三年级下册英语教案Module 4Unit 2 Put the Table Against the Wall广州版

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1、广州版三年级英语下册教案Module 4 My RoomUnit 11 Put the Table Against the Wall第一课时教学内容Unit11 Dialogue教学目标1) 四会掌握单词:put, which, them, under,by 三会掌握单词:against, corner, shelf, idea, spider, yuck2)掌握运用新句型Put;巩固复习旧句型There be 3)理解对话内容,能正确流利地朗读对话并能表演。教学重点1)四会单词的拼读2)句型Put theoninagainst的掌握和运用3)课文对话的教学教学难点1)能发出指令或听指令摆放房

2、间的物品。2)方位介词in, on, under, against, by的准确运用。教学媒体来源:学#科#网电脑课件、图片、单词卡、录音机教学过程Warming up来源:学科网1.Sing a songI have a little bedroom21世纪教育网http:/21世纪教育网来源:Z+xx+k.Com2.Free Talk :Do you have a.inon your.? Wheres your.Revision1.Game:Simon Says 教师发出指令学生做出正确动作复习inon the.2.Guess Game.教师出示一幅房间的图片,让学生看10秒钟后,图片消失

3、,教师用“Whats in the room? Wheres ?Is it inon the? ”向学生提问,让学生抢答。要求学生用There be .句型回答(复习stool, ball, table, bed, wardrobe, window, wall, door, ceiling, chair等单词以及介词词组,为新课作准备。)Presentation and Practice1.创设情景,引入和学习新课。1)教师故意把几本书掉下讲台,然后问学生:Where are my books? Who can help me? Please put them in the分别引出agains

4、t the wall、in the corner、by the window、on the shelf等单词和短语的学习。2)板书句子:Put theinonbyagainst the用各种方式做替换练习。3)在学生熟读句子的基础上,四人小组利用手头的物品操练句型。2.呈现和学习对话。21世纪教育网http:/21世纪教育网1)看课件,听对话,初步理解对话内容。来源:学科网ZXXK2)再听录音,跟读对话后,学生自由朗读对话。3)四人小组分解色朗读和表演对话Development1.学唱Put them away2.教师出示房间的课件,生帮助重新布置房间。用This is Its 以及Put the inonagainstby the句型来谈论这些家具。For example: This is my shelf. Its nice/red.There is a chair in the corner. Please put the bed by the window.来源:学科网ZXXK3.小结本课所学内容Homework1.听、读对话2.抄写本课所学单词和短语3.小组合作画一幅房间布置图,并用所学句子谈论


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