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1、北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素研究 北京体育大学 硕士学位论文 北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素的研究 姓名:王冬月 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育教育训练学 指导教师:马更娣 20050602 北京体育大学硕士学位论文 对北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素的研究 中文摘要 人类对自身形体美欣赏与追求的历史悠远流长,现代人对此则更为注重,近 年来盛行的减肥瘦身、健身健美己经成为一种社会时尚潮流。追求形体美是人类 文明的一种表现,形体美在社会中也发挥着越来越重要的作用。而1518 岁的高 中女生正处于青春发育期,身体具有很大的可塑性,而影响形体美的因素众多, 找出影

2、响因素有利于高中女生形体向良好的方向发展,促进身心健康发展。 为此本文以北京市高中女生800 人作为研究对象,运用文献资料法、问卷调 查法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法进行了研究,研究结果表明: 1 得出高中女生形体美的定义,及其形体美的基本特征、意义和作用。 2 制定出评价高中女生形体美的标准分别从静态和动态两个方面对高中女生形体进 行定性评价,结果为形体优秀所占百分比为10.6% 良好所占百分比为13.1%,一般 为30.6%,较差为25% ,差为20.7% 。 3 有45%的学生有很强的改善自己形体的愿望,有42%的学生对自己的形体不满意 但是由于学习任务较重,很少参加%的学生从没有参

3、加过形体训练,并且对形体形态美的理论知识了解很少。 4 对影响因素类的问题,通过R 型因子分析确定影响高中女生形体美的八大因素按 重要程度依次为:社会 体育 氛围、学校体育课因素、生活饮食因素、体育锻炼因 素、遗传因素 、生活习惯因素、体育价值观因素和社会压力因素。 针对目前北京市高中女生形体现状及影响形体美的因素提出如下建议: 1 要为高中女生增添良好的体育锻炼和塑造优美体形的氛围,如身边的教师 要注意自己良好的身体姿态,及家庭成员也要注意自己的良好身体姿态。 2 在高中女生体育课程编制过程中,注意增加选修内容,应选择一些适合女生特点 的项目如健美操形体训练等内容,加大对形体美理论知识的传授

4、。 3 高中女生体育锻炼的行为很大程度受到学习负担过重的影响和制约,学校应适当 减轻学生的学习压力,合理安排好学生的学习与体育锻炼时间,营造一个良好的 校园体育锻炼环境,促进学生参与体育锻炼的热情。 4 在高中女生体育课上应讲解女生生理发育期的特点,不要有害羞心理形成良好的 习惯,应给学生开设一些有关合理正确饮食的课程,形成良好的饮食习惯。 关键词: 高中女生 形体美 4 北京体育大学硕士学位论文 对北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素的研究 Analysis of factors which affect female students shape in Beijing senior

5、middle schools Abstract Our human beings have a long history in pursuit of their figure fitness, people currently pay much more attention to this. In recent years, weighting-control and shape- building have been becoming a social fashion. Shape-building stands for a kind of civilization and plays a

6、more and more important role in our society. At the same time, female students of 15-18 in senior middle schools are in their bloom developing period and their shapes are very flexible. There are many factors affecting their shape, therefore finding out these factors contributes to their fine shape

7、and promotes their health. According to the above reasons, the author investigated 800 female students as study objects in the senior middle schools. By analyzing the survey through the methods of documents, questionnaires, logic analysis and statistics, the author drew the following conclusions: 1

8、Working out the definition of figure fitness and its features, significance and effect. 2 Establishing the standards of evaluating the shape in two ways: static state; dynamic state. The results of the evaluation: 10.6% are perfect, 13.1% are good. 3 About 45 percent female students have great desir

9、e to improve their shape and 42 percent are unsatisfied with their shape. However thanks to hard work, they have few opportunities to participate sport activities. According to the survey, 72% female students have never taken part in shape-building and known little about it. 4 By using the R- Factor

10、 analytical device, we concluded the most important 8 factors that affect the female students shape. They are the following orders attributing to their importance: social sports surroundings, the percentage of PE classes, daily diet, exercise, inheritance, habits, views on the value of sport and soc

11、ial pressure. Tips: 1 Providing healthy sports surroundings and shape-building for the female students in senior middle school. 2 Adapting the curriculum, adding appropriate sport classes, such as artistic gymnastics, into it and enlarging the shape-building knowledge for them. 3 Thanks to the burde

12、n and restriction of study, they have little extra time. Therefore, the schools should provide a relatively healthy environment for them to participate sports activities. 5 北京体育大学硕士学位论文 对北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素的研究 4 Due to their physiological characters, we should foster their good behaviors, for example, healthy dieting. Key words: female students shape-building 6 北京体育大学硕士学位论文 对北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素的研究 北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素的研究 1. 前言 近些年来,随着社会的发展和人民生活水平的提高,在物质生活极大丰富的 基础上,人们对精神生活有了更高的要求,追求美的生活环境、美的享受与自身 美的塑造。 1 人的美可以分为 外在美和内在美。外在美主要包括形体美、容貌美、体态 美、行为美、


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