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1、2014年小学英语外研版(3年级起点)五年级下册期末试卷(4)一, 补全单词,( )h d A, ur B, or C, ar ( ) hamb ger A, er B, ur C, ar( ) st dy A, a B, o C, u ( ) ex ted A, si B, ci C, sa( ) li r ay A, b, a B, a, b C, b, e二, 选出不同类的一项。( )A, football B, basketball C, horse ( ) A, small B, shoe C, heavy ( ) A, sandwich B, breakfast C, lunch

2、( )A, gave B, learnt C, climb ( ) A, she B, us C, him三, 根据首字母填空。1, They go to the cinema t a mouth. 2, Id like a b of milk.3, its not Sunday today. Its S 4, Do you often get l from your friends ? 5, A woman is r very fast around the road.6, please tell Jack I will come a at eight tomorrow morning.7,

3、 would you like to l a message .8, My grandma is a Beijing Opera f 9, Thats a big bag, I cant carry it. C you help me?四, 写出适当形式。Foot(复数) do(单三) soft(反义词) run(现在分词) We(宾格) learn(过去式) easy(反义词) teach(现在分词) These(单数) put(过去式) teach(过去式) 五选择。( )你应该对我的朋友说你好。 A, You should say hello to my friend. B, You s

4、hould say my friend hello.( ) 你在想什么? A, How are you thinking about? B, what are you thinking about?( ) 在英国他们在9点开始上课。 A, They start school at 9 oclock. B, they walk to school at 9 oclock.( ) 这位老人不能坐下。 A, this old man cant sit down. B, this old man cant stand up.( ) 你能很好地接住球吗? A, can you catch the bal

5、l well ? B, can you control the ball well?( ) 在这个包里有太多的苹果。 A, there is too many apples in the bag. B, three are too many apples in the bag六,完成句子。1,你应该抓住我的手。 You should my hand.2,今天我赢了一场象棋比赛。 Today I a chess game3,电视对我们非常有用。 TV is very for us4,他们想参加我们的足球队。 They want to be in our football 5,我的毛衣很干净。 M

6、y sweater is 6,我们需要一些苹果。 We some apples七,单选。( ) They didnt enough food. A, has B, had B, have( ) Five years ago, he to school. Now he to school by bus. A, walked, goes B, Walk, went C, walks , went.( ) He Chinese ten years age. A, teaches B, taught C, teached.( ) He is English now. A, learning B, le

7、arnt C, learns( ) Circle A is bigger circle B. A, than B, for C, as( ) what did she have lunch. A, in B, with C, for( ) He had at six oclock in the morning.A, breakfast B, lunch C, dinner.( ) please bring back the book A, two weeks time B, in two weeks time C, in two weeks time( ) did you go there?

8、- last week A, what B, When C, why( ) Her little son can chopsticks now. A, uses B, using C, use( ) Yao ming is very good basketall. A, in B, for C, at( ) The girl is deaf . she cant A, hear B, see C, find( ) I get up half past seven. A, in B, to C, at( ) Do you want to chess. A, think B, make C, pl

9、ay( ) you should look, then the road. A, cross B, walk C, run( ) Yesterday I lost my bag, I feel A, happy B, hungry C, sad( ) You are back China A, from B, in C, to( ) did you go to school yesterday. A, what B, How C. How many( ) Let s buy one kilo noodles. A, of B, for C, off( ) They walked one hou

10、r. A, about B, with C, for( ) I get up seven oclock the morning. A, at, in B, at , on C, in , on( ) did you go? - At eight oclock. A, when B, How C, where( ) Thats cap. It isnt A, mine, yours B, her, his C, yours, my ( ) We have got enough everyone. A, for B, with C, in ( ) There not enough time. A,

11、 is B, are C, has( ) life was different China many years ago. A, of B, at C, in( ) Why is she these clothes. A, wear B, wearing C, wore( ) Amy got a bag with wheels. A, have B, has C, had( ) His mum and grandma Chinese. A, are B, am C, is ( ) Thank you for us. A, tell B, tells C, telling( ) Ive got email from Sam. A, a B, an C, /( ) They had eggs and milk breakfast. A, for B, on C, in( ) He will home at seven oclock. A, is B, was C, be( ) Beijing is the north of China. A, on B, in C, to( ) Is line A the


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