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1、初中英语考点汇编(A)初中英语考点汇编(7A Chapter 1)考点1:特殊疑问句特殊疑问词短语的用法区别:how far 对距离提问 how often 对频率提问 how soon “多久后”,对表示将来时的时间状语提问 how long 对时间或长度提问例句:How many people are there in your family? (L9, P7) 你家有多少人?试题:1. - _ is the library from our school? - Its quite near, just go _ the road. A. How far, crossB. How long

2、, acrossC. How far, acrossD. How long, cross (C)(2009年深圳市)2.-_ do you clean your flat? - Once a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far(C)考点2:不定冠词: a 用在以辅音开头的音节前,an 用在以元音开头的音节前。例句:He works as an architect in London. ( L22, P3) (L6, P8) 他在伦敦做一名建筑师。I want to be an engineer. ( L28, P3) 我想

3、成为一名工程师.试题:1.Mary has _ e-dictionary. She got it from her uncle. A. a B. an C. the D. / (B)(2009年杭州市)2.Jackie Chan is _ great actor. I really like his movies.A. a B. an C. the D. / (A)(2008年温州市)3.He gave my sister _ useful book yesterday. A. an B. a C. / (B)(2008年青岛市) 4.John likes playing _ basketba

4、ll, but he doesnt like playing _ piano. A. the, / B. /, the C. the, the D. /, / (B)考点3:并列连词 常见的并列连词有 and, but,or ,so,bothand,either or。 等。例句:I can speak Chinese, but I can not write it very well. ( L21, P3)我会说中文,但我写得不是很好.It is near my house, so I can walk to school. (L7, P9) (学校)离我家近,所以我步行上学。试题: 1.I

5、t is a nice house, _ it doesnt have a garden.A. and B. orC. but D. so (C)(2008年北京市) 2.I am really sorry, _ I cant go swimming with you this Sunday. A. so B. and C. orD. but (D)(2008年石家庄)3.Li Ming failed in the exam again, _ he tried very hard. A. if B. so C. though D. but (C)考点4:would like to do sth

6、. 想做某事 相关的短语归类如下:would rather (not) do sth. had better(not)do sth. 等。例句:I would like to be your pen friend. (L15, P3) 我想成为你的笔友。试题:1.He would like _ rugby. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play (D) 2. -Would you like to go with me? - Yes _. A. I would like. B. I would like to C. I would. D. I like (

7、B)考点5:speak + 语言 与“说”相关的动词用法归纳: say + 说话内容 talk +to/with/about sb. speak to sb 跟某人说话 tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 I can speak Chinese. ( L21, P3) 我会说中文.试题:Sorry, I cant _ it in English. I can only _ Chinese. A. speak, talk B. say, tell C. say, speak D. talk, speak (C)考点6:enjoy doing sth 能后接ing 形式的动词有: finish,

8、 like,prefer,stop, remember, forget等。例句:I also enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter. (L13, P3) 我喜欢在冬天打橄榄球和羽毛球。试题: Do you enjoy _ pop music? - Yes, I do. A. listen to B. listening C. listening to D. to listen to (C)考点7:work as+职业 从事(工作)例句:He works as an architect in London. ( L22, P3) 他在伦敦做一名建

9、筑师。试题: My mother is a doctor and my father _ a teacher. A. work as B. works as C. works at D. woks on (B)考点8:Form One 一年级例句:I am in Form One at Walker School. (L24, P3) 我在沃克学校一年级.试题: What class are you in? - I am in _. A. Class 3, Form 7 B. Form 3, Class 7 C. class 3, form 7 D. form 3, class 7 (B)考点

10、9:be keen on 热衷于例句: Im keen on sports. 我热衷于体育运动。(L25, P3) 试题:He _ pop music. A. is interesting in B. like C. is keen on D. is keen in (C)考点10:walk to 。 = go to。 on foot走路去某地例句:It is near my house, so I can walk to school. (L7, P9) (学校)离我家近,所以我步行上学。试题:Peter often walks to school. = Peter often goes t

11、o school on foot. (同义句)考点11:hear from sb.=get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信例句:Its great to hear from you, Simon. (L33, P11) Simon,收到你的来信真是太好了.Yesterday, I heard from my grandmother.= Yesterday, I got a letter from my grandmother. (同义句)考点12:介词的用法例句:-When is his birthday? -On the fourth of May. (L11, P10)

12、试题:1.The teacher often takes his students to the Science Museum _ Saturdays.A. in B. by C. at D. on (D) (2009年上海)2.When will we meet tomorrow? _ about 8:00 am.A. On B. In C. At D. Since. (C)考点12:with “带有,带着”,表示伴随状态例句:He lives in a house with a big garden. (L20, P10) 他住在一个有着大花园的房子里.试题:The teacher cam

13、e in _ a smile on her face. A. has B. had C. with D. by (C)初中英语考点汇编(7A Chapter 2)考点1:频率副词频率副词有:often, always, usually, seldom, rarely , never等。例句:I always go to school by bus.(L9, P7) 你家有多少人?试题:1.Sandy is so careful that she _ makes mistakes in her homework.A. usually B. seldomC. oftenD. always (B)(2008年芜湖市)2.-_ do you go to see a film? -Sometimes. Maybe once a month.A. How long B. What time C. When D. How often考点2:一般现在时例句:She does not walk. ( L7, P11) 她不走路。试题:1.-Can your father drive? -Yes, and he usually _ to work.A. drove B. is driving C. drives D. has



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