优质课堂2015-2016学年八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the yainstorm came section a

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优质课堂2015-2016学年八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the yainstorm came section a_第1页
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1、 自 主 预 习 Section A 短语语互 译译 1.(闹钟闹钟 )发发出响声 _ 2.洗淋浴 _ 3确认认,确保 _ 4.醒来 _ 5pick up _ 6.fall asleep _ 7die down _ 8.in a mess _ go off take a shower make sure wake up 接电话 睡着 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 凌乱;杂乱 Section A 句型在线线 1.昨天暴风风雨来的时时候,人们们正在做什么? What _ people _ yesterday _ _ _ _ the rainstorm? 2当你打电话电话 的时时候,我正在洗淋浴。 _ you

2、 called, I _ _ a shower. 3所以当你睡觉时觉时 ,我给给詹妮打了电话电话 ,她帮助了我。 So _ you _ _, I called Jenny and she helped me. 4乌乌云正使天空变变得很暗。 Black clouds were _ the sky very _. weredoingatthe timeof Whenwastaking whileweresleeping makingdark 互 动 探 究 词汇点睛 Section A 1 begin v. 开始 观观察 I was waiting for the bus when it bega

3、n to rain heavily. 当开始下大雨的时时候,我正在等公共汽车车。 探究 begin是动词动词 ,意为为“开始”,其过过去式是began ,过过去分词词是begun。 拓展 Section A Section A 活学活用 1根据句意及首字母提示补补全单词单词 The meeting b_ at 3:00 pm. and finished at 6:00 pm. 2根据汉语汉语 意思完成句子 吃完蛋糕之后,他们们开始唱歌和跳舞。 They began _ _ _ after eating the cake. egan singinganddancing Section A 2 r

4、eport v. & n. 报报道;公布 观观察 The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area. 电视电视 上的新闻报闻报 道说该说该 区域有一场场大暴雨。 He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在读读一篇关于道路状况的报报告。 探究 report可以作名词词,也可以作动词动词 ,意为为“报报道 ;公布”。 拓展 派生词词:reporter n. 记记者 Section A 活学活用 1根据句意及汉语汉语 提示完成句子 We are going to

5、 listen to a _ (报报道 )tonight. 2用所给词给词 的适当形式填空 The girl wants to become a _ (report) when she grows up. report reporter Section A 3 beat v. 敲打;打败败 观观察 Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. 当雨水开始猛烈地敲打窗户户的时时候,本正在帮助他的妈妈妈妈 做饭饭。 探究 beat作动词动词 ,意为为“敲打”,

6、其过过去式是beat, 其过过去分词词是beaten。 辨析 beat与win Section Abeat 表示“赢赢得”比赛赛、竞赛竞赛 、奖奖牌、奖奖杯等,通常和match, competition, game, medal, prize等搭配。 win表示“打败败”对对手,和表示人、球队队、对对手等的词词搭配。 We beat them by score 2 to 1. 我们们以2比1赢赢了他们们。 Which side won the football match? 哪个队赢队赢 了足球赛赛? Section A 活学活用 1根据句意及汉语汉语 提示完成句子 The boy is _(

7、敲打)the drums and he looks very excited. beating Section A 2单项选择单项选择 2014陕陕西The Chinese national womens badminton team _ the Japanese team by 3:1 in India on May 24. Awon BLost Cbeat Dmissed 解析 C 本题题考查动词查动词 辨析。主语语是“中国国家女子羽 毛球队队”,它以3比1的成绩绩“战胜战胜 ”了日本队队,故beat符合题题 意。 Section A 4 against prep. 倚;碰;撞 观观察 I

8、 put my bicycle against the wall. 我把我的自行车车靠在墙墙上。 探究 against是介词词,意为为“倚;碰;撞”。 拓展 against作介词时还词时还 可译为译为 “反对对;不同意”,此 时时其反义词义词 是for,表示“支持”。如: Are you for it or against it? 你对这对这 件事是赞赞成还还是反对对? Section A 活学活用 2014广东东Most people are _building a paper factory near here. They are worried the river will get po

9、lluted. Afor Bwith Cagainst DBeyond 解析 C 结结合题题干中的“他们们担心河流被污污染”可知, 大多数人反对对在这这附近建一家造纸纸厂。故against符合题题意。 Section A 5 rise v. & n. 升起;增加;提高 观观察 When he woke up, the sun was rising. 当他醒来的时时候,太阳正在升起。 探究 rise作动词动词 ,意为为“升起;增加;提高”,其过过 去式是rose,过过去分词词是risen。 辨析 (1)rise为为不及物动词动词 ,意为为“升起,起来,起身 ”。如: The sun rises

10、in the east.太阳从东东方升起。 She rose from the table suddenly. 她突然从桌旁站了起来。 Section A (2)raise为为及物动词动词 ,意为为“举举起;抬起;增加”。如: Can you raise this heavy box? 你能举举起这这个重箱子吗吗? Section A 活学活用 用rise或raise的适当形式填空 (1)The sun _ in the east and sets in the west. (2)If you know the answer, please _ your hand. rises raise S

11、ection A 短语归纳 1 go off (闹钟闹钟 )发发出响声 观观察 My alarm didnt go off so I got up late. 我的闹钟闹钟 没有响,所以我起床晚了。 探究 go off是固定搭配,意为为“(闹钟闹钟 )发发出响声”。 Section A 活学活用 Why did you arrive late for class? Because my alarm clock didnt _. A. go off B. go out C. go back D. go back 解析 A 结结合句意可知,我迟迟到是因为为我的闹钟闹钟 没有响 ,故go off符合

12、题题意。 Section A 2 pick up 接电话电话 观观察 I called you last night, but you didnt pick up.昨晚我给给你打电话电话 了,但是你没接。 探究 pick up是固定搭配,意为为“接电话电话 ”,还还可用 pick up the phone或answer the phone表达。 拓展 pick up还还有如下含义义: 捡捡起;拾 起 He picked up his hat and went away. 他捡捡起帽子后离开 了。 开车车去接 I will go to the airport and pick up my unc

13、le. 我要 去机场场接我的叔叔。 Section A 活学活用 2014绍兴绍兴 Do you _ your son after school? No. He comes back home on the school bus. Apick up Blook after Cdrop in Dsend for 解析 A pick up意为为“捡捡起,开车车去接”;look after意为为“照顾顾”;drop in意为为“顺顺便来访访”;send for 意为为“派人去请请”。结结合本题题答语语中的“他坐校车车回家”可 知,问问句问问的是“你开车车接你儿子放学吗吗?”,故答案为为A 。 Sec

14、tion A 3 fall asleep 睡着 观观察 He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 am. 在凌晨 3 点左右的时时候,风风开始减弱,最后他睡着了。 探究 fall asleep是固定搭配,意为为“睡着”,其中 asleep是表语语形容词词,意为为“睡着的”。 拓展 Section A Section A 活学活用 2013鄂州 My grandmother often falls _ (睡 着) when she watches TV. asleep Section A 句型透视 1 What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? 昨天暴风风雨来的时时候,人们们正在做什么? 探究 at the time of是固定搭配,表示“在的时时候 ”。如: What were you doing at the time of the earthquake? 地震发发生时时,你正在做什么? Section A 活学活用 暴风风雨来的时时候,你正在做什么?


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