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1、 Whats the time, please? What time is it? Its Turn to page 26 12 39 6 What time is it? Its twelve oclock. Whats the time? 12 3 9 6 Its twenty past one. Whats the time?What time is it? 12 39 6 Its half past six. 12 39 6 Its twenty to eleven. 12 39 6 Its five forty. Its twenty six . to 差. past 过了, 超过

2、to half 一半 12 39 6 Its half past six. Its six thirty. half 一半 12 39 6 Its half past one. Its one thirty. 12 39 6 Its nine fifty-five. Its five to ten. 12 39 6 Its three ten. Its ten past three. Expression of the time 一、整点 : 1) 时间未过半 :分钟past点钟 (分针在右) 9:10 ten past nine 2) 时间刚好一半 : half past 点钟 9:30 h

3、alf past nine 3) 时间已过半 : 1.顺读法:说数字,先小时数,后分钟数 二、含有小时和分钟: 2.逆读法: 9:40 twenty to ten 整点钟oclock 例如: ten oclock e.g:8:10 八点十分 eight ten Activity 4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. because difficult favourite interesting lesson subject History is Bettys subject. She like

4、s it its very . Tonys favourite is Chinese. There Chinese,science,IT and maths on Monday morning, for Tony, maths is. favourite becauseinteresting lesson subjects difficult Language points: 1. 询问 现在是几点几分?的句 型: What time is it? =Whats the time? 回答:Its oclock. = Its twenty past three. 2. 询问“你今天上什么课?”的

5、句型: What are your lessons today? 回答:I have +科目. 你们今天上什么课? What are your lessons today? 我们今天9:20上语文课,10:10上科学课。 We have Chinese at 9:20 and we have science at 10:10. 注意比较: have Chinese 和 have a Chinese lesson 分别表示“上语文课”和“上一节语文课” 3. 3. 比较句型:比较句型: I I like like mathsmaths. . I I dont like dont like mat

6、hsmaths! ! WeWe have geography at half past have geography at half past eleven. eleven. WeWe dont have dont have geography today. geography today. 一般现在时的构成: (主语为I; You; We; They) I/You/We/They + V+ V( (动词原形动词原形) )+ +sthsth I/You/We/They + + dont dont V V( (动词原形) 动词原形) + + sthsth talk “谈话,说话” 动词 talk

7、 to sb.与某人交谈(强调一方说,一方 听) talk with sb.与某人谈话/交谈(强调双方的 互相交流) I often talk with my classmates. 我经常与我的同学交谈。 talk about sb./sth.谈论某人/某事 You can talk about your family. 你可以谈论你的家庭。 be(am.is.are) good at doing sth.擅长做某事 I am good at maths. 我擅长数学。 She is good at art. 她擅长美术。 He isnt good at drinking. 他不擅长喝酒。

8、Love 热爱 love to do sth. (表示具体的事) love doing sth. (表示习惯或爱好) I love to read this book very much. 我特别喜欢读这本书。 I love reading.我热爱读书。(爱好) A: science C: art B: English D: history F: Chinese E: maths G: chemistry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Match the words with the pictures Exercise 1:(Activity2) Whats the time? Its elev

9、en oclock. =What time is it? Its 5:18 11:26 5:55 11:46 Unit 2 We start work at nine oclock Activities in a day At 7:00am At 7:30am 短语 吃早餐 have breakfast(不加the) 吃午饭 have lunch(不加the) 吃晚饭 have supper/have dinner(不加the) 一日三餐吃什么 havefor breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 我早饭吃面包和鸡蛋。 I have bread and eggs for

10、breakfast. 他午饭吃肉和米饭。 He has meat and rice for lunch. house,home and family 1.house 指“房子,住宅”,是指居住的建筑物,强 调房屋所处的地点,是不能迁移的. My house is Number 34,East Street. 我家在东街34号。 2.home 指“家,住所”,是指家庭成员所居住的那 种环境或玉房屋有关的“家”。是可以变动的。 They have a home in Beijing. 他们在北京有一个家。 home 副词,go home 回家 go to ones home 去 某人家 They

11、go home in the afternoon. We can go to his home on Saturday. 3.family 意为“家,家庭”,它指的是家庭成员,如 父母、子女、兄妹等,一般不涉及房屋。 How many people are there in Simons family? 西蒙家有几口人? dinner and supper Dinner 意为“正餐”,指一天中最丰盛的 一顿饭,可指中餐或晚餐,也可指“宴 会”,家人在节假日团聚时所吃的好饭 菜。 Lets go and have dinner together. 让我们一起去吃饭吧。 Supper 晚饭,晚餐。

12、 We sit down to have supper. 我们坐下来吃晚饭。 go to bed 上床睡觉,与 get up “起床”相对 go to sleep 入睡,与wake up“醒来”相对 sleep“ 睡眠”的持续状态 go to bed go to sleep sleep have a break=have a rest 看一看 Lets have a break! 我们休息一会儿吧! have a look 看一看 have a drink 喝一杯 have a walk 走一走 busy busy 形容词,忙的,反义词为free ,空闲的 I am busy.我很忙。 Tod

13、ay is a busy day.今天是繁忙的一天。 be busy doing sth./be busy with sth.忙于做 某事 我忙于做家庭作业。 I am busy with my homework. 他整天忙于他的工作. He is busy doing his work all day. 看望我的朋友 see my friends 开始上班 start work/begin work 开始上课 start lessons/begin lessons 和朋友谈话 talk to friends/talk with friends 去操场 go to the playground 吃鱼和肉 have/eat fish ang meat 喝果汁 drink juice 去学校 go to school 在工作日 on weekdays


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