五年级上册英语课时测试Module 9 Unit 2 I feel happy外研版三起点

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《五年级上册英语课时测试Module 9 Unit 2 I feel happy外研版三起点》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级上册英语课时测试Module 9 Unit 2 I feel happy外研版三起点(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 9Unit 2语音 辨认练 一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不相同的写“D”。(20分)()1.A.trainB.trousers()2.A.happy B.any()3.A.beds B.friends()4.A.soup B.mouth()5.A.driver B.dress语句 应用练 二、选词填空。(20分)sadhappyboredtired1.Yesterday,I lost my dog.I feel_.2.I went to the farm.I helped my grandfather cut the grass all day.I fe

2、lt _.3.I have much homework today.I have no time to play games.I feel _.4.Today I won a chess game at school,I feel so _.情景 交际练 三、从B栏中选出A栏各句的正确答语。(40分)A()1.Are you feeling sad?()2.What are you thinking about?()3.Whats the matter?()4.Do you miss your friends?()5.What are you going to do?BA.Nothing.B.

3、Yes,I do.C.Im going to send you a card.D.No, Im not.E.Its a secret.阅读 理解练 四、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(20分)I like listening to music very much.When I am happy,I like to listen to music full of energy,such as rock music.Music can make me excited,and I will be happier after listening to music.However,when I feel sa

4、d,Id love to listen to some light music,such as some piano solos.Light music can calm me down.I like music very much.()1.The writer _ listening to music.A.likesB.dont likeC.like()2.When he is happy,he listens to music,such as _.A.light music B.piano solosC.rock music()3.When he is _,he listens to light music.A.boredB.angryC.sad()4.Light music can _.A.make him excitedB.calm him downC.make him tired答案全析全解答案Unit 2一、1.S2.D3.S4.D5.S二、1.sad2.tired3.bored4.happy三、1.D2.E3.A4.B5.C四、1.A2.C3.C4.B



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