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1、沈阳铁路实验中学2019-2020学年度上学期10月月考试题高一英语时间:100分钟 分数:150分命题人:第卷 选择题部分第一部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATeaching materials for learning Chinese are provided here. There are sites where you may find interesting instructions suitable for you. Here ar

2、e some sites to begin your surfing. You may start with these pages from this website just to get a little taste of it without working too hard. A Is For Love Flash cards for learning a few Chinese words Listening to the sound of Chinese Play a few Chinese words on your computer. A few Chinese words

3、Each word is enlarged for easy study. If you are studying Chinese, these tools can help. Zhongwen site More than a dictionary! Clavis Sinica Excellent program by Professor David Porter. It displays a whole document in Chinese , and gives individual words definition, pronunciation as well as much mor

4、e information when you click on that word.If you are studying Chinese, this is a very useful tool. Chinese Character Visual Dictionary If you like to know more, go to the following sites on the Internet. The Chinese Outpost Pronunciation, Character and Grammar By Mark Andrew Baker. The best. A must-

5、visit site. Learn Cantonese / Mandarin Online Internet Based Chinese Teaching and Learning If you want to have a better understanding of China, go to this one. Wanfang Data As an affiliate (分支) of Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology, Wanfang Data has been the leading information provider in Chi

6、na since 1950s. With a wide range of database resources and value-added services, Wanfang Data has become a gateway to understanding Chinese culture, medicine, business, science, etc.1. The underlined(画线的) lines are probably some _. A. books B. websites C. tips for learning Chinese D. dictionaries f

7、or learning Chinese2. This passage is most probably from _. A. a TV programme B. a teachers lectureC. a newspaper D. the Internet3. If you want to know each Chinese characters definition, pronunciation and much more information, youd better surf _. A. Zhongwen site B. A Is For LoveC. Clavis Sinica D

8、. A few Chinese wordsBIn the United States, many low income parents cannot afford to buy enough food for their children. A program called Kids Caf is helping some of these children by providing free nutritious (有营养的) snacks and meals during after-school programs. At a community center in Virginia ju

9、st outside of Washington, D.C., children make a snack as part of their afterschool program. “The snack is very healthy for your body, but the main thing is that it tastes really, really good,” Keith Clements tells them. He runs the Kids Caf program.The children are between the ages of 5 and 11 and a

10、re from several local schools. About half have parents from Ethiopia. Many of the children eat their traditional food at home. Kids Caf, with food offered free by a food bank, gives them an opportunity to try different types of food. “Its good,” says one girl. But Rebecca Nance, whose parents are fr

11、om the US, is not so sure. “The taste is weird.” Her mother, Daffany Nance has two children in the program. Shes glad her kids are getting nutritious food. “Even in my house we dont have much junk food,” she says, “so its very important that its healthy and continues to help them grow better.”The ch

12、arity(慈善机构), Feeding America, started the national Kids Caf program in 1993. The charity says more than 16 million children in the United States do not have enough healthy food to eat. Kids Caf became part of the afterschool program at this community center five years ago. Lori McFail heads the afte

13、rschool program. She says some children do not eat good evening meals because their parents work late or cannot afford healthy food. She hopes the children will make full use of what theyve learned about nutrition in their lives. 4. What is the purpose of starting Kids Caf?A. To provide poor childre

14、n with nutritious food.B. To raise money for some poor children. C. To develop the afterschool program. D. To help poor children learn new skills.5. What can we learn about Daffany Nance? A. She is from Ethiopia and has two children. B. She believes the program is good for her children.C. She cared

15、little about her childrens diet before.D. She hopes more types of food can be offered for free.6. Whats the best title of the passage?AChildren Learn to Make Traditional Food BLow Income Parents Made a ProgramCFeeding America Started Kids Caf DKids Caf Fights Childhood HungerCTravel is one of the most exciting experiences a human being can have. Imagine how Italian traveler Marco Polo must ha


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