三年级上册英语教案Unit4We love animals PartB 人教PEP

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1、PEP 三年级上册Unit 4 We love animalsPart B Lets learn教案一、 教学目标:1、能听懂、会说句型:“Whats that? Its ”并能在情景中正确运用。来源:Z&xx&k.Com2、能听、说、认读单词:zoo, bird, panda, monkey, tiger, elephant.并能用英语介绍动物。3、能听懂Lets do部分的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。4、培养学生保护动物、珍惜动物的意识。二、教学重点:听、说、认读五个动物单词。三、教学难点:Lets do内容。四、教学资源: 多媒体课件、动物图片。教学步骤:Step1: F

2、ree talk1: Hello! Im Miss Yao. Nice to meet you.2:T: Whats your name? Ss: My names T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.3:T:How are you? Ss: Im fine,thank you.Step2:Sing a song“Hello!”OK. Boys and girls, stand up, lets sing a song together.Step3:PresentationT: Teacher shows a picture and as

3、ks: Look! Whos she? Ss:Miss liuT: Yes, this is my daughter and me. And we went to Linyi zoo on National Day. Do you want to visit the zoo? Now lets go to the zoo.1:课件出示图片:Welcome to the zoo.学习单词zoo.A: (四线格板书单词)Teacher reads the word.B: Students read the word.C: Chant: Zoo, zoo, zoo. Go to the zoo.2:

4、课件出示图片:Look! Whats that?T: Yes, it s a bird.A:(四线格板书单词)并拼读和领读。B: Ss read the word.C: T: Look at me. Act like a bird. Can you? Ss do.(师对学生进行表扬)来源:学|科|网D: Lets do together. ( Act like a bird.)3:课件出示图片:T: Wow! Look! Whats that?T: Yes. Its an elephant.A:师拼读和领读单词。B: Ss read the word.C: Ss follow the Ss.D

5、: T: Look at me and follow. Act like an elephant. Who can act?4:课件播放动物的叫声,让学生猜:Whats that?Its a tiger.A: t-i-g-e-r read the word.B: Ss read the word.C: Act like a tiger.D: One says, one does.5: Guess! Today there are two good friends in the zoo. They are from Sichuan. Please guess! What are they? (让

6、学生猜熊猫)T: Yes, they are pandas. This is Longteng. And this is Didi.Welcome to Linyi together.A: p-a-n-d-a,panda.(老师领读,学生读,学生跟学生读)B: Act like a panda.(one says ,the other one does.)C:出示熊猫是我国的国宝图片。6:出示猴子图片问:Whats that? Its a monkey.A: m-o-n-k-e-y, monkey. (老师领读,学生读,学生跟学生读)B: Ss read the word.C: Monkey

7、is lovely and funny. Who can act it?来源:学*科*网7:师总结整体呈现黑板上的单词。(Today we knew some animals. Lets look together. bird, elephant, tiger, panda, monkey)8: Listen to the tape.(课件呈现单词)A: The first time: Just listen.B: The second time: Listen and follow it and point to the words.9: Ss read the words. Then ch

8、eck 3 Ss read the words.Step4: Practice1: Game:(Whats missing?)规则:师从所给图片中抽出一张,让学生猜。2: Guessing: Whats that?(课件呈现箱子,让学生猜箱子里的动物是什么?)3:Practice in pairs.(one says the word, the other one guesses.)4: Lets do together.(课件呈现Lets do内容)5:Lets chant. Zoo, zoo, zoo. Go to the zoo. That, that. Whats that? Monk

9、ey, monkey. Its a monkey. A: Ss read the chant. B: Ss make new chants.(use the animals words.)Step5: Extension1:There are many zoos here.(请你们带领大家一起来参观一下吧)(课件呈现青岛动物园图片、济南动物园图片、北京动物园图片)2:课件呈现我国濒临灭绝的动物以及野生救护中心放飞被救护鸟类的图片对学生进行情感教育。(Animals are our friends. We shouldlove animals.)3: Sing a song for the an

10、imals.来源:Zxxk.Com Hello! Panda, do oh do! Hello! Monkey, do oh do!来源:学科网 Hello! Elephant, do oh do! Hello! Hello! Hello!Step6: Homework1:Read the animals words to each others in groups.(小组内互相认读单词。)2:Try to find out the way how we can protect the animals.(试图找出保护动物的方法。)板书设计:Unit 4 We love animalsB Lets learn zooWhats that? bird elephantIts tiger panda monkey



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