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1、1 100 天突破高考 3500 必备词汇100 天突破高考 3500 必备词汇 Day 1 Day 1 根据提示完成下列句子根据提示完成下列句子(a accurate) 1. The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers _ (在机上) who came back from _.(国外) 2. He was _(专心致志) in his book, making him _ (缺席) the meeting. To tell the truth, I seldom see his _(缺席). 3. She spoke English wi

2、th a Dutch _(腔). But it could be _(完全地) understood. 4. It is generally _ (公认) that smoking does harm to our health. Last month I received some cigarettes, but I wouldnt _(接受) them. 5. He can have/gain _ (进入) to the library with the ID card. Those books are easily _(接近 的、可进入的). 6. On _ (由于) of what y

3、ou said, I am determined to go abroad to a_(完成) my further study. 7. It is very difficult to get a(n) _ (准确的) answer. 8. His illness _(导致) for his absence . 9. I didnt break the vase on purpose, Mum, it was an _ (意外). It _(意外地) slipped from my hands. 10. He is _(能够) to run the company very well. His

4、 _(能力) is beyond me. Day 2 Day 2 根据提示完成下列句子根据提示完成下列句子(accuse admire) 1. I was _ (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it was the other way around . 2. You will _ (一事无成) if you dont put your heart into your study. 3. What you did is _ (令人钦佩的) and we _ (羡慕) your _ (成就) 4. Effective _(措施)should be take

5、n to _ (适应) ourselves to the new surroundings. 5. Tom takes an _(积极) part in class _(活动). 6. The number of _(男演员) and _(女演员) _(总计) exactly 100 . 7. Students nowadays are _(习惯于) to taking all sorts of examinations. In _(此外), sometimes they are _(沉溺于) to playing game through mobile phones. 8. The mana

6、ger delivered an _ (演讲) on TV to share his experience in _(管理). 9. This letter was wrongly _(写上地址). Please _(加) your friends _(真实的) _(地址) to the envelope. 10. _(事实上), the man _(担任) manager of the company. Day 3 Day 3 根据提示完成下列句子根据提示完成下列句子(admission agreement) 1. He _(建议) me to book the tickets _(预先)

7、and I followed his _ (建议). 2. She had a(n) _ (优势) of a good education, making him feel calm when she meets _(冒险). 3. Im _ (担心) I cant _ (支付) the money to buy the book. But thats my own _(私事). 4. I cant _(同意) to the _ (协定) which was reached by you. 5. You were greatly _(影响) by the trouble but finally

8、 made it _ (终究). 6. I have no a_(喜欢、爱) for all kinds of _(广告) on TV. 2 7. We can be concerned about _ (大事) of state through CCTV News 30 Minutes. 8. Although he was _ (反对) the opinion, the old professor didnt come up with it himself. 9. The house _(代理人) has been _(追求) the beautiful girl for _(很久). 1

9、0. Im fond of _(非洲). I often turn to my teacher for more _(非洲的) stories. Day Day 4 4 根据提示完成下列句子根据提示完成下列句子(agricultural already) 1. These measures _(旨在)preventing smoking in public places like restaurants, hospitals. But _(在户外) people are free. 2. This job would be impossible without the _( 辅 助 ) of

10、a computer. Besides, you can _(给予援助) to her. 3. These kids are _(几乎一样), so try to treat them _ (一样地). 4. His parents won t _ (允许他待在外面) very late. Besides, they dont _(吸烟) at home. 5. I saw my wife off at the _ (在机场). She is going to the U.S.A. on business _(乘飞机). Again I began to live _(独居). 6. All

11、_ (总的来说), she was always well _(遥遥领先) the rest of the class. 7. The party has been planned weeks _ (提前). We can _(开始). 8. Shes asked _(别打扰她),but the press photographers follow her everywhere. 9. She lost her job when the factory closed, _ (同一起)hundreds of others. _(最重 要的是), she was still _(活着). 10.

12、Our plans of banning the sale of the _( 酒 精 ) are still_( 悬 而 未 决 ), _(更不用说) the sale of cigarettes. Day Day 5 5 根据提示完成下列句子根据提示完成下列句子(also anniversary) 1. Caught in the act, he _ (除了别无选择) tell the truth. 2. He looked at me _ (惊愕地). I was _(吃惊) by his _(令人吃惊的) strange look. 3. Weve had _(很大的 amount)

13、help from the local people. 4. _(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize. 5. _(在中)those present were _(大使) and his wife. 6. What you said _ ( 等 于 ) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of _(有抱负). 7. I heard _ (生气地) that_(动物)were treated in a cruel way. 8. I was _( 生 气 ) myself for making


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