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1、 学号: 2008020606 研究生姓名: 景小丽 联系电话: 15865285869 Email: jxl-1984 所在学院: 外国语学院 硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:An Ecofeminist Reading of Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter 霍桑红字的生态女性主义解读 学科专业名称 英语语言文学 申 请 人 姓 名 景小丽 指 导 教 师 张京生 教授 论文提交时间 2011 年 6 月 8 日 单 位 代 码 10445 学 号 2008020606 分 类 号 I106 研 究 生 类别 全日制硕士 An Ecofeminist Readi

2、ng of Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter By Jing Xiaoli Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Jingsheng A Thesis Submitted to the English Department of the Foreign Language School in Candidacy for the Masters Degree of Arts Shandong Normal University Jinan, Shandong, China June, 2011 独独 创创 声声 明明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进

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4、行检索, 可以 采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解 密后适用本授权书) 学位论文作者签名: 导师签字: 签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日 Contents Abstract i 摘要摘要 . iii Introduction 1 Chapter One Theory of Ecofeminism 7 1.1 The Rise and Development of Ecofeminism 7 1.2 The Connotation and Basic Theory of Ecofeminism 9 1.3 The Ecofeminist Lit

5、erary Criticism 13 Chapter Two The Formation of Hawthornes Ecofeminist Consciousness 15 2.1 Hawthornes Affinity with Women 15 2.2 Hawthornes Affinity with Nature 17 2.3 Hawthornes Accusation of Society 19 Chapter Three Ecofeminism Embodied in The Scarlet Letter . 25 3.1 The Interconnection between W

6、omen and Nature 25 3.1.1 Hesters Experience with Seasonal Change 27 3.1.2 Nature and Pearl 32 3.2 Oppression to Women and Nature from Patriarchy 35 3.2.1 Mens Subjugation to Nature 36 3.2 .2 Mens Subjugation to Women 40 3.2.3 Nature and Witch Hunts 42 Chapter Four Longing for a Harmonious Relationsh

7、ip among Women, Nature and Men 45 4.1The Ideal Relation among Nature, Women and Men . 45 4.2 The Ideal Relation between Nature and Men . 48 Conclusion 53 Bibliography . 55 Acknowledgements 60 Publications 61 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 i Abstract Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most influential writers in Americ

8、an literature in 19th century. His creation mainly takes New England of Colonial America as the background, reflecting the social reality of the day. The Scarlet Letter shows Hawthorne, the literary artist, at his best. Hawthorne sets the novel in the 17th century, depicting the cruelty of the Purit

9、anism and its killing of human nature. With the publication of The Scarlet Letter in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne became famous as the greatest writer living then in the United States and his reputation as a major American author has been on the increase ever since. So more and more scholars are studyi

10、ng the novel from different angles. Ecofeminism is a school of thought arising in the 1970s, which combines ecology and feminism. It came into the field of literature in the 1990s. Ecofeminism draws on the approaches of ecological criticism and feminist criticism, which concerns the relation between

11、 nature and female. It holds that the mens domination over women is closely related to mens domination over nature. The ends of ecofeminism are to deconstruct anthropocentrism and advocate building a kind of harmonious relationship between human beings and nature. The thesis consists of six parts tr

12、ying to have an ecofeminist reading of The Scarlet Letter from the perspective of ecofeminism. Introduction mainly introduces Hawthornes literary achievement, his status in the history of literature, the content of The Scarlet Letter, and researches on the novel both at home and abroad. Then put for

13、ward the central argument of the thesis. Chapter One mainly summarizes the theory of ecofeminism. By summarizing the background, the development, the connotation, the characteristics, and the significance of ecofeminism, I will provide the theoretical foundation for my thesis. Chapter Two analyzes t

14、he reasons of the formation of Hawthornes ecofeminist consciousness. The life experience of Hawthornes mother and the influence that his wife has on him make Hawthorne ponder the womens marginal status in the patriarchal society. And Hawthornes family history, his political sufferings and the 山东师范大学

15、硕士学位论文 ii social reality stimulate him to accuse the cruelty and harshness of puritan society. Chapter Three mainly analyzes the ecofeminism embodied in The Scarlet Letter from two aspects. Women and nature are closely interconnected: Hesters four periods of life is just like the four seasons of a y

16、ear. Incompatible with the puritan society, Pearl maintains a harmonious relationship with nature. In the patriarchal society with the prevailing Puritanism, nature is exploited and destroyed by men. In the meanwhile, an analysis of the protagonist Hesters marginal status because of the “adultery” and Mistress Hibbins involvement in “witch hunt” case show mens domination over women and nature are closely assoc


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