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1、Lesson 5 How Many?教材分析 本课为冀教版教材第一册(三年级起点)第5课,主要学习pen, pencil, pencil box, ruler和crayon等与学习用具有关的五个单词和句型How many_ do you have?I have_.的用法。教学目标知识与技能目标1.学生能够听懂,会说本课单词 pen/pencil /pencil box/crayon/ruler2.初步掌握英语中询问物品数量的方法及回答的方法,能够正确使用句型How many_do you have?I have_.情感态度目标鼓励学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。让学生体验到用英语来

2、表达身边的东西,并感觉到自己能够运用英语来做事情,同时培养学生积极与他人合作的精神。学习策略目标以学生为主体,通过创设多种多样的方式和机会,使学生利用自主与合作等学习方式进行学习。注重集体学习与小组学习相结合。教学重难点1.学生能够听懂,会说和认读有关学习用品的词汇:pen/pencil/pencil box/crayon/ruler2.学生能用英语询问对方拥有物品的数量:How many _do you have?并能口头应答I have_.教学准备多媒体课件,调查表格(每人一份),学生用单词卡片(同桌共一份),布袋/书包,实物, 教师用大词卡,印有本课五个单词的粘贴画若干教学过程 教学环节

3、 与时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Class Opening and Review(6 mins)New concepts(15 mins)Practice(7 mins)Class closing and homework(2 mins)1. GreetingHello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 2. Sing a songDo you want to sing a song? Now lets sing a song: How Are You? OK?3. Free talk My name is Carol.What is your name?H

4、ow are you ? Nice to meet you.Whats this? How many_?4. Lets chantOne book, two books,Three books, four.One, two, three, four, five books more.Learn the new words: pen, pencil, crayon, pencil box and rulerDemonstration:Now,boys and girls,look here! I have a magic pocketWhats in the pocket? Do you kno

5、w? OK! Ill show you!(Take out one pen)Its a penListen and follow me. Stick the card of pen on the blackboard,and ask students to read it for a few timesTeach pencil,ruler, crayon and pencil box in the same way.2. Learn “How many _ do you have?”I have_.Demonstration:(1) Look, boys and girls, this is

6、my school bag. What are in my bag? Let me show you. This is a .These are.I have some books. How many books?(课件出示) Can you guess? Now lets count.Four books. (课件出示)Then I ask students to guess the amount of ruler, crayons and pencils with how many_?(2) I have some books. Do you have any books?How many

7、 books do you have? (课件出示并领读) Teach “How many crayons/rulers/pencils do you have? I have_.” in the same way.1. Play a game: Look at the teachers mouth and guess what is it?2. Have a match:Memory Games.Teacher demonstrateshow to play the game, then students play it with their partner.3Play a game:Wha

8、ts missing?There are six cards together: pen, pencil, pencil box, ruler, crayon and book. Teacher hides a card each time, then the students guess which card is missing.4. Pair Work: Do a survey to your partner.Using “how many _do you have? I have_.”(教师板书)to do a survey to your partners amount of pen

9、cil, pen, pencil box, ruler, crayon and book.1 Summary:What did we learn today? We learned five new words. They areAnd we learned the sentencesDo you have any questions?2 Assessment:How many stickers do you have, boys and girls? Lets count. What are they?3 Homework: (1) Follow the tape and read the

10、text 3 times.(2)Introduce what things are in your school bag to your friends.Hello, teacher. Nice to meet you, too.Sing a song:(边唱边做动作)My name is_.Im fine ,thank you.Nice to meet you ,too.Its a book. One.Say the chant with teacher. No!Pen. Its a pen.Students read the new words together or by groups.

11、RulerBooks/Crayons/PencilsFive? Four? Yes.How many books do you have? Students read the sentences together or by groups.Try to read the words: pen, pencil, pencil box, ruler, crayon.Try to guess the words: pen, pencil, pencil box, ruler, crayon.Try to find the missing card.The students do the survey

12、 in the class, then finish the chart.Pen, pencil, pencil box, crayon and ruler.How many_ do you have? I have_.Five./Four.Pen, pencil, pencil box, and crayon与学生问候,让学生在英语环境中轻松地开始本课。利用歌曲并配上动作,活跃课堂气氛,使他们迅速进入学习状态。本环节是对旧知的回顾.为接下来的chant做铺垫. 此chant的练习对后面新授内容“数量的提问”进行了巩固.(利用魔法袋,使学生产生趣味联想,引出新词:pen、 pencil 、cr

13、ayon、 pencil box、ruler; 词图结合、音形结合吸引学生注意力,让学生留下深刻印象. 抓住学生们对老师书包的好奇,再带领学生们复习一遍刚才的单词.通过猜物品的数量,将句型How many _ do you have?分解为How many _?和Do you have?这样降低了知识的难度.通过多种方式的仿读,句型已被同学们分解内化。通过看口型猜词活动,既锻炼了学生的观察力,又提高了其仿读能力。此活动设计符合三年级学生求知欲高的心理特点,是一种有效又有趣的教学活动,也是对所学知识的一次巩固练习。此活动满足学生好奇心强的特征。通过猜单词的过程进一步检验学生在单词认读方面的学习效果。此设计不仅是对本课单词和句型的运用与巩固, 而且通过小组合作学习的形式,有助于学生能在轻松民主的氛围中锻炼英语语言交际能力。通过教师课堂上的总结,使学生又一次巩固本课所学知识,并对课堂上的知识进行查补。通过评价,不仅是对学生们课堂表现的反馈,更是一种激励。而且评价的贴画就是本课的所学新词,对于学生来说又是一种复习。作业体现分层教学及开放式原则,由学生根据自身情况选择一项或两项完成。(本教学案例由石家庄市裕华区二十里铺小学乔丽红老师提供)


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