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1、Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social development. The main task of the meeting was, on rural wo

2、rk and conscientiously implement the Central, provincial and municipal five water treatment, three to split series of important conferences, learn from the past, study deployment priority tasks this year. Just now, the XXX Deputy head and Deputy County magistrate, respectively, on the work of the XX

3、 was fully deployed, and put forward specific measures and requirements about is in place. County Environmental Protection Bureau, the XX town, town of XX 3 units for a position statement, resounding, demonstrated determination and confidence. Conference also recognition has advanced representative,

4、 this, I also representative County, and County Government, to by recognition of advanced said warm of congratulated! to rural, and water and three modified a split front General cadres workers extend sincere of greeting! following, I again told five points views: a, and deepening awareness, further

5、 enhanced work of sense and urgency since party of 18 session v plenary proposed has innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept Hou, rural and environment governance work can said was upgrade to has more high of strategy level, is Thirteen-Five build w

6、ell-off a top priority task. XX, County besides lingxi, Longgang, jinxiang, the Treasury, the hills, several industrial town outside the city centre, is basically belong to other rural areas, area, the vast rural population. Same time, the current and coming period, is the County into a crucial peri

7、od of the South Gate of XX beautiful, environmental regulation directly affects the effectiveness of the strategic objectives can not be achieved. Therefore, the focus on rural work and five water treatment, three to split, the XX economic and social development has an important role. Last year, thr

8、ough the joint efforts of the County, reform of the agricultural and rural development has made great progress in our County, environmental remediation and achieved initial results. Three agriculture agricultural modernization level continues to increase, new 4-level modern agriculture Park, release

9、d 20 agricultural leading enterprises above the county level, the County area of 200 acres of land more than eco-leisure, investments of more than 5 million Yuan reached more than more than 100 agricultural projects. Rural development has improved continuously, boutique line 1 completed the beautifu

10、l countryside, fine village 17, beautiful rural development conference was held in lingxi peach Lake in the city. Promote comprehensive rural reform, included in the provinces building three in one system of farmers cooperative economic organization first promoting the County. Improvement of farmers

11、电力系统继电保护前言继电保护是随着电力系统的发展而发展起来的。20世纪初随着电力系统的发展,继电器开始广泛应用于电力系统的保护,这时期是继电保护技术发展的开端。最早的继电保护装置是熔断器。从20世纪50年代到90年代末,在40余年的时间里,继电保护完成了发展的4个阶段,即从电磁式保护装置到晶体管式继电保护装置、到集成电路继电保护装置、再到微机继电保护装置。 随着电子技术、计算机技术、通信技术的飞速发展,人工智能技术如人工神经网络、遗传算法、进化规模、模糊逻辑等相继在继电保护领域的研究应用,继电保护技术向计算机化、网络化、一体化、智能化方向发展。 19世纪的最后25年里,作为最早的继电保护装置熔




15、动作、何种情况不应动作。第一章 继电保护的配置1.1 6kV线路L1719保护配置选择电网继电保护装置配置的总原则是当电网中任一元件发生故障时,应尽可能快速的将故障元件切除,使故障损失限制到最小,并快速恢复电网的正常运行。3-110kv电网的继电保护,应当满足可靠性、灵敏性、速动性、选择性四项基本要求。按照继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程(GB14285-93)及电力装置的继电保护和安全自动装置设计规范(GB50062-92)的要求对于310kV中性点非直接接地电力网的线路,对相间短路和单相接地,应按规定装设相应的保护。保护装置采用远后备方式。对单侧电源线路,可装设三段式过电流保护。第一段为不带

16、时限的电流速断保护(保护范围小于被保护线路的全长一般设定为被保护线路的全长的85),第二段为限时电流速断保护(保护范围能保护本线路的全长或下一回线路的15%),第三段为定时限过电流保护(保护范围能保护本线路的全长和相邻线路的全长)。 对单相接地故障,应在发电厂和变电站母线上,装设单相接地监视装置,监视装置反映零序电压,动作于信号。可能时常出现过负荷的电缆线路,或电缆与架空混合线路,应装设过负荷保护。保护宜带时限动作于信号,必要时可动作于跳闸。由于本系统中出线6kV线路1710-1737均为单侧电源线路,可考虑配置一段电流速断保护、一段限时电流速断保护、一段定时限过电流保护过负荷保护及三相一次重合闸。根据变电所的主接线图和一次设备的具体参数,并通过南瑞继保选择MT-L54X装置作为微机保护器。第二章 微机保护装置



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