四年级上册英语教案 -Unit5 Our new home 译林版(三起) (1)

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1、译林版英语四年级上册第五单元教学设计方案 NO:4教学内容Unit5 Our new home课型新授课时间教学目的1能听懂、会说、会读、会写a clock, a fridge, a sofa, a table, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room。2能听懂会说发音准确字母k在单词中的正确发音/k/.3能在真实的情景中正确运用所学句型介绍自己家。4策略目标:能与别人相互合作,共同完成学习任务。5情感目标:培养学生互助的意识。重点、难点1能听懂、会说、会读、会写a clock, a fridge, a sofa, a table, bathroom,

2、bedroom, kitchen, living room。2能听懂会说发音准确字母k在单词中的正确发音/k/.3能在真实的情景中正确运用所学句型介绍自己家。4策略目标:能与别人相互合作,共同完成学习任务。5情感目标:培养学生互助的意识。课前准备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件课 时第四课时教学过程:Step1.Review1. Magic eyes快速闪现学过的单词或句子2. 准备家具类单词卡片,每四人一组。3. Play a game Whats missing? 教师在PPT中打出一些家具类单词,请学生记忆若干秒后重新再出一组家具类单词,让学说说少的是哪一个家具。St

3、ep2:Presentation3、 ppt呈现一张室内的图片。T:This is my home.(指着几个房间) Look,this is my.(bedroom) This is my.(bathroom) I have .in my house. I have.in the living room. I have .in the kitchen.2同法,完成checkout time根据学生的回答,写出板书(文中的句子)3完成评价表格中I can talk about my home.I can say where my things are.Step3:sound time1.根据板

4、书让学生找出 lake thank的相同因素2出示音标,读,感知字母K/ k /的发音3引导学生回忆:你还学过哪些包含字母k, 在单词中发音相同的单词。T: I think you know the sound of the letter kT: Look the picture and answer.What does the boy like ?带读:kite bike.出示完整的语音句子,诵读。4.完成ticking time中I know the sound of the letter“k”Step4 DictationDictation the words a clock,a fri

5、dge,a sofa,a table, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room。1. Listen to the tape and read after it. 2. Read in three. 3. Act the dialogue. 4. 引导学生将课文变成歌谣,进行诵读。 Where, where, wheres the bag?Here, here, in the bedroom.Where, where, where are the skirts?There, there, in the living room, on the sofa. Where, where, wheres the cap?Sorry, sorry, I dont know.Oh, oh, in the kitchen.二度修改板书设计Unit 5 Our new homeA: Wheres ?B: Its A: Where are ?B: They are


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