人教八年级上册 Unit 7 Section B 1a-2b 同步练习含答案

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《人教八年级上册 Unit 7 Section B 1a-2b 同步练习含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教八年级上册 Unit 7 Section B 1a-2b 同步练习含答案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B 1a-2b一、短语英汉互译1.人类的仆人 _2反复地,多次 _3变得厌倦 _4醒来,叫醒 _5许多,大量 _6倒塌,跌倒 _7寻找,寻求 _8度假 _9.淡水 _10清新的空气 _11keep a bird_12disagree with sb._13the meanings of words_14live on a space station_15make robots look like humans_16fly up into the sky_二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.Liu Yang is the

2、first Chinese woman (宇航员). 2.China will build a (太空) station in about 20 years. 3.We lived in a house in the country a few years ago,but now we live in an (公寓) in the city. 4.She was born in (日本). 5.Its very (危险的) for children to cross the busy street. 三、单项选择。( )1.Is there _ apartment in the neighbo

3、rhood? Yes. Mr. Wang lives in _ apartment.Aan;an Ba;a Can;the Dthe;the( )2.Whats the _ of the gift? Its round.Ashape Bprice Csize Dspace( )3.What did you do _ your summer holiday,Anna? I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside.Afor Binto Cduring Dinside( )4.Tell kids not to play with fire.

4、Its pretty _. OK. Ill do it.Ameaningless Bcareful Ceasy Ddangerous( )5.When we arrived there,it was _ ten oclock.So we were late.Astill Balready Ceven Dyet( )6.Jim,dont run in the hallways. Sorry,I _ do that again.Ashould Bmust Ccouldnt Dwont四、根据汉语意思完成句子 (每空一词)1.已经有在工厂里工作的机器人了。 already robots in the

5、 factories. 2.James White认为机器人永远都不会醒来。 James White thinks that robots will never . 3.他们同意它会花费数百年时间。 They agree it may take years. 4.使他们真的能像人类那样思考将会很困难。 It will make them really think like a human. 5.我们永远难以知道将来将会发生什么事情。 We never know what . 答案:一、1. human servants2. over and over again3. get bored4. w

6、ake up5. hundreds of6. fall down7. look for8. take a holiday9. fresh water10. clean air11. 养鸟12. 不同意某人的意见13. 单词的意思14. 住在太空站15. 使机器人看起来像人类16. 飞上天空二、1. astronaut2. space 3. apartment4. Japan5. dangerous 三、1-6 CACDB D四、1. There are working 2. be able to wake up3. hundreds of 4. be difficult to5. will happen in the future


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