区域分析与区域规划(regional analysis and regional planning)

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区域分析与区域规划(regional analysis and regional planning)_第1页
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《区域分析与区域规划(regional analysis and regional planning)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《区域分析与区域规划(regional analysis and regional planning)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、区域分析与区域规划(Regional analysis and regional planning)Regional analysis and regional planning.TxtReview of regional analysis and regional planning (2009-04-28, 02:24:42)Reprint labels: real estate to introduce the space technology and economy of natural resources district cultural classification: profes

2、sional thoughtsL natural resources and their impacts on Regional Development1, the concept of natural resources: refers to the existence of nature, can be used and can produce economic or social value of natural (or natural environment factors).2 features: A., finiteness, B., regional, C., integrity

3、, D, multi use, e., sociality3. Natural resources and their impact on regional development:A. natural resources are the material base of regional social and economic developmentThe influence of B. natural resources on regional social and economic development:1 the amount of natural resources affects

4、 the scale of regional production development2) the quality of natural resources and the development and utilization conditions affect the economic benefits of regional production activitiesL technical support for regional development1, technology import or transfer can play such a significant role

5、because it has the following advantages:(1) the long process of exploration can be avoided and time will be gained for development.(2) a large amount of scientific research and trial production costs can be saved.(3) it is beneficial to increase labor productivity.(4) it helps to train scientific an

6、d technological personnel.2, the nine major obstacles of the transferring party and the leading Party(1) demand barriers, i.e., the introduction of new products made by foreign or new technologies outside the country or region, have impeded the introduction of the technology.(2) capital barriers inc

7、lude two aspects: first, the funds needed for the introduction of technology, especially the ability to pay foreign exchange; two, the domestic investment capacity that is matched with the introduction of technology. If the lack of these two funds may hinder the introduction of technology work.(3) t

8、he natural resource barriers mainly in the natural resources of the quality, quantity and variety combination on the suitability of imported technologies and equipment, if the natural resources in the three aspects of the suitability, it will form the introduction of technology barriers.(4) the barr

9、iers to employment are mainly manifested in the introduction of technology to regional labor costs, namely, the suitability of the overall wage level and the utilization level of regional labor resources. In China, the introduction of technology must consider the use of rich labor resources.(5) tech

10、nical human resources barriers, the introduction of technology operation, management, digestion and absorption, the need for technical personnel and management personnel, the lack of talent in these two areas constitute a barrier to the introduction of technology.(6) scale barriers can be produced b

11、y using imported technology. Only when the scale of production reaches a certain level can the ideal benefit be achieved.(7) infrastructure barriers, that is, the introduction of technology, matching infrastructure, can not meet the required quantity, quality and coordination standards.(8) cultural

12、barriers mean that the introduction of technology is incompatible with national cultural traditions, religions and customs.(9) temporal disorder means that the introduction of technology is not the current technology needed in the country or regional social, economic development and ecological envir

13、onment protection.L regional advantagesConcept: refers to a region in the process of its development, which has special favorable conditions, due to the existence of these conditions make the region more competitive, with more resources (including the social and natural resources utilization efficie

14、ncy, etc.) so that the overall efficiency of the region remained at a high level.L regional industry structure1, the concept of industrial structure: the composition of the various sectors of the national economy and the various industrial sectors. The industrial structure or department structure of

15、 social production is produced and developed on the basis of general division of labor and special division of labor. Study on the industrial structure, mainly studies the relationship between the production and living materials two categories; from the Department of view, mainly studies the relatio

16、nship between agriculture, light industry, heavy industry, construction industry, business services and other departments, internal relations and various industrial sectors.2, industrial structure division:(1) from the interdependence of departments in the process of social reproduction;It is divided into the material production department and the non-material pr


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