四年级上册英语教案-Unit3 How many (第一课时)译林版(三起)

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四年级上册英语教案-Unit3 How many (第一课时)译林版(三起)_第1页
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《四年级上册英语教案-Unit3 How many (第一课时)译林版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级上册英语教案-Unit3 How many (第一课时)译林版(三起)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 How many (story time)一、教学目标:1. 能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I?3.培养学生乐于分享的良好品德二、教学重点、难点:1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, ninetee

2、n。2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? What do you have ? I have Can I?。3.培养学生乐于分享的良好品德三、教辅手段本节课用到的教辅手段有课件PPT和黑板。4、 教学步骤:Step 1. warming up1.GreetingsT: Good morning, class. SS: Good morning, Miss Hua.T: Today, there are many new teachers in our classroom, lets say hello to them.2.Play a game

3、T: Boys and girls, do you like playing games? SS: Yes.T: Lets play a game, yeah yeah yeah, no no no(1).I like you very much.(2).I have eight dolls.(3). Mike likes dogs.(4).Bobby has twelve stickers.SS: Yeah, yeah, yeah./ No, no, no.3.Lead-in T: How many stickers does Bobby have? SS: Thirteen,T: Yes,

4、 today we will learn Unit 3 How many.Step 2. Presentation1.Free talk(1).T: Look, I also have many stickers. Do you want them? If you do well in this class, you can get them.(2)T: Do you have any stickers? How many stickers do you have?Can I have a look ?(教师做“看”的动作),What about you ? Do you have any s

5、tickers?(通过教师和单个学生的对话,以及教师做的动作,让学生对重点句子初步感知)。2.Look and sayT: Do you like toys? Our friends also like toys. Who are they? What are these?(stickers), What are those?(toy cars).3.Watch and tickT: Please watch the cartoon and tick what do Helen and Mike have?(板书toy cars, stickers)4.Read and underlineT:

6、 Read the story and underline: How many stickers do Helen have? How many toy cars do Mike have?(板书thirteen, fifteen)5.Read and discussT: We know Helen has fifteen stickers, she likes stickers. What about Yang Ling? Does she like stickers? Read the story again, and find the evidence,then, discuss in

7、group of four.6.Read and think(1)T: Does Yang Ling have any stickers at last? How many? How do you know?(2)T: What do you think of Helen? What kind of person she is?SS: 乐于分享。T: Yes, she likes to share.7.Read the storyT: You can understand the story well. Lets read the story.Step 3. consolidationT:Yo

8、u can read the story fluently, lets try to dub.1.Dub for the story2.Act the story3.Lets talkT: You know the National Day is coming, if you go to your classmates home, how will you talk about toys, Try to make up a dialogue, and work in group of four. (黑板上给出本课重点句型,提醒学生可以参考)。4. Enjoy some picturesT: F

9、rom this class, I hope you can know: The more we share, the more we have. We share rose get fun.Step 4. Homework1. Try to recite the story 2. Introduce your toys to your friendsBlackboard design: Unit3 How manyhow manywhatwho thirteentoy carsMikefifteenstickersHelen教后反思:1. 本节课导入环节简洁,有趣,在拉近学生与教师之间距离的

10、同时也复习了学过的数字。但是读前的语言铺垫略少,节奏略快。2. 在文本的处理过程中能通过what how many Does Yang Ling like stickers?一步步启发学生思维,由浅入深。但是在这个过程中,学生对于教师的指令用语反应显得有些不够灵敏。我反思,这与学生和我的熟悉程度有一定关系,如果我的体态语更丰富一些,孩子们或许能更好接收我的指令。3. 本课我希望达成的情感目标是: 孩子们能够明白“分享”的意义,体会“分享”的快乐,但是设计显得有些突兀,在教学过程中没有找到很好的方法“润物细无声”,将情感教育蕴含在文本的教学过程中。课后评课老师给了我一个很好的切入口,可以从让学生模仿“sure”的语气着手,体会人物心情,同时教研员也给了我很好的意见,即可以问一句如果杨玲有什么玩具,Helen想要,Yang Ling 会怎么说。让孩子领会“分享”是双向的。4. 本课的过程性评价,对学生的奖励不是很到位。


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