冀教初中英语八上《Unit 6 Go With Transportation !》PPT课件

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1、Unit Review Learning aims: 1. Know about the history of some transporters. 2. Learn about the development of the future transportation. Learning important points: 1. Giving Advice/Order. 2. Possibility and Impossibility. Learning difficult points: Modal Verbs I.词汇 1. 掌握词汇:anywhere, on foot, of cours

2、e, type, ship, rapid, invent, wheel, engineer, railway, passenger, get on/off, speed, even, certainly, invention, present, round, wing, during, factory, dangerous, humorous, as long as, drive, countryside, ride, get in, smooth, second, space, sound, dirty, electric 2. 认知词汇:transportation, rail, inve

3、ntor, steam, engine, locomotive, explode, distance, iron, per, magnetic, jet, jet engine, presentation, North America, highway, afar, park, fuel, imagination, hoverboard, skateboard, float, transporter, spaceship, pedal, electricity II. 词组和句型 on foot, take a train/boat/plane, of course, a type of, p

4、uttogether, steam engine, iron rails, thousands of, get on/off, (at) a top speed of, turn over and over, no parking, in a hurry, North America, take a drive, go out of, get in, think of, makeinto, all the time, go through, presentto, sound like, go well III. Giving Advice/Order Youd better You shoul

5、d Dont push/run. Please be quiet. IV. Possibility and Impossibility It can be helpful to you. He couldnt take a train from Canada to London. V. Modal Verbs can, could, would, should, may, must, might I can go almost anywhere on foot. At first, only rich people could buy cars. I would like to see hov

6、erboards. I think someone should invent a transporter, too. May we leave our car here? I must go and get new things, or I might have a fit! Language Points 情态动词 一、表示推测 ( may / might , can / could, must, should, ought to ) 1. may (过去式 might) “可能” There may be little water left in the bottle. He thoug

7、ht it might be wise to try his luck there. She may not be waiting for you now. might might 注意: 可以用might代替may,以表示说话语 气更加不肯定; may 表示推测时,不能用于疑问句中. 如果在疑问句中出现 may,则表示请求许可,意为 “可以”. May I use your cell phone ? 注意: 1) 可以用could代替can, 以表示语气婉转; could 2) 表示推断,can不能用于肯定陈述句,但could 可以用于肯定陈述句, 相当于may/might; This st

8、ory could be true, but I hardly think it is.may / might 2. can (过去式could) “可能会” That cant be true. What on earth can this mean ? couldnt 3) can 可以用于肯定陈述句, 表示一时的情 况, 意为“有时候会”; Our house is on the top of the hill, and in winter the winds can be pretty cold. 4) may not / might not意为 “可能不”, 而 can not /

9、could not意为 “不可能” 、 “肯 定不”, 其语气要比may not / might not强 得多. 3. must “肯定”、 “准是” You must be joking, arent you? 注意: 1) must表示推测不用于否定句, 因为must not / must never 只能表示禁止,意为 “不准”、 “不可以”; - May I watch TV after supper? - No, you mustnt. (may not / cant 也可 ) Judging by the smell, the food must be good, isnt it

10、? 2) must表示推测不用于疑问句,因为must在疑 问句中只能表示 “必须” 或表示反感 “(干吗) 偏要” “硬要” ; Must I finish it by the end of this week? Why must you ask me so many questions when Im busy cooking? 3) must表示推测不用于将来.应该用别的句型 表示推测 “肯定会” 、 “准会”. Youre sure to succeed. / It is certain that you will succeed./ Im sure that youll succeed

11、. 4. should , ought to “照说应当”, “想比一定”, “按理应该” Fred should / ought to be up now. My new poems should / ought to be out in a month at most. 二. 表示必要性,、职责、劝告、建议等 (need, must, should, ought to ) 1. need “必需” “需要” ; must “必须” - Must I be here before 9 oclock ? - No, you neednt. (不能说: No, you mustnt.) - Ne

12、ed I be here before 9 oclock? - Yes, you must. (不能说: Yes, you need.) 注意: 1) need作情态动词, 不能用于肯定陈述 句, 在陈述句中,应该用need的实义动词表达. You need to be here before 9 oclock. (不能说: You need be here before 9 oclock.) 2) 回答Must/Need开头的问句, 不能说:Yes, you need./No, you mustnt. 3) 表示 “必须”时, must 是说话者的主观看法, 是积极态度.have to 则是

13、客观需要,是消极态 度。 2. 表示建议、劝告. shall, should , ought to , must You ought to / should follow your teachers advice. You must take plenty of water with you if you want to walk alone into the desert. Shall we have a break? Lets have a break, shall we? Lets not bother him, shall we ? 三. 请求对方做某事 疑问句中用情态动词can /

14、could , will / would 表示请求比用祈使 句表示请求婉转、客气. Can / Could you wait a few more days ? Will / Would you please wait a few more days ? 四. 表示允许或征询对方许可 may / might, can / could (“不准许”may not / cant / mustnt) You may / can stay here for the night. -May / Might / Can / Could I have a talk with you ? -Yes, you

15、may / can. (-No, you may not / cant / mustnt.) (但不说: Yes, you might / could.) can (过去式could ) / 比较 be able to泛指能 力(具有知识、技巧、本领而能读书、游泳 、说英语、踢足球等) 五. 表示能力 1. I could / was able to swim well when I was only ten. 2. 如果指过去具体某时或某个场合能(设法) 做到某事(succeeded in doing sth. / managed to do sth.),在否定句中两者都可用, 在肯定陈 述句和疑问句中,只能用be able to. We had a holiday yesterday, but couldnt / werent able to go to the seaside. Exercises 1. There were _ of footsteps outside the house. 2. The cat came into the house _ the window. 3. I hope everything _ well. 4. Mr. Guo is out of _ now. 5. It _ two hours to finish


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