四年级上册英语教案-Unit 4 My home PB Read and write 人教PEP版

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《四年级上册英语教案-Unit 4 My home PB Read and write 人教PEP版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级上册英语教案-Unit 4 My home PB Read and write 人教PEP版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 B Read and write教案教学材料:人教小学英语四上 Unit 4 Read and write教师姓名单位上课年级课题名称四Unit 4 Read and write教学材料分析教学材料出自新教材PEP英语四年级上册Unit4 Read and write(P43),本单元的topic是My home。该板块给学生提供了阅读文段,分为读、写两部分:第一部分要求学生阅读描述起居室的小短文,读后能够根据描述的物品位置将相应物品的图片与文字连线,并能够说出钥匙的位置;第二部分为有意义的单词抄写活动,分两个步骤:第一步为看图、选词抄写,完成句子。四线格的句子均为对话及阅读部分强

2、化学习过的核心句型。第二步为个性化书写活动,要求学生根据自己家里居室的布置情况完成句子。教学设计说明本节课是一节阅读写作课。教学中主要以描述房间里有哪些物品,这些物品分别在哪里为主线,以The is the . 和The are the 为主要描述句型。先让学生对我家的客厅进行语言点的滚动输出,然后进入文本,通过读文、读图对文本进行多层次阅读,进一步巩固了本节课的描述性语言,最后用已学的知识来描述同学的房间,自己的房间,小组合作将讨论的结果作好记录,真正达到语用的目的。教学内容确定Read and writeThis is my living room. My books are on the

3、 sofa, and my pens are on the fridge. My bag is under the table, and my glasses are near the phone. Where are my keys? Can you find them?教学目标定位知识目标:1. 能够读懂理解书上的小短文,完成图片与文字的连线以及描述钥匙位置的任务。2. 能按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读文本。3. 确区分is和are的用法。4. 能说一说、写一写同学的房间和自己的房间。能力目标:学生能根据实际情况描述自己或他人的房间(living room; study; bedroom)。

4、情感目标:引导学生学会收拾屋子、把物品摆放整齐,养成良好的生活习惯。教学重点难点教学重点:学生能理解短文,并做相应练习。教学难点:口头描述后如何将书写落实到位。如何帮助学生理解is和are的区别,并能在句子中正确运用。板书设计PEP Book3 Unit4 Read and writesofa toy 1. Where is the ? photos flowers TV table The is the keys glassesbox fan 2. Where are the ? picturespiano bag The are the 教学设计教学步骤教师活动学生活动建议说明Pre-re

5、ading1. Greeting. 2. Today, Im your new teacher. Do you want to know more about me? 3. T: I live . Look! This is my home. Do you want to visit my house? 4. T: This is my living room. How do you think about my room? 5. T: What do you see in my living room? T: Where is the TV? (Point to the sentence p

6、attern, let children know which word can be used with “is”, and which can be used with “are”.) 6. T: But one day, I cant find my glasses. Can you find them? 7. T: Look! My glasses are in the box. T: I can find my glasses. Can you find the glasses for Wu Yifan? Where are Wu Yifans glasses? Can you fi

7、nd them? Open your books and turn to page 43, find the answer by reading the passage.2. S: Ask questions. S1: Whats your name? S2: What colour do you like? S3: Where do you live? 4. S1: Its beautiful. S2: Its big and clean. 5. S: I see a TV. S: I see some flowers. The TV is on the wall. The flowers

8、are on the table. 6. S: Maybe the glasses are under the table. S: Glasses, glasses. Where are they? Find them, find them. I can find them.通过引导学生问老师问题来引出我的家,进入客厅后就引导学生用:I see 的句型进行小组讨论,用已知的内容来描述我的客厅里有什么。当学生说出某件物品的时候,教师开始追问Where ?引出本节课的描述性句型,通过和学生的一问一答不断强调is 和are的区别。 最后创设一个小情境,让学生帮忙找自己的眼镜,用Maybe the g

9、lasses are .的句型来找,对再一次巩固本节课的描述性句型。同时在这个环节渗透Can you find them?为接下来文本的教学作好充分准备。读前教学所有的语言输出都是在一个个真实的情境中进行的,教师有引导,学生有讨论、有猜测、旧知新知滚动输出。While-reading1. Where are the glasses? Can you find them? 2. Present the main sentence pattern from the passage. 3. We can find these things by reading the words. But can

10、you find the keys by reading the words too? Where are the keys? Can you find them?1. S: Read and circle the answer. S: Find the phrases by reading the passage. 2. Ask “where” questions. But he cant 3. S: Find the keys by reading the picture. 4. Read and match. 5. Listen and point.初读文本,找出Wu Yifan的眼镜在

11、哪里,并圈出答案。再读文本,找出其他物品在哪里?并圈出相关文字。 看答句,模仿课件用where来提问,将原文中描述性的句子就问答句,帮助学生更好地进行语言交流。Post-reading4. T: My living room is clean. How about Wu Yifans living room?5. How about your classroom?So, lets work together, put away the things, OK?6. Wow! is cleaning the blackboard. is sweeping the floor. is clean u

12、p his desk. Look! How is our classroom, now?7. Here is a study. Whose study is it?4. Try to describe the room.8. Here comes a living room.9. Read the picture carefully, then try to write a passage.S: Its not clean.S: It not clean neither.S: The ball is on the desk. I can put away the ball in the cas

13、e.The rulers are on the desk. I can put away the rulers in the pencil box.S: Its clean and nice!We like the classroom!S: Describe the room in the front.S: Discuss and write.Finish the writing sheet, then show the sheet.通过听读、跟读加强学生的朗读训练。从文本引申到自己的教室,很乱,开始情感铺垫,怎么样才能让教室变得干净整洁?大家一起来打扫。Put away是新加入的语言点,课件

14、上有中文注释,并通过一首歌曲让学生理解会读。整理后,教室变得整洁漂亮了,用勤劳的双手为自己创造更美的环境。语用及书写分三个阶段:一、小组讨论说一说书房里有什么,东西分别在哪里。并以小组的形式上来做口头汇报,初步利用情境展开语用练习。二、独立完成看图仿写。三、看图合作完成短文的书写,并将学生写好的磁条贴在黑板上,一起批改,让学生自己来发现书写中出现的错误,并及时纠正。Homework1. Read the passage on P43 fluently.2. Talk about your room with the sentence patterns.3. Finish “Homework sheet”. Write 3 sentences about your room. You can write more if you like.


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