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1、Chinese sentences 1.他跑起来,像一阵狂风似的 2.去年一点相思泪,至今流不到腮边 3.他跑地比蜗牛还慢 English sentences 1.I was scared to death. 吓死我了 2.Its a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day. 今天阳光明媚,躲躲在家中实实在是太遗遗憾了 3.I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars 我爱爱你。你是我的一切,你是月亮和星星 Hyperbole 言过过其实实的夸张张 A

2、ccording to the given Chinese sentences and English sentences, can you give the definition of Hyperbole? Other definition: 1) The definition from Longman dictionary of English language & culture: A way of describing something in order to make it sound bigger, smaller, better, worse etc than it reall

3、y is 2) The definition from牛津高阶英汉双解词典: “exaggerated statement that is made for special effect and is not meant to be taken literally.”(用于达到某种特殊效果的夸大陈述,且不能按照字面 意义解释。) Definition in Chinese:P123 Hyperbole In order to learn Hyperbole well, lets learn how to write a sentence in Hyperbole-夸张张的表现现形 式 6种方式

4、: 1)用数次或表示数量的词组进行夸张 2)利用动词进行夸张 3)利用形容词和副词进行夸张 4)用形容词最高级进行夸张 5)利用介词短语进行夸张 6)利用否定词进行夸张 7) 用虚拟语气进行夸张 Hyperbole (一)用数次或表示数量的词组进行夸张 用数字对事实进行夸张是一种颇具特色的夸张修辞手法 。它不仅可以使语言形象生动,还可以对事情渲染造势。 1.In the dock, she found scores of arrows piercing her chest. 站在被告席上,他感到万箭穿心。 2. The winds from the east go tearing round

5、the mountains like forty thousand devils. 从东方吹来的风如同百万个魔鬼在山周围狂奔猛闯。. 夸张的表现形式 (二)利用动词进行夸张 借助词语的语义把要描述的事情推向极端,从而激起读者 或听着强烈的共鸣,引起他们的联想和想象, 揭示事物的本质。 1. The noise was loud enough to wake the dead. 声音大得足够把死人惊醒。 2A young girl brought the house down with a ballet dance. 一位年轻姑娘跳了芭蕾,博得全场喝彩。 夸张的表现形式 (三)利用形容词和副词进

6、行夸张 在日常生活对话中,人们常用形容词、副词去修饰微不足道的 事情,目的就是为了渲染一种气氛、强调某种意义后事情。 如副词:extremely, awfully, terribly, etc. 如形容词:miserable, horrible, splendid, etc. 1Madame Loisel now knew the horrible life of the need. But she took her part heroically. 卢瓦泽尔太太现在懂的究人过的着十分可怕的生活,但是她英勇的过上 了究人的日子。 夸张的表现形式 (四)用形容词最高级进行夸张 利用形容词和副词最

7、高级进行夸张,也是把词语语义 推向极端,只不过它有着明显的最高级语言标志,后面 一般常有表示最高级的范围。 1. The most effective water power in the world womens tears. 世界上最有效的水力 女人的眼泪。 夸张的表现形式 (五)利用介词短语进行夸张 利用短语进行夸张,把语义推向极端,渲染气氛,启发 联想,突出事物的特征,增强艺术或感染力。 1. His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized throughout the world. 在全世界他享有圣经权威的美名。 2

8、. Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair. 波落小姐泪如泉涌,坐着轿子径直回家去了。 夸张的表现形式 (六)利用否定词进行夸张 这是一种常用的夸张修辞法,往往通过对否定词的重叠, 倒装,或对某一概念的绝对否定而实现的。 1.Then, without a scrap of courage, but with a great deal of desperation, I went softly in and stood beside her, touching her with my finger.

9、然而,毫无半点勇气,却满怀不顾一切的激情, 我轻轻地走走去,站在他身边,用手指轻触她。 夸张的表现形式 (七)用虚拟语气进行夸张 1He woke them both up getting to bed, but when they tried to wake him up afterwards they might as well have tried to wake the dead. 他去睡觉的时候把他们两人都弄醒了, 但是后来他们想唤醒他时,简直就像唤死人一样。 夸张的表现形式 Why Hyperbole is widely used in writing?-the advantage

10、 of Hyperbole? -夸张的修辞效果 Your opinions? 1)用于描写,可以使形象生动突出; 2)用于说理,能够化抽象为具体,变深奥 为浅显; 3)用于抒情,能把景和情溶为一体,给语 言增添幽默讽刺的趣味。 1)用于描写: 基于实际,超越实际,增加文章的生动性、趣味性、可 读性和艺术感染性。 1Cool was I and logical, keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute I was all of these, my brain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precis

11、e as a chemists scales, as penetrating as a scalpel and-I was only 18. 我这个人头脑冷静,逻辑性强,敏锐,精明、聪颖,深刻,机智 我集所有这些品 质于一身。我的大脑像发电机一样发达,像化学家的天平一样精确,邮箱手术刀一样 锐利,而且,请别忘了我当时才18岁。 advantage of Hyperbole 2)用于说理: 提示事物的本质,突出事物的特征,生动形象的提 示事情的本质,从而引起读者强烈的认同感,给读 者留下深刻的印象。 1It is the last straw that breaks the camels bac

12、k. (Proverb) 骆驼负载过 重,加根草就能把它压死。 2Noise proves nothing: often a hen who has merely laid an egg crackles as if she had laid an asteroid. (Mark Twain) 嗓子大证明不了什么:一只生下一个蛋的母鸡也常常会咯咯叫, 好像是生下了小星星似的。 advantage of Hyperbole (3)用于抒情: 表达强烈的情感和高亢的激情,激起读者的感情波涛;使 读者迅速进入诗境, 陶醉于诗情画意之中。 1Hamlet: I loved Ophelia:forty thousand brothers, Could not, with all their quantity of love, Make up my sun. (Shakespeare: Hamlet) 哈姆雷特:我爱奥菲莉娅; 四万兄弟之众也抵不上我对她的爱。 夸张的表现形式


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