买菜窍门 教你挑选水果蔬菜哦(buy tips to teach you how to pick fruits and vegetables)

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买菜窍门 教你挑选水果蔬菜哦(buy tips to teach you how to pick fruits and vegetables)_第1页
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《买菜窍门 教你挑选水果蔬菜哦(buy tips to teach you how to pick fruits and vegetables)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《买菜窍门 教你挑选水果蔬菜哦(buy tips to teach you how to pick fruits and vegetables)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、买菜窍门 教你挑选水果蔬菜哦(Buy tips to teach you how to pick fruits and vegetables)Grocery shopping tips1. potatoes:No broken skin, as far as possible to choose a round, the more round the better cut. Leather must be dry, do not have blisters, or save a short time,The taste is bad. Dont have bud and green, so i

2、ts almost the same. Potatoes which grow out of tender buds are poisonous and unfit for eating. asFruit found that potato skin turned green, even if it is very light green, do not eat. Because potatoes turn green is a sign of toxic alkaloids, such asFruit food poisoning.Inferior potato chips are smal

3、l and uneven; have damage or moth eaten holes; potato chips wilt become soft; potato chips germinate or turn green; mixed with more pests,A potato block; a putrid odorPotatoes can not have bud bud, otherwise harmful to the human body, there is a look at the color it was fresh, not like black bruiseP

4、art of it is mostly badOf course, the price is also on the one hand, the best at all prices!Potatoes have yellow and white meat two.Yellow meat powder.Slightly sweet white.Too large potatoes may grow out of date and fiber is thicker. Frostbite or rotting potatoes, whose flesh turns gray or dark, shr

5、inks, and should be discarded.2. pork:Sniff: sniff the smell of meat with your nose. Fresh meat smell is pure, no smell;Two pressure: gently press the surface of the meat with your fingers. If pressed gravure printing can quickly restore the original condition, the Department of fresh meat;,Three to

6、uch: touch the meat table with your hands. If the surface dry or slightly moist, non stick hands are good meat; fresh meat surface shiny, andThere is an inherent fragrance, elastic when pressed, lean red, fat white, uniform in color, slightly dry or slightly wet, not stickyHand. Meat of poor quality

7、, dry or extremely smooth, Matt, inelastic, yellow in white. The flesh of the meat was dark and depressed after pressingCan not be restored, mucus section, can smell abnormal smell, such as after the death of slaughter, flesh is dark red, purple, blood vesselsPurple blood deposits in it.Fresh water

8、fish, has the following characteristics: scales closely integrated, smooth flash is not easy to fall off; clear bright, plump micro fishConvex, gill cover closed not easily opened, cheek color red fish; solid body, muscle flexibility, creamy feel is not easy to grasp, sink into the waterNo, abdomina

9、l bulge, flesh and blood are not isolated, no smell.3 buy eggplant?Eggplant on the vegetable market has two kinds of purple and red. The aubergine is red and the aubergine is aubergine. Light red in springListed first, followed by purple red eggplant listed.The aubergine of eggplant is very bad for

10、the poor quality. There is a reliable way to judge the tender and tender of eggplant. It is to look at the size of the eyes of the eggplant.Where do the eyes of eggplant grow? Sepals and fruit of eggplant connected in place, there is a white ribbon ring with a light green, vegetableCall it eggplants

11、 eyes. The bigger the eyes, the more tender the eggplant is; the smaller the eyes, the older the eggplant.Everyone wants to buy green eggplant, so you have to pick up big eyes. At the same time, tender eggplant holding a sticky feeling, hard hair eggplant is an old eggplant.The appearance is bright,

12、 indicating the freshness is high, the epidermis is wrinkled and the luster is dim, indicating that it is not fresh. The best time for eggplant consumption is 5 and June.4, how to buy chili?There are no more than three kinds of chillies in the vegetable market. One is spicy chili, the other is sweet

13、, heavy and non spicy sweet pepper, and another oneA semi spicy pepper between the two. In general, there is an obvious difference between the shape of the pepper and its spicy and sweet tasteRelevance。 Chili is much spicy, and the thinner the pulp, the more spicy it is. Persimmon shaped round peppe

14、r is mostly sweet pepper, the thicker the flesh, the more crisp and sweet. Half spicyPepper is somewhere between the two. If you pay more attention to nutrition, can buy red pepper red pepper to eat, because the vitamin C is 0.8 times more than the green pepper, HuCarotene to more than 3 times, and

15、red light weight (small proportion), is also advantageous in economy, just as to eat green pepper crisp.5, how to choose tomatoes?There are two main types of tomatoes on the vegetable market. One is red tomatoes, sugar, high acid content, rich; the other is the pink tomato, sugar, low acid content,

16、tasteless. To buy tomatoes on the market, we must first clearly intend to eat raw or cooked. If you want to eat raw, of course, buy PinkBecause this kind of tomato is sour and raw, it is better to eat it. If you want to eat it well, you should buy red tomato as much as possible. This tomato has a strong flavor and a


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