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1、2018-2019学年度上学期期末考试高二英语试题本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。请在答题卷上作答。第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AKeeping a journal can not only be beneficial to you, but it ca

2、n also be a benefit to your family. Do you remember the family vacation to Disneyland when you were 12 ? What about your parents 20-year anniversary? Or your birthday party when you turned 15?A family journal is a book, or a series of books, where family members can write about any event that has ta

3、ken place. It could have photos, and may also include letters, announcements and other updates from family members.You can also create a family travel journal. It is packed and taken along on every family vacation. Each family member can write down their daily or weekly experiences. This is a great

4、place to add photos of your vacation as well as other items such as addresses and phone numbers of where you stayed, names of restaurants where you ate, or other attractions you visited. You can even include other souvenirs (纪念品)that were collected during each trip. Your family journal can include t

5、he houses in which you live. You can document your family homes throughout the years. If you never move, you can take photos of when you change the paint color. Each family member can write an annual memory of living in that home.Another function of your family journal can be to record health histor

6、ies of your family members. This becomes a medical journal for easy reference to past medical histories. At the same time, you can record your family tree.A family journal is a wonderful project that the whole family can work on together. This is something that becomes a priceless book filled with m

7、emories that can be enjoyed for decades to come.21.According to the first paragraph, a journal can _.A. predict what will happen in your future lifeB. do a lot of good to you and your familyC. remind you of your friends names and addressesD. help you to remember your date of birth22.According to the

8、 passage, a family journal may include the following things EXCEPT _.A. special projects in your company B. health histories of your family membersC. souvenirs D. photos23.From this passage we can know that _.A. every family member has his or her own family journalB. a family journal can keep you ha

9、ppy and busyC. you can record the changes of your house in a family journalD. a medical journal can prevent many kinds of diseases24.A family journal is a valuable book that all family members _.A. should try to update once a year B. must keep secretC. should read daily D. can share in the futureBMy

10、 father was the gentlest, most loving and caring dad in the world-until we had an argument. During those moments, my words surely never reached his “open mind” because his ears were closed. There was no point trying to argue with my dad. He always had the last word. I could never win.When my father

11、refused to understand that I needed the privacy of a phone in my room, my frustration turned to tears. He ended our “discussion”, leaving me silently defeated and miserable. So when he refused to change his idea about letting me go on my class trip to Montreal, I could do nothing but race from his r

12、oom in despair.With the hope that his eyes would be more open than his ears, I began to write a note that began with “Dear Daddy” and ended with how much I respected his opinion, how much I hated to fight with him and how much I valued our relationship and, above all, how much I loved him. I folded

13、my note into an envelope, slid it under the door of his bedroom and raced back to my own room. It was only minutes before I heard a knock at my door. When I saw the look on my fathers face, I knew that my note had melted his temper and touched his heart.The victory of winning my dads permission to g

14、o to Montreal was sweet. But even sweeter was the discovery of a strategy that enabled me to have an argument with my dad that didnt end in tears, but instead with a hug. My “Dear Daddy” notes became a follow-up to many of our arguments.Years later, one of my favorite stories was the “Dear Daddy” no

15、tes. It always made me smile to remember some of our most passionate arguments and how my dad would become so pig-headed, until he read my notes.25.What did the author think about her father during an argument?A. Gentle B. StubbornC. Aggressive D. Open-minded26.The “Dear Daddy” note is a good way to

16、 _.A. avoid meeting her father suddenly B. stop the argument in a funny wayC. deliver her message more quickly D. persuade her father into supporting her27.The authors father impressed her most with his _.A. last word B. generous loveC. bad temper D. pig-headed decisionCWhen I was in fourth grade, I worked part-time as a paperb


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