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1、Module 5一 重点短语:1.主要的事情 2.不知道 3.主动提出做- 给某人提供、提议什么4.带某人去- 5.最后 6.下次 7.因-以-对谁-而出名8.在中国社会 9. 平民老百姓的生活10.从19世纪末到二十世纪中期11.把某人送到某地 12.毕业后 13. 回到中国 14.被称为- 15.在老舍茶馆 16.热情欢迎- 17.发生 18.中国最伟大的作家之一19.二十世纪前半期 20.思考社会 21.一个很好的选择 22.对-正合适,适合于-23.把-演的活灵活现,演的逼真24.表现的相当出色,做的很棒25.茶馆的主人 26.同时27.现代中国 28.对人们的生活了解了许多29.大约

2、公元前600年1.the main thing 2.have no idea 3.offer to do sth offer sb sth =offer sth to sb4.take sb to some place 5.at last/in the end6.next time 7.be famous for -as -to sb8.in Chinese society 9.the lives of common people10.from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century11.

3、send sb to -12.after finishing school13.return to China =come /go back to China14.be named -15.at Lao She Teahouse16.give a welcome to sb 17.take place 18.one of Chinas greatest writers 19.the first half of the twentieth century20.think about society 21.a very good choice 22.be right for -23.bring-t

4、o life 24.do a very good job25.the owner of the teahouse 26.at the same time27.modern china 28.learn a lot about peoples lives29.around 600BC三 重点句型1.我想看京剧所以玲玲主动提出带我去那里2.京剧的戏词很难懂,但男演员和女演员很棒。3.我们本来计划只看一个小时,但最后我们待了三个小时。4.我希望下次懂更多点。他的希望是下次懂的更多。5.1918年毕业后,他成为一所小学的校长。6.老舍是个伟大的作家,他尤其以他的话剧茶馆出名7.贝蒂去了茶馆后了解了老舍

5、8.茶馆是老舍最著名的戏剧之一。9.它描述的是中国社会50多年的变化。10.他妈妈在1913年把他送到了一个师范学校。1.I wanted to see the Beijing Opera ,so Lingling offered to take me there.2.The words of the opera were difficult to understand,but the actors and actresses were excellent.3.we only planned to watch for an hour,but in the end we stayed for t

6、hree hours.4.I hope to understand more next time. His hope is to understand more next time.5.After finishing school in 1918, he became a head teacher of a primary school.6.Lao She is a great writer , and hes especially famous for his play Teahouse.7.Betty knew about Lao She after she went to the tea

7、house/after going to the teahouse.8.Teahouse is one of Lao Shes most famous plays.9.It describes the changes in Chinese society over fifty years.10.His mother sent him to a teachers school in 1913.11.大家很容易理解这个故事和看到中国社会的变化12.他在伦敦的一所大学里教汉语并且在五年后回到了中国。13.他写了许多关于人民生活的戏剧,小说,短故事,被称为“人民艺术家”14.老舍是20世纪最伟大的作家

8、之一。15.在今天的老舍茶馆,顾客可以边喝茶边吃可口的北京食品。16.如果你喜欢传统音乐和魔术表演,你可以在茶馆欣赏它们。17.老舍茶馆热情欢迎来自世界各地的每一个人。18.鲁迅希望帮助中国人民变得健康和强壮。19.所以他决定成为一个医生。20.几年后,他开始写短篇小说,因为他想教人们了解社会11.Its easy for everyone to understand the story and see the changes in Chinese society.12.He taught Chinese at a college in London and returned to China

9、 five years later.13.He wrote many plays ,novels and short stories about peoples lives, and was named “the Peoples Artist”.14.Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the twentieth century.15.At Lao She Teahouse today, customers can drink tea and eat delicious Beijing food.16.If you like th

10、e Beijing Opea, traditional music or magic shows, you can enjoy them at the teahouse.17.Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world.18.LuXun hoped to help the Chinese people become healthy and strong.19.So he decided to be /become a doctor.20.After a few years/ A few ye

11、ars later, he began/started to write short stories, because he wanted to teach people about society.21.它描述的是阿Q的艰辛生活并且使人们对社会进行思考。22.在二十世纪二十年代,人们开始把他的作品翻译成英语。23.本年度的学校戏剧是个很好的选择。24.对于约100年前中国人民的生活我们了解了很多。25.男女演员们都表现得相当出色。26.李楠,那个扮演王立发的学生,是最出色的。27.他把从青年到老年的王立发演的活灵活现。21.It describes the hard life of Ah Q

12、 and makes people think about society.22.In the 1920s, people began to translate his works into English.23.This years school play was a very good choice.24.We learnt a lot about peoples lives in China some /about/aroundone hundred years ago.25.The actors and actresses all did a very good job.26.Li Nan . the student playing Wang Lifa, was the best.27.He brought Wang Lifa to life, from young man to an old man.



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