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1、涉外秘书英语考试 国家职业资格秘书英语考查重点: 秘书英语考试与普通英语能力考试的区别,其 特点是考核考生熟悉、掌握和运用以英语为沟 通媒介的秘书商务沟通与秘书商务写作的能力 ,因此秘书英语的考试重在涉外秘书工作的交 流与沟通,这一点通过考试中的听力、阅读理 解、翻译和写作都集中地反映出来。 秘书英语试题的类型和形式 一、秘书英语考试分为听力与笔试两部分。 二、听力(20%):一般按听的内容有叙述和 对话两种。 三、笔试(80%):内容分为词汇与语法,阅 读理解,翻译和写作。其中词汇与语法20% ,阅读理解2040%,翻译与写作2040%。 四、考试答题按出题的形式一般可分为单选, 填空,判断

2、,一一对应,完形填空、排序和书 写笔答等。 二、涉外秘书英语专业术语及商务知识 1.公司职务 总裁 President 执行副总裁 Executive Vice President 董事 Director 常务董事 Managing Director 董事会 Board of Directors 总经理 General Manager / managing director 总代理 general agent 营销部经理 Marketing Manager (公关部、 人事部、宣传部. 顾问 adviser/consultant 名誉顾问 the honorary consultant 2.电

3、话接听 1)Calls and callers (P68) 电话接待服务 answering service 总机 switchboard 分机 extension 可以帮我转分机211吗? May I have extension two-one-one? (电话)接、转 connect 请别挂电话,我把电话转接给您。 Hold on please, Ill connect you. transfer转接 我把电话给您接过去。 oIll transfer your call. oLet me transfer this call for you. Exercise (p91) 2) The

4、use of cheque (p101) The fax 3.Daily Work 1)会议安排 会议记录 minutes 宣布开会 call to order 电话会议 conference call 议案、提案 resolution / motion 该提案得到一致通过。 oThe motion was unanimously approved. 中心议题 the chief item 休会 adjournment /adjourn The meeting adjourned at 4p.m. 4.外贸英语 (1)订单 order 下订单 place /book an order 报盘,报

5、价 offer 实盘 firm offer We are making you the offer subject to your reply reaching here before the 15th this month. 此报盘以你方在本月15日前复到有效。 虚盘 non-firm offer oWe are making you the following offer, subject to our final confirmation. o现报盘如下,此报盘以我方最后确认为准。 oThe offer is subject to prior sale. o该报盘以未售出前为准。(本报盘

6、以货物先 售出为条件。) Keep offers open/ valid/ firm 保持报盘有效 oWe keep our offers open for three days. o我们的报盘三天有效。 oThe offer remains valid until October 15th. o该报盘有效期至十月十五日。 有效期限 time of validity (2)价格术语 (price term) 运费 freight 单价 unit price 零售价 retail price 净价 net price 批发价 wholesale price 现行价格 current price

7、/prevailing price FOB-free on board 离岸价(船上交货价 ) CIF-cost, insurance and freight 到岸价 (成本加运费、保险费价) C li_0821 Subject: meeting summary Attachments: the meeting summary Date: Sun, Aug 10th, 2003 09:09:42 Dear Snow: I have distributed the meeting summary to all of you, but none of you have raised any que

8、stions. This is to ask for response from you. Attached is the meeting summary. Please read it carefully and dont hesitate to raise your questions. Thanks! Jackson concise, concrete and eye-catching be conversational Write business casual 3.e-mail 4.Memo(备忘录) 备忘录通常是公司内部最普通的书面交流方式之一 ,用来提醒或引起别人对某事的注意,在

9、日常商务 活动中,快速、有效地传递信息,如开会通知、宣 布公司政策等。 备忘录通常由标题 (heading) 和信息 (message) 组 成。标准的标题部分包括: To: ( 收件人) From:(发件人) Date: ( 时间) Subject:(事由) 信息部分是主题部分,一般比书信短。鉴于留 言人和留言对象在同一公司或同一部门工作, 因此,一般书信里常见的客套话都可省略,不 需要写抬头称呼,也不需要在结尾写上 “Yours sincerely”等。 练习:2008年11月 MEMO To: xxx, Managing Director From: Juliet Smith, Prod

10、uction Manager Date: May 1st, 2007 Subject: Suggestion Having done (Based upon) a consumer research survey concerning carbonated drinks and mineral water produced by our company, I can suggest the following : Discontinue the production of carbonated drinks and increase the production of mineral wate

11、r. Increase production by 20, 000 bottles over a three month period. 练习: Hi, XXX! Mr. White, the honorary consultant of our company, is going to pay a visit to our company this week. Please make suitable hotel reservations for him. Mr. White will spend 5 days in London from evening of May 15 through

12、 morning of May 20. Thanks 2011年5月试题 oDirections: You are Li Xiang. Your company will purchase new model computers from IBM. Write a letter according to the information given in the following outline.你叫李翔。你们公司准备向美国IBM公司 订购一批新一代的计算机,请你写一封订购信,起内容应包括 以下几点: learning the information of the new model computer in newspaper the reason to buy computers from IBM to order 100 computers to know something about the price and the service


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