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1、甘肃省临夏中学2020届高三英语上学期第一次摸底考试试题(本试卷共120分,考试时间100分钟)第I卷 选择题第一部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWill you be excited when you finally get to relax?What will the Junior 3 students do to celebrate after the senior high school entrance exams in June? Here

2、, three of them tell us what they plan to do after the big exam.Li Junzhe, 15, Huaihua, Hunan: My friends and I will travel to Beijing and the Shanghai Expo right after the exam. We planned to go by ourselves, but were turned down by our parents. They said we were too young to travel alone. Actually

3、 Im okay with it because Ive already traveled by myself.Zhu Hangian, 15, Dexing, Jiangxi:What am I going to do this summer? Of course Ill go to see the Shanghai Expo! But before that, I will watch movies. Because of the big exam, I havent seen any movies for a long time. I will watch whatever is in

4、the cinema! As for the Expo, I cant wait to see the seeds in the UK Pavilion(场馆).Dong Xu, 14, Dalian, Liaoning:I will, no doubt, play computer games for days after the big exam. My mother never let me during the past few years. I cant imagine how exciting it will be now. Also my friends and I will g

5、o to see the Shanghai Expo. The first must-see on my list is the Liaoning Pavilion, our home pavilion. Im curious about what we are showing to the world there.1. Who has the experience of travelling alone?A. Dong Xu B. Nobody C. Zhu Hangjian D. Li Junzhe2. Zhu Hangian will _ before traveling to Shan

6、ghai.A. watch movies at home B. play computer gamesC. see films in the cinema D. go to Beijing with his friends3. The three students will be excited about their summer plans because_.A. they will go to see the Shanghai Expo B. they all want to see moviesC. they will play games for days D. they will

7、travel to BeijingBA brand new scooter(滑板车) was recently left outside a shop in Cornwall with a heartwarming note saying: “Free to a little boy or girl who is not lucky enough to have one.” The scooter belonged to Max, a generous six-year-old. The child was given a new scooter for his birthday but he

8、 already had one. So he decided that he didnt need it.He told his parents he wanted a family who could not afford a scooter to take his extra one and they helped him put a plan together. They spoke with the owner of a local shop in Trispen, Cornwall, who let the family leave the scooter outside. The

9、y attached a note to it saying it was free to take.When the family returned to the shop after a short trip out, they found a thank you note sitting where the scooter once stood, and the family then knew that a happy child was racing home with a new scooter. The note read: “Thank you so much! I love

10、my new scooter. Love Ayla.”Maxs mum, Deborah, proudly said her six-year-old son had always been generous. The family was thrilled that someone could appreciate and treasure their spare scooter. She also added how they would love to hear from Ayla.“ He realized he couldnt have two scooters so he said

11、 he wanted to give it to another boy or girl who didnt have one,” Deborah said. The post has been widely shared and appreciated. Maxs kind action has warmed the hearts of many people on Facebook. “Im very proud of him. Hes my little superstar. There are kind people out there.”When Max was asked if h

12、e had a message for Ayla, he joyfully said: “ I hope you enjoy it.”4.What was the main reason for Maxs offering his new scooter? A. His friend Ayla badly needed one. B. He already had one of his own.C. His mother asked him to do so. D. He disliked the scooters style.5. How did Max give away his new

13、scooter?A. By having it sent to Ayla. B. By offering it as a birthday present.C. By asking a shop owner to show it. D. By leaving it outside a shop with a note.6. What was the online reaction to Maxs action?A. Few people took notice of it. B. Some people treated it lightly.C. Many people expressed t

14、heir likes. D. The majority thought it was foolish.7. What is the purpose of the text?A. To report a heartwarming story. B. To describe a birthday celebration.C. To stress the importance of education. D. To call on people to contribute scooters.CBrian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours b

15、efore the flight to Paris. He was wearing three shirts,a jacket, two pairs of socks, a pair of shorts, and two pairs of jeans. He was carrying one small backpack,which was very full, but he didnt have any other luggage. Brian needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight. He found Tony near the Air France counter. Tony gave him a round-trip ticket and a small package. Give this package to Jean Paul at the airport in Paris. He wi


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