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1、QQCTU Foreman Training Program Preparation for Loading and Discharging 装卸准备 您好,我是船上领班。有什么问题,请随时告诉我。 Hello, I am the foreman on board. If you have any question, please feel free to let me know. 请把舷梯放低一点。 Please lower down the gangway a little bit. 请在舷梯上装安全网,安全起见,请贵船将安全网栓牢。 Please fix the safety net u

2、nder the gangway. For safetys sake, please fasten the safety net. would you please tell me the location of the gear box? 能告诉我锁销柜在哪吗? would you please tell me the location of the gear box? 我们可以马上开始卸船了吗? Can we start discharging right now? 作业期间,禁止使用船吊(可令吊)。 No use of crane during operation. During Loa

3、ding and Discharging 装卸过程中 冻柜拔电/电机朝向 请安排船员到42贝给冷藏箱拔电。 Please send someone to unplug the reefer container at bay No. 42. Hello. Mr. Duty. Please take off the plugs of the reefer containers / un-plug the reefer containers (on Bay no.20. 询问冻柜电机方向: The motor / engine / plug direction of reefer container

4、s 如果问全船冻柜,可直接问大副,如: Excuse me, Mr. Chief Mate. Please tell me the motor direction of reefer containers. 如果问具体那个BAY 可问值班船员。如: Hello Mr. Duty. Please tell me the motor direction of the reefer containers on Bay No.20 deck. 有时船方人员可能没听懂。这是可以 用简单的话补充、如:I mean motor / plug facing forward or aft. 船方说法如下:For

5、ward adv. 向前; After ad. 向后。 During Loading and Discharging 装卸过程中 冻柜故障 冻柜故障大致如下:报警 Alarm, 温度不达标,不工作,不显示温 度,电线长度够不到冻柜插头。冻柜装完后,装卸组长需告诉船方: 冻柜已装在甲板上,请插上电源并仔细检查规定温度。 The reefer containers have loaded on deck, youd better turn on the power and check the required temperature carefully. 装箱冻柜出现故障,船方一般情况下会有如下说

6、法: The temperature on reefer list is -20 centigrade(摄氏度)But the actual temperature is -10 centigrade. Engine / Motor / Fan / Ventilator dont work. The screen doesnt show. The electric line / The cable is not long enough to reach the plug. A reefer container is out of order. There is something wrong

7、with a reefer container. Something is wrong with a reefer container. During Loading and Discharging 装卸过程中 冻柜故障 指导员要问清箱号位置、什么故障,然后告诉中控: whats the problem with it? Please tell me the number and position. 冻柜的规定温度为零下摄氏18度,但现在温度达不到要求,您认为是 发 动机出了问题吗?我会让我方的技师检查发动机,您稍等。 You mean the required temperature of

8、the reefer box, should be eighteen degree Celsius below zero. But now it is not enough, do you think there are something wrong with the motor. Ill ask our technician to check the motor, please wait a moment. 有时修冻柜人上船后修不好,会要你问可否给船方出具保函,说法如下 : Mr. Chief mate, the technician wants to know if you can ac

9、cept a letter of guarantee for that container. 如大副不接收保函,则让修冻柜的人自己想办法。 紧 缆: Fasten / tighten / pull up the operating lines. 松 缆: Slacken / loosen / release / pull down the operating lines. 前 缆: the fore / forward / bow operating lines. 后 缆: the after / stern operating lines. 现在天气恶劣。注意调整缆绳/放松缆绳/收紧缆绳。

10、Due to the bad weather, please adjust/slack down /make fast the mooring line. 今天预报有大风。请问需要增加缆绳吗? The weather forecast reported strong wind today. Do you need to use more lines? 船有点偏离码头,请把缆绳拉紧点。 The vessel is a little bit away from the wharf, please heave the mooring rope tightly. During Loading and

11、Discharging 装卸过程中 缆绳问题 During Loading and Discharging 装卸过程中 缆绳问题 Mr. Duty. The fore operating lines are too loose now, please fasten them. Mr. Duty. Please release the bow operating lines. 有时船员可能听不明白。这是可简单补充一下,兼打手势。 I mean pulling up / down the ropes. 有时A船要解缆开船,但他的缆绳被B船在同一缆柱上的缆绳压住而 无 法解下,这是A船的装卸组长会要

12、在B船的你跟船方说赶快松缆。说 法大致 如(以跟大副说为例) Mr. Chief mate, the ship before yours is to sail now. but its after operating lines cant be taken off the bollard, because your ships lines are on the same bollard and too tight, so please tell the duty crew to release the fore operating lines right now. During Loading

13、 and Discharging 装卸过程中 调整压舱水 由于船向一侧倾斜。你让船方打压舱水。说法大致如:(以跟 值 班副说为例)能否帮忙用压载水校正船舶偏杆? 1. 现在船体已偏向海侧。请及时向陆侧打压舱水。 Mr. Duty officer, now the ship is listing to the port side, so please adjust the ballast water to the starboard side. Can you help us adjust the list with ballast water? The hull has listed to t

14、he sea side. Please pump in ballast water to the wharf side. 2. 船右(左) 倾斜,请调整压载水。 Mr. Duty officer, now the ship is listing to the starboard side, so please adjust the ballast water to the port side. The vessel is leaning to starboard side (port side), please adjust the ballast water. During Loading

15、and Discharging 装卸过程中 停工原因 由于台风的影响,卸货暂时中止。 Your ship should shift to anchorage for taking shelter against storm. 计划今天下午16:00移泊。由7号泊位移至6号泊位。 Berth shifting is planned at 16:00 this afternoon, from berth No. 7 to No.6. During Loading and Discharging 装卸过程中 确认残损 船方验残时会问你箱子哪儿不好,如: Whats the problem? Wheres the damage ? 你要指给他看,并告诉他残损部位及具体残损情况。 Hello, Mr. Duty. There is a container damaged. Please come with me to check it. 8舱后梯子有船损。我们认为是原损,请检查一下。 We think the damage to the aft ladder of hatch No.8 is original damage. Please check. 16贝一个卸货危险品少了2个危险品标签。请给我2张。我们帮你们贴上 。 2 label


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