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1、19秋学期(1509、1603、1609、1703)饭店业市场学(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业-0002试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.主要支出类别和营销组合的一页摘要文件的名称是:A.预算概述B.营销预算列表C.营销日历D.目标概要答案:A2.Which of the following statements about joint promotions is true?A.You should not enter into a joint promotion unless the other party has an equal or be

2、tter overall reputationB.You should not enter into a joint promotion unless the other party guarantees the cost-benefits ratioC.Joint promotions always improve your overall marketD.Joint promotions always improve your base business答案:A3.旅行零售商,如旅行社,通常是A.高利润率的销售B.全包价C.供应商可靠性D.a和b答案:D4.Which of the fol

3、lowing statements is true?A.Travel intermediaries are motivated by the same needs as the clients they serveB.The dynamics of todays marketplace supports a marketing approach of no deviation from the established strategyC.Marketing efforts should be based only on broad company goalsD.It is ill-advise

4、d strategy to form a marketing budget based on last years expenses答案:D5.The first step in the point-of-encounter customer service process is:A.recognitionB.reallocationC.plan of actionD.identification答案:D6.作为一个重要的营销参考工具,作为一个介绍部分的_提供了如何和何时发生媒体支出的视觉摘要。A.评论B.营销日历C.目标概述D.注释部分E.方案计划摘要文件答案:C7.20世纪80年代的什么事

5、件促使航空公司将其预订系统视为单独的业务,并将其分拆成新公司?A.补充航空公司的出现和随后的成功B.美国政府放松管制航空公司C.增加对美国低流量社区服务的航空公司的补贴D.全球航空承运人数量急剧下降答案:B8.Use of a shopper service is an effective way to:A.recognize problems and identify solutionsB.establish allocation prioritiesC.deal satisfactorily with customer complaints.D.a and c答案:A9.Individua

6、l business travelers attending functions planned by associations are usually:A.price consciousB.given few restrictions on expense account itemsC.given broad control over the selection of accommodationsD.given a generous range of room rates within which they are permitted to select答案:A10.Electronic t

7、ravel distribution systems are based on:A.travel agency computer networksB.the InternetC.technology and hardware developed for the militaryD.airline reservation systems答案:D11.这是一个好主意:A.没有来自您的网站的链接,但是您的网站的链接是可以接受的,只要它们是适当的B.尽可能多的链接,适合于您的网站C.只有一个链接到您的网站D.不超过四个链接到您的网站答案:B12.如果迈阿密的一家酒店集合了“迈阿密的剧院周末”旅行套餐,

8、包括房间,剧院票和餐饮,这种套餐被称为_餐A.飞行驱动B.假日C.以上都不是D.主题答案:D13.Which of the following exemplifies the concept of horizontal integration in the hospitality industry?A.none of the aboveB.Marriott InternationalC.Four Seasons HotelsD.Budget-Rent-A-Car答案:B14.公共关系从业者是否有必要关注新闻稿的格式和语法准确性A.没必要,因为每天都有一个给定出版物收到的新闻稿,几百个人中有一个

9、的可能性是遥远的B.没必要,因为出版物的编辑人员会根据他们的标准重写材料,他们的校对将会捕捉到任何拼写错误或不准确C.有必要,因为根据期限要求,出版物在给定新闻稿上所做的工作越少,它被拾起和运行的可能性就越大D.有必要,因为它让他们有机会磨练他们的写作和沟通能力答案:C15.When airfare rate wars break out, the airline that “wins” usually is:A.more financially stableB.less financially stableC.a supplemental carrierD.a large trunk car

10、rier with high financial overhead答案:A16.饭店房间的房价范围应为:A.狭窄B.有限C.广阔D.基于饭店退休人员的市场答案:C17.二十一世纪的营销生存将要求酒店公司纵向和横向地整合,以满足消费者对_的期望。A.更大的价值和更低的利率B.快速,礼貌,一贯的服务C.单源便利D.上述所有的答案:C18.完成营销计划所需的四个信息领域是:A.市场细分,零基预算概念,中间事实和占用细节B.市场细分,媒体选择,预算和关于竞争的事实C.市场细分,外部事实,内部事实和市场策略D.市场细分,关于竞争对手的事实,外部事实和内部事实答案:D19.According to the

11、 chapter, class in the service industry is demonstrated by:A.offering something uniqueB.ensuring that the property is neat and cleanC.behaving with grace under pressureD.an arrogant general manager答案:C20.An effective, cost-efficient way to select an advertising agency is to:A.place your ad business

12、out for proposal.B.negotiate a no-cancellation by either party contract with the agencyC.negotiate and implement bartering arrangements with the agencyD.demand that the agency periodically provide free media space and air time答案:A二、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)21.市场营销的受众包括A.融资渠道B.消费者细分市场C.投资团体D.加盟商答案:ABCD22

13、.The purpose of market surveys is to:A.uncover facts about the marketB.gain insight on potential trendsC.elicit consumer opinionsD.consumer words答案:ABC23.Travel retailers such as travel agents are typically motivated by:A.volume packagesB.supplier reliabilityC.sale priceD.high margins on sales答案:AD2

14、4.Which of the following would be recognized as a brand name within the hospitality industry?A.McDonaldsB.HiltonC.HertzD.HM答案:ABC25.One of the most popular linear diagrams used by market researchers is the decision tree, which is used to show pathways to targets and:A.develop networks and alliancesB

15、.assess alternative strategiesC.assess alliancesD.aid in the decision-making process答案:ABD26.针对旅游零售商的激励与反应要素有A.批量产品B.快速支付佣金C.客户满意D.低风险和较高的零售商反应答案:ABC27.制定营销方案的战略有A.部分战略B.整体战略C.推销战略D.媒体战略答案:BCD28.Which of the following is a key to positive consumer reaction to your operation?A.uniquenessB.reliabilityC.efficiencyD.believe答案:ABC29.Which of the following would be consid


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