2017-2018年福建省龙岩市一级达标学校高一(上学期)期末教学质量检查 英语试题 pdf版含答案.pdf

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2017-2018年福建省龙岩市一级达标学校高一(上学期)期末教学质量检查 英语试题 pdf版含答案.pdf_第1页
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2017-2018年福建省龙岩市一级达标学校高一(上学期)期末教学质量检查 英语试题 pdf版含答案.pdf_第2页
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2017-2018年福建省龙岩市一级达标学校高一(上学期)期末教学质量检查 英语试题 pdf版含答案.pdf_第3页
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《2017-2018年福建省龙岩市一级达标学校高一(上学期)期末教学质量检查 英语试题 pdf版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018年福建省龙岩市一级达标学校高一(上学期)期末教学质量检查 英语试题 pdf版含答案.pdf(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 龙岩市非一级达标校龙岩市非一级达标校 20172018 学年第一学期期末高一教学质量检查学年第一学期期末高一教学质量检查 英语参考答案 听力:听力: 1-5 CBBAA6-10 BCAAA11-15 CBACC16-20 BACBB 阅读理解:阅读理解: 21-24 CBAB25-28 CADD29-31 CAB32-35 BDAC36-40 DFCAG 完形填空完形填空 41-45 ACADB46-50 DADBC51-55 CDABD56-60 BBCCA 语法填空:语法填空: 61. simpler62. to solve63. the64. as65. went 66. intell

2、igence67. be connected68. which69. with70. applications 短文改错:短文改错: Dear Jack, How are you! “World Water Day” is coming. Our school have decided to hold has many activity to celebrate it . I hope you can make a speech for the specially day. activitiesspecial The speech, which title is “how to deal wi

3、th waste water and recycle it”, is whose important for us, because of water pollution is more and more serious. Its important to encourage studentssave water. However, we invite you to make a speech for the toTherefore/Thus/So students or teachers. I believe that you speech is helpful and can let ev

4、eryone know andyour how to make full use of water. I would appreciate it if you can accepted my accept invitation. Yours, Xiao Ming 书面表达:书面表达: Dear Lucy, I am glad to receive your email about how to learn Chinese well. I would like to introduce to you one of the best broadcasting stations - Peoples

5、Broadcasting Station of Longyan. I hope it will be of great help to you. Whenever you listen to the broadcasting, remember the frequency is FM 92.5, where you will hear many programmes covering many aspects of Longyan, such as news, sports, life and so on. Its main aim is to tell you good stories an

6、d the people of Longyan. Listening to this station radio will not only help you know more about the customs and culture of Longyan , but also help you learn Chinese.(103words) I hope you will enjoy it. Best wishes !Yours, Li Hua (附听力原文)(附听力原文) (Text 1) W: You are 20 minutes late for the meeting, Tom

7、. Why dont you take a taxi or the underground? M: Well, Ive got a Student Bus Card and it only costs $2.50 to get here by bus. (Text 2) M: I think Ill get one of those new T- shirts, with the school picture on both the front and back. W: Youll regret it. They are expensive, and Ive heard the printin

8、g loses colour when you wash them. (Text 3) M: Well, it takes off finally. Look at the coastline. Isnt it beautiful? W: Oh, yes, it sure is. Do you remember our first flight? We didnt even know what “safety belt” or “smoking materialmeant. (Text 4) W: Its strange you didnt get an Ain the test. The t

9、est must have been really hard. M: Actually I could have done all the questions correctly, but there were too many and there wasnt enough time to answer them all. (Text 5) W: David, Im cooking fish for diner. Do you want potatoes with it? M: Er could we have pizza? We havent had that for ages. (Text

10、 6) M: I guess that you didnt do well in some of your class. W: Well, my English teacher is so boring. M: In other words, youre not doing so well in English? W: Uh, a C. M: Oh, well, how are you doing in your Spanish class? You said you liked that one. W: Well, I do, but I have problems understandin

11、g all those grammar rules. I get them all mixed up in my head! I got an F. M: Oh, poor girl! And what about your math? W:Ah, its a piece of cake. M: Good.And how are doing in history? W: Oh, thats my favorite class. Mr. Jones is always passing out candy if you know the answers to this questions. (Te

12、xt 7) W: Do you come from a big city, Nicholas? M: Yeah, I guessIts pretty bigIts a really fun placeIt has some cool art museums and great theaters and restaurants W: Really? How are the prices? Is food expensive? M: I guess soFood costs a lot in the supermarket and in restaurants! W:And whats it li

13、ke there? What does it look like? M: Well, its very clean, and its really pretty, tooTheres lots of parks and trees right in the center of the city (Text 8 ) W: The party was great yesterday, wasnt it? M: Yes, I really enjoyed itThe music was great and the food was excellent W: The people were inter

14、esting tooIm introduced me to Laura SingerDid you meet her? M: I dont think soCan you give a description of her? W: Shes short and slim, with dark black hair and green eyes She was in a blue dress yesterday M: And what is she like? W: Shes outgoing, athletic and independent Her kindness impressed me

15、 greatly Shes travelled to New Zealand andAfrica M: Really? Thats so impressive W: And thats not allIn January she won the National Writing Competition and next September she is going to Columbia University to study Creative Writing! M: Id love to meet her W: Well, were thinking of going to the cine

16、ma tomorrowWhy not join us? M: Sure, thatd be great! (Text 9) M: My brothers getting married next month W: That sounds like funAre they having a big party? M: I suppose so W: You dont sound very excited about itDont you like his girlfriend? M: Yeah I do actually Katss quite nice She makes me laugh Its just that Im not interested in family partiesEverybody sits around and hardly speaks to each


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