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1、On the Three Social Forces in E. M.Forsters Howards EndCandidateSupervisorCollegeProgramSpecializationDegreeUniversityDateXiao KemiaoProf. Hu QiangCollege of Foreign LanguagesEnglish Language and LiteratureBritish and American LiteratureMaster of ArtsXiangtan UniversityJune 10th, 2011湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人


3、。作者签名:导师签名:日期:日期:年年月月日日Descriptive Chinese Abstract摘要爱摩福斯特是英国爱德华时期最重要的小说家之一。霍华德庄园通常被认为是他最成熟、最优秀的早期作品。小说出版于 1910 年,此时的英国正处于社会的转型期。福斯特的小说再现了爱德华时期英国社会生活的许多重要片段,因而也具有鲜明的时代特征。“情感结构”一词是由英国著名马克思主义文化理论家、文学批评家雷蒙德威廉斯提出,用以描述某一特定时期人们在实际生活中的体验和感受。威氏认为,任何一个历史时期,不同的文化力量相互作用,并且提出了社会体验的三种成分构成,即“残余”因素、“主导”因素和“新生”因素。在

4、社会的转型期,各种社会文化力量并存,相互之间的冲突和矛盾关系表现得更为明显。威廉斯的“情感结构说”为解读福斯特作品与英国爱德华时期社会文化历史语境的互动关系提供了一种新的视角。借助威廉斯的 “残余”、“主导”和“新生”三个理论关键词,本文以霍华德庄园中的三个人物形象所代表的三种社会力量为研究对象,探讨了转型时期英国民众切身感受到的社会体验,进而由小见大,勾画出当时的社会状况。第一章分析“残余”的社会力量。露丝的身上体现着与庄园息息相关的英国前现代文明的价值观念和传统道德,她是这种旧道德在新时期的捍卫者。玛格丽特是爱德华时代典型的自由人文主义知识分子,也是露丝的精神继承人。她努力在伦敦城变动的狂


6、有乌托邦象征意义的精神家园。关键词:爱摩福斯特;霍华德庄园;“情感结构”;社会焦虑IEnglish AbstractAbstractEdward Morgan Forster is one of the most important British novelists in Edwardianperiod. Howards End has generally been considered as his maturest and most excellentearlier work. The novel is published in 1910, a period of social tran

7、sformation in England.Forsters novels depict crucial aspects of the social life in Edwardian England, which alsohave distinctive characteristics of the time.“Structure of feeling” is a term proposed by the British Marxist and literary criticRaymond Williams. It is a concept applied to describe what

8、is actually being lived in aparticular period. According to Williams, in any historical period, different cultural forcesinteract, and he poses three components of social experience, namely the “residual, the“dominant” and the “emergent”. During the transitional period, these elements coexist andare

9、 in tension. Williams concept of “structure of feeling” sheds new light on the analysis ofthe interactions between Forsters novel and the socio-cultural context of the Edwardianperiod.With Williams three theoretical key words, i.e. “residual, “dominant” and “emergent”,the thesis mainly focuses on th

10、ree characters who are representative of their respectivesocial force in Howards End to explore the social experience actually being felt by theEnglish people during the transitional period, and further delineates the social condition ofthat time. The first chapter deals with the “residual” social f

11、orces. Ruth Wilcox embodiesthe values of the pre-modern British civilization and the traditional morality closely relatedwith the country house. She is the guardian of the old morality in the new era. Margaret is atypical Edwardian liberal-humanistic intellectual, and is also the spiritual heir to R

12、uth. Shestruggles to find a home in the continual flux of London; ultimately she retreats from thehustle and bustle in the city to Howards End, deviating from disorder of the external life tothe contemplation of inner world. Chapter two analyses the “dominant” social forcesrepresented by the Wilcox

13、family. They belong to wealthy upper class who has constructedthe Empire, taking hold of the social discourse. The middle-class values represented bythose of Henry are predominant at that time and penetrate into the popular social attitudes.IIEnglish AbstractBut the Wilcoxes pay no attention to the

14、emotional and spiritual world, and havefundamental moral defects. The third chapter examines the “emergent” social forces.Leonard Bast struggles to change his social status through literature and art. The conflictsbetween the ideals and the reality reflected on him indicate the pursuit of success and ofaccess to social r


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