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1、Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the General Asse

2、mbly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back in 2012, XX power companies adhere to the partys 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously improve,

3、smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the dedication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. Main indicators are as follows:-the battery indicator: power generation totaled 7.8

4、15 billion kWh, beyond the annual budget implementation capacity of 315 million kWh, an increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, exceeding sales of 330 million kWh the annual Executive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measures: unplanned outages 2.5 times. No pe

5、rsonal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. Business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207

6、 million Yuan, beyond the Datang company index 41.89 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pollutant emissions perfo

7、rmance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/kWh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -Reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduc

8、tion over the same period a year earlier. Major achievements: first, we should adhere to the two management system basis, strengthening technological research, strengthen hidden hazards control and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The two management system for improvement. F

9、ocus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate security routines, safety supervision and management networ

10、k role to play to achieve closed-loop. Strengthening the supervision and management of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spring and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervis

11、ion of production safety and the Olympic Games and other电大学前儿童发展心理学(补修)期末复习题及答案一选择题1学前儿童心理学是研究(C)儿童心理发展规律的科学。A089岁 B.03岁 C.06岁 D.01314岁2以时间为标准,在同一时间对某个年龄组或几个年龄组的儿童的心理发展进行研究的方法属于(A)A.横向研究 B.纵向研究 C.平行研究 D.实证研究3对一组或一个儿童进行定期的系统的随访观察,找出心理发展过程特点的方法称为(B)A横向研究B纵向研究C平行研究D实证研究4下列属于新生儿无条件反射的是(A)。A抓握反射B吮吸反射C转向反

12、射D张嘴 5大脑机能发展的重要标志之一是 (A)A大脑皮层抑制机能的发展B大脑皮层兴奋机能的发展C神经兴奋过程的发展D条件反射的出现。6第二信号系统的出现是在(A)A出生后的下半年起 B出生后一年 C出生起 D出生后两年7一般认为,婴儿从(D)起开始对颜色有分化反应。A生后1个月 B生后2个月 C生后3个月 D生后4个月8设置视崖装置以检查儿童深度知觉的心理学家是(A)A吉布森和福克 B 皮亚杰 C维果斯基 D福禄贝尔9幼儿的记忆以(B)为主。A有意记忆 B无意识记忆 C再认记忆 D 重复记忆10儿童通过多次尝试,通过拉桌布取得放在桌布中央的球,下次在看到床单上的球就会通过拉床单来拿到手。此阶

13、段孩子的思维处于(B)。A具体形象思维阶段 B.直觉行动思维阶段 C.抽象思维阶段 D.具体思维阶段 11直觉行动思维直到学龄时期,也仍然是“概念智力”的一个基础,这段话出自(A)A皮亚杰 B吉布森和福克 C维果斯基 D福禄贝尔12在具体形象思维阶段,儿童依靠(B)进行思考A动作 B表象 C语言 D形象13婴儿的行为与效果之间还没有分化,行动还没有目的,该阶段的行为模式处于(B)A反射练习时期 B习惯动作时期 C有目的动作形成时期 D感知行动时期14婴儿的动作与目的与手段已经分化,智慧动作出现,该阶段的行为模式处于(D)A反射练习时期B习惯动作时期C有目的动作形成时期D手段与目的分化并协调期。

14、15在(A)阶段,儿童形成物体永久性意识,并有了最早期的内化动作。A感知运算阶段 B前运算阶段 C具体运算阶段 D形式运算阶段16在(B)阶段,儿童开始认识事物的属性。A直觉运动思维 B具体形象思维 C抽象逻辑思维 D形式运算思维17获得守恒性和可逆性概念是在(C)阶段?A感知运算阶段 B前运算阶段 C具体运算阶段 D形式运算阶段18“三山实验”说明了该阶段儿童思维处于(A)。A自我中心 B.他我中心 C.自我他我中心 D.超越自我中心。 19“三座山试验”的设计者是(B)A维果斯基 B皮亚杰 C蒙台梭利 D福禄贝尔21(A)是婴儿的第一个社会性行为?A微笑 B哭泣 C愤怒 D张嘴23(A)是

15、由自己或别人的举止行为是否符合社会标准而引起的情感。A.道德感 B.理智感 C.美感 D.依恋感24在人的各种个性心理特征中,(B)是最早出现的,也是变化最缓慢的。A.个性 B.气质 C.能力 D.性质25孤儿园孩子往往没有良好的社会适应行为,也不能建立起对人对已的信任。这是因为他们缺乏(A)。A早期依恋关系 B正常母爱 C细心照料 D必需的营养 26随着认知和言语水平的提高,儿童的自我中心减少,能从母亲的角度看问题,这一阶段处于依恋的(D)阶段?A无分化阶段 B低分化阶段 C依恋形成阶段 D修正目标的合作阶段27处于成长过程中的儿童,在与周围人们的交往中,逐渐形成两种不同性质的关系,哈普特称之为(A)A垂直关系和水平关系 B上下关系和水平关系C垂直关系和横向关系 D横向关系和水平关系28下列不是儿童自我中心语言范畴的有(D)。A.重复 B.独白 C.双人或集体独白 D.命令


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