四年级下册英语教案Lesson 2 What are you doing鲁科版五四学制三起

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1、 Unit 2 Lesson 2 What are you doing?教学设计 来源:学#科#网一、课型:新授课二、教学目标(一)知识目标来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K1.学习并认读单词:wash, clothes, meal, water, flower2.学习句型“What are you doing?” “Im ing”(二)能力目标1.在生活中能运用“What are you doing?” “Im ing”询问别人正在做什么事情。2.能运用进行自“Im ing”表达自己正在做的事情。来源:学科网(三)情感目标培养学生学习的兴趣,同时引导学生在家里多帮父母做些力所能及的家务,做一个真

2、正的好小帮手。三、教学要点分析(一)教学重点1能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:wash, clothes, meal, water, flower2能听懂、会说并在真实生活情境中运用句型“What are you doing?” “Im ing”。(二)教学难点:单词clothes, water(ing), flower的发音以及在实际生活中的句型运用。四、教学准备Multimedia, word cards, pictures, etc.五、教学方法 Game-teaching , Cooperation-teaching , Scence-teaching and so on. 六、教学过程S

3、tep1: Warming-up:1、 Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Chu.T: Im glad to meet you. How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you, And you?T: Im very well, thanks. Im happy to make friends with you.(走到学生中间,师生简单对话)。I think this class we can have a good time. Yes?Ss: Yes,T: Are you confident

4、?Ss: Yes!. (边说学生边做出加油的动作)。2、Have a chant:T: Wonderful, First lets have a chant:Clean, clean, clean,来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#KClean the shoes.Can you clean the shoes?Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Clean, clean, clean,Clean the windows.来源:学科网Can you clean the windows?Yes, I can. Yes, I can.Clean, clean, clean.Clean the

5、 floor.Can you clean the floor?Yes, I can. Yes, I can.(设计意图:引导学生边听音乐边做动作,说chant,既很好的复习了上节课的旧知,为新知的学习做铺垫,同时又很好的提高了学生的学习兴趣。)Step 2 PresentationT: Good job! Boys and girls this chant is about housework, I can do more housework at home, for example I can clean the floor, I can wash clothes, I also can c

6、lean the windows. Now I am cleaning the floor. (白板展示我做家务的各种照片) 指导学生认读cleaning,并且加以区分和clean有什么不同,我做扫地的动作,What am I doing?(我正在做什么?) you can ask me, what are you doing? So today well learn the new lesson Unit 2 lesson 2 What are you doing? (设计意图:导入环节直接有效,我通过chant直接引出我在家中做的家务劳动这一情景,直接引出新知。)2、T: Ask me t

7、ogether.(师再次拖地)Ss: What are you doing? T: Im cleaning the floor.(让学生拖地,师板书Im cleaning the floor,并且引导学生朗读几遍,接着让学生上台表演扫地,并回答。)3、(让学生上台表演不同的动作,一般都是第一课的词组)T: Who wants to be have a try? Do another action.Ok, this boy/girl. Now lets ask him/her together?Ss: What are you doing?S: ImT: Great! Give me five

8、, 做动作。Anyone else? ( 再邀请几个同学上台表演,借此机会反复操练新句型,同时在此过程中我一定要注意多种方式评价学生,例如:excellent ,Youre smart, Your action is very well)Step 3 Practice1、T: Now everyone, please look at me ,(做动作,我正在洗衣服)How can you ask me?Ss: What are you doing?T: Im washing clothes. (板书)。 (出示单词卡片,学生由以前学过的wish 引出新词wash,当学clothes时,先出示t

9、his 和 that 这两个词,让学生总结th 的发音,进而来学习clothes就容易好多,接着让学生开火车,或者男女分读来巩固词组)T:Now children lets have a chant(通过一个chant来巩固新词组,同时将新词组融入到新句型中,反复操练,便于学生记忆。)T: Who wants to be the front to do the actions? The others ask together.( 一同学做动作,全班问What are you doing? 该同学回答Im ,让全班同学再重复一遍)用同样地方式学习watering the flowers这一词组,

10、学习cook the meal 这一词组时,为了避免方式过于单调,这个时候我可以出示我在厨房做饭的图片,让学生来问我:“ What are you doing?” 我来回答Im cooking the meals.2、 T: Now children ,Lets review the new words and phrases together. OK?(我呈现单词卡片,引导学生来巩固新单词。)3、 T: Next time lets do a pair work, One asks, another do the action and answer, Are you clear? (此环节是

11、把活动2 Lets talk 提前了)。4、 T: Everyone is a good actor. Now please look at the picture, What are they doing ? Now lets listen . (出示课文图片,很直接的引出新课)。First listen and have a match.T: OK, this time lets listen again and fill the blanks.(屏幕上出示几个填空题,有关于本节课的重点知识)Q1: What are you doing Mum? Im .Q2: What are you

12、doing Dad? Im ,Q3: What are you doing Danny? Im .(设计意图:所提出3个问题的答案同时也是本课重点句型,在真实的语言情境中再次操练Im washing clothes, Im cooking the meal. Im watering the flower)。T:Great, How clever you are!5、 T: This time lets listen and imitate, pay attention to the pronunciation and the tune.(设计意图:听音模仿跟读课文,充分利用教材提供的情景引导学

13、生听说,帮助学生形成正确的语音、语调。)6、 Read in your group and then lets have a role play.(邀请两三组带着头饰到讲台前表演)Step 4 Production 1、 Flower drum game.T: When the music begins, Please pass the box and ask the question “ What are you doing ?”When the music stops, the one who gets the box and answers “Im”.(我会把游戏规则更详细的出示在白板上

14、,此时老师只是做一个简单的交代)。T: (游戏结束),Children, Do you enjoy this game?Ss: Yes.T: Me too, I think well have a chance to play soon.(设计意图:做一个击鼓传花游戏,学生兴致盎然,做到寓教于乐,更大程度地激发了学生的英语学习兴趣)。2、T: Look here (指向白板),Heres a chant for you. T and Ss: Ask a question, ask a question, What are you doing? What are you doing? I am

15、washing clothes. Thats very nice. Thats very nice. (用两只老虎的节奏来说这个chant)(设计意图:chant 的设计,将本节课的新知很好的总结到了一起,学生在歌曲的节奏中,轻松的复习了本节课的新知。)3、(屏幕出示几张孩子做家务的照片)T:What are they doing? They are doing housework. Children our parents is hard to work every day , So after class, we should help them to do more housework. We should love our parents.(设计意图:情感升华,让学生既学习了新知,同时又很好的得到了道德教育,回家好好孝敬自己的父母。)Step 5 SummaryT: How time flies, Its time to say goodby


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