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1、晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC The burning desire to succeed The motivation to succeed comes from the burning desire to achieve a purpose.Napoleon Hill wrote, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive1 and believe, the mind can achieve” 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC A young man asked Socrates the secret to success.Socr

2、ates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning.They met.Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river.When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into2 the water.The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong

3、 and kept him there until the boy started turning blue.Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp3 and take a deep breath of air.Socrates asked, “What did you want the most when you were there?” The boy replied,“Air.” socrates said, “That is the secre

4、t to success.When you want success as badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it.There is no other secret.” 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment.Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results. 【助读词汇读词汇 】 1

5、conceive vt.怀怀有 2duck.into.把猛按进进 3gasp vi.喘息 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC Whatever you want to be, you can be it as long as you struggle on. 只要你继续继续 努力,你就可以达到目标标。 His visit taking us by surprise, we were at a loss. 他们们不期而至使我们们很吃惊,都不知所措。 【佳句变换变换 】 1whatever让让步状语语从句 2take.by surprise出其不意 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析AB

6、C 1 _ vt.袭击袭击 ;攻击击 2 _ vt.声称 3 _ adj.怀怀疑的;不相信的 4 _ vt.占地(多大面积积) 5 _ vi.适应应;适合 6 _ vi.不见见;消失 7 _ adj.有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的 8_ n名誉;名声 A 考纲词汇思忆 attack claim sceptical cover adapt disappear generous reputation 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 9_ adj.吓人的 _ vt.使害怕 _ adj.害怕的,惊吓的,受惊的 10_ vi.存在 _ n存在 11 _ adj.神秘的 _ n神秘的事物;谜谜

7、12 _ adj.不可能的 _ adj.可能的 13 _ vt.象征;暗示 _ n指示;象征; 指标标 14 _ n身份;特性 _ vt.辨别别;确认认 15 _ n运气;命运;财财富 _ adj.幸运的 _ adv.幸运地 frighteningfrightenfrightened existexistence mysteriousmystery unlikelylikely indicateindication identityidentify fortunefortunate fortunately 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC Research indicates tha

8、t some animals are disappearing from the world.The reason why they go extinct is not a mystery.As we all know,many people hunt the animals or even destroy their habitats to make a fortune,forcing the animals to adapt to their new environment or die out.The pollution also poses a great threat to thei

9、r existence.Fortunately,people have realized the seriousness of the problem and worked together to protect the animals. 字词词入章,相得益彰 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 1be related _ 与有关 2be sceptical _ 对对怀怀疑 3throw light _ 帮助弄清楚;阐阐明某事 4come straight _ the point 谈谈正题题;开门见门见 山 5be _ in the news 再次成为为新闻闻 6die _ 灭绝灭绝

10、7_ to 由于;因造成 8go _ 选择选择 ;喜欢欢 9 _ out突出;伸出 10adapt _ 适应应 B 重要短语识记 to about on to back out due for stick to 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC He _(声称看见见)a round black creature moving quickly through the water. _(一直有)reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century,although no one has se

11、en one close up. They say that the lowtemperature lake _ _(不可能养活体形 如此巨大的动动物) C 经典句式再现 1to have done不定式的完成式 2there be句型 3be unlikely to do不可能做某事 claims to have seen There have been is unlikely to be Able to support such large living creatures 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC Some experts believe it is _(由于动动物)t

12、he myths grew out of. 4due to在句中作表语语 due to the animals 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC exist vi.存在;生存 A 核心单词巧布点,基石奠 Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations exist throughout the world. (2012江西卷,阅读阅读 C) Big Brothers Big Sisters组织组织 遍及全球。 exist _在于 exist onlive on_ come into existence/go out of existence_ in 靠生存

13、 开始存在/不存在 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC You cant _only 500 calories a day. 你不能仅仅靠一天500卡的热热量生存。 The elephant is the largest land animal _ 大象是现现有最大的陆陆上动动物。 exist on in existence 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC claim v声称;主张张;要求;索赔赔 n断言;权权 利;要求权权;所有权权 She handed me an earring saying I should keep it in case somebody clai

14、med it.(2012大纲纲卷,完形) 她递给递给 我一个耳环说环说 我可以先保管以防有人来认领认领 它。 is claimed 向某人索要某物 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 巧学助记记 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC The flood claimed hundreds of lives.(_) 品语语境,写汉汉意 to have ever been met had ever been met It is claimed that 夺夺去 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC adapt oneself_使自己适应应 adapt sth to使某物适应应或适合 adapt to适应应于 adapt _.根据改编编、改写 adapt.for为为改编编、改写;使适应应 adaptation n适应应;改编编本 adapt vt.(使)适应应;改编编;vi.适应应 The children are finding it hard to _ _.孩子们觉们觉 得很难难适应应新学校。 These materials can _use with older children.这这些材料改一下可以给给大一点的孩子们们用。 to from adapt to


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