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1、10.一日三餐1.惯用口语句子:Whats for supper?晚餐吃什么?What are we having?我们吃什么?What would you like to have for breakfast?你早餐想吃什么?我们需要了解一下西方人在早餐时经常吃的一些东西,比如说:boiled eggs煮鸡蛋,fried eggs煎鸡蛋,scrambled eggs炒鸡蛋,pancakes薄煎饼,toast土司(一种烤面包),bacon咸肉等。Its almost ready.差不多做好了。Dinners almost done.饭差不多做好了。Would you like some cof

2、fee, juice or milk?你想喝咖啡、果汁还是牛奶?提供不同的食品供他人选择可以用这个选择疑问句型。Breakfast is ready.早餐准备好了。Come and get it过来吃饭。Do you care for some dessert?你要不要来些甜点?Whats for dessert?甜点吃什么?care for“喜欢,想要”I couldnt eat another bite.我一口也吃不下了。I cant eat any more.我不能再吃了。Im full.我饱了。bite n. 一口Do you want some soup?你要喝汤吗?What kin

3、d of soup do you like to have?你想喝什么汤?I dont feel like eating anything.我什么也不想吃。Im not hungry.我不饿。I dont want to eat that.我不想吃那个。Ive had my lunch in the snack bar nearby.nearby ad. 在附近snack bar“快餐店”I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg.我吃了一个汉堡,一个炸鸡腿。hamburger n. 汉堡包 ( = burger )2.实用对话Breakfast早餐Mo

4、m: John, come and get it; breakfast is ready.妈妈:约翰,过来吃饭,早餐准备好了。John: Im still getting ready for school. I cant find my schoolbag.约翰:我还在准备上学的东西呢。我找不到书包了。Mom: I told you to pack it last night. What did you do with it?妈妈:我昨天晚上就告诉过你收拾书包。你是怎么做的?John: I did. But I used something in the bag later.约翰:我收拾过了。

5、但后来我又用过里面的东西。Mom: Anyway, hurry up! Here is your carrot juice.妈妈:不管怎样,你快点吧!这是你的胡萝卜汁。John: Can I have apple juice, Mom?约翰:我能喝苹果汁吗,妈妈?Mom: Dont be so fussy about stuff.妈妈:别这么挑剔。John: Oh, Mom.约翰:哦,妈妈Mom: Do you want your fried egg sunny-side up?妈妈:煎蛋你要单面煎的吗?John: Yes. But I prefer oatmeal first. III ma

6、ke it myself.约翰:是的。但我想先吃麦片粥。我自己来弄吧。Mom: Good. Ill butter your toast then.妈妈:好。那我来给你的面包抹上黄油。John: I wish I could have breakfast steak today.约翰:我真希望今天早餐能吃牛排就好了。Mom: Ill make it for you tomorrow.妈妈:我明天给你做。John: Thanks.约翰:谢谢。3.详细解说1.“ready”是一个非常简单的词,但在口语中却十分常用,请看例句:I dont feel that Im ready for my drivi

7、ng test yet.(我觉得我还没有准备好参加驾照考试。)Is everything ready for the exhibition?(展会全都准备好了吗?)Ive got to get a room ready for our guests.(我得为客人们准备好一个房间。)2.“fussy”意为“过分挑别的,过分讲究的”,常用的结构为“be fussy about”。例如:Lilly is fussy about her looks.(莉莉过分关注她的外貌。)A lot of small children are fussy eaters.(很多小孩子都很挑食。) -Do you wa

8、nt to go out or just rent a movie? -Im not fussy.(-你想出去呢?还是想租个电影看?-我无所谓。)3.“butter sb.s toast”意思是“给某人的面包(片)上抹黄油”。“butter”在这里是动词,表示“给抹黄油”。4.文化洗礼中美饮食文化的差异俗话说“民以食为天”。在中国,我们可能一日三餐(three meals a day)少不了,可是在西方国家,特别是在美国,他们的饮食是怎样的呢?和我们中国的饮食习惯有差别吗?差别有多大?带着这些疑问,我们来了解一下中美饮食文化的差异。其一,美国人喜欢一日多餐,每餐适量:而中国人喜欢一日三餐:早餐

9、、午餐、晚餐,并且每餐食量都较大,且现在已开始有不食)早餐的风气。少食多餐比一日三餐、二餐更科学,特别是不食早餐更易患胆结石症。其二,许多中国人习惯每日购买新鲜食品;而美国人往往一次性购买一周的食品,并贮存在冰箱( refrigerator)里,平日食用冷冻食品。此外美国人食用的罐头和腌制品的量分别为中国人的八倍和六倍,这类食品含较多的防腐剂( preservative)和色素等化学品,对身体非常不利。其三,中国的许多家庭逢年过节时,烹饪的菜肴( dish)特别多,应酬也特别多。而美国人宴客或庆祝节日时,从不铺张,连总统宴请外国元首也是三四道菜而已,更不劝酒。11.收拾餐桌碗碟1.惯用口语句子

10、:Whose turn is it to do the dishes?轮到谁来洗碗了?Can you help me with the dishes?你能帮我收拾一下碗碟吗?do/wash the dishes“洗碗碟等餐具”dish的意思是“盘子,碟子”,dishes的意思是“就餐时用过的所有餐具”。Its your turn to wash the dishes.轮到你洗碗了。Its your tum to clear the table.轮到你清理餐桌了。clear the table“清理餐桌”Will you do the dishes after the meal?吃完饭你洗碗吗?

11、I dont feel like washing the dishes today.我今天不想洗碗。I dont like doing the dishes.我不喜欢洗碗。Put your dishes in the sink.把你的餐具放到水槽里。Carry your own dishes to the kitchen.把你自己的餐具拿到厨房里去。Ill wash and you dry.我来洗碗,你来擦烘干。Ill scrape and you load the dishwasher.我来把碗碟刮干净,你来把它们放入洗碗机里。scrape v. 刮掉,擦掉load v装入,装填dishwa

12、sher n. 洗碗机Put the chairs back.把椅子放回去。Fold up the chairs.把椅子折起来。Put everything away,把每样东西都放回原位。put away“放回原位”These stains just wont come out.这些污渍怎么洗都洗不掉。These stains cant be removed.这些污渍弄不摔。stain n. 污点,瑕疵remove v. 去除,处理掉I keep every dishware organized.我把每一样餐具都整理得井井有条。dishware n. 碟,餐具The tablecloth I

13、s dirty.餐桌布脏了。Change the table cloth.换一下桌布。Lay the cloth.铺上桌布。tablecloth n. 桌布(也可写作table cloth)Use a little muscle when you clean the stove.你清理炉灶时用点力。muscle n. 肌肉,力气stove n. 炉子,(在这里指做饭用的)炉灶The way I see it, to do tho dishes is boring.在我看来,洗碗很无聊。the way I see it“以我之见,在我看来”不定式to do the dishes作主语。Be ca

14、reful when you wa8h the dlshe8.标洗碗时要小心。be careful“小心,细心”2.实用对话Clearing the Table and Doing the Dishes收拾餐桌碗碟Frank: Do you like cooking?弗兰克:你喜欢做饭吗?Jane: Yes, I do a lot. But I dont like doing dishes. Whatabout you? Do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards?简:喜欢,我经常做饭,但我不喜欢洗碗。你呢?喜欢做饭然后收拾干净吗?Frank: To be honest, I dont really


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