_ the photos and videos to cell phones and PCs if you want to 5_ the

9、m online. (参考答案见下期) 例题展示 假如你是李华, 要参加一个科技设计大赛。你设计的 一款清洁机器人是为了减轻妈妈做家务的负担。请根据 要点, 用英语写一篇 100 词左右的短文, 向大家介绍你设 计的这款机器人。 要点: 1. 设计的初衷; 2. 机器人的功能 注意: 文章的开头和结尾已经给出, 但是不计入总词数。 Good morning everyone! _ _ _ _ _ _ That s all. Thank you! 思路点拨 1. 审题立意 这篇作文是一篇说明文,要说明的中心是一款自己 设计的清洁机器人, 要根据两条要点提示展开说明。 说明文一般以现在时为主,本文

10、可以一般现在时与 一般将来时结合使用。人称上则以第三人称单数为主。 2. 布局谋篇 文章结构文章内容 总 开门见山, 写出参加比赛并设计了一款清洁 机器人 分展开说明设计初衷, 以及机器人的功能 总总结这款清洁机器人的作用 3. 遣词 根据写作要点以及具体要表达的内容,我们可以初 步确定文章中可能使用到的词汇有: take part in, Robot Design Competition, introduce, cleaning robot, mother, design, charge, work, mode, set, in advance, automatically, set fre

11、e, housewives. 4. 造句 根据列出的词汇, 接下来我们就可以造句了。为了避 免犯一些错误, 我们可以先构造一些简单句: (1) I am glad to take part in the Science and Technology Design Competition. (2) Now I d like to introduce my cleaning robot. (3) I see my mother clean the house every day. (4) I decided to design a cleaning robot for her. (5) It is

12、 80cm high, with a weight of 10kg. (6) The cleaning robot has four kinds of cleaning modes. (7) It can give your house a thorough cleaning. (8) You charge it for four hours. (9) It will keep working for about 10 hours. (10) When you are out, you can set the robot in advance. (11) It can clean the ho

13、use automatically. (12) Some housewives are busy working as well as cleaning the house. (13) I believe the cleaning robot will set free those housewives. 在此基础上我们要再次通读全文,将一些简单句润 色为复合句或特殊句式, 使文章更加流畅、 可读性更强。如: 第 (3) 、(4) 两句可以使用非谓语的形式连接起来, 使 语言更加简洁凝练, 可读性更强,“Seeing my mother clean the house every day, I

14、 decided to design a cleaning robot for her.” 同理, 第 (6) 、(7) 两句也可以使用同位语进行修改, “Having four kinds of cleaning modes, the cleaning robot can give your house a thorough cleaning.” 第 (8) 、(9) 两句可以用 if 连接起来, 使语言表达逻辑 性更强,“If you charge it for four hours, it will keep working for about 10 hours.” 第 (10) 、(1

15、1) 两句可以用 so that 连接起来, 使语言更 加 流 畅 , “When you are out, you can set the robot in advance so that it can clean the house automatically.” 最后两句可以使用定语从句连接起来,使语言更加 流畅,衔接更加自然,“I believe the cleaning robot will set free those housewives who are busy working as well as cleaning the house.” 5. 成篇 最后, 我们要再次阅读全文, 检查文章中是否存在拼 写或语法错误,并在句与句之间增加一些衔接和过渡性 的词汇, 如 “what s more” 等, 使全文衔接自然、 语意流畅。 范文展示 Good morning everyone! I am glad to take part in the Science and Technolog


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