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1、第 27 期 适用于外研新标准高一新课标玉卷 综合版副主编: 顾玉婉责编: 黄妍美编: 杨颖一审: 李克访二审: 张华程外籍编审: William 适用于外研新标准高一新课标玉卷 综合版第 27 期适用于外研新标准高一新课标玉卷 综合版第 27 期 Key Points 被动语态 被动语态是近年来高考的重点考查项目, 除掌握其 基本含义、 构成之外, 还应注意被动语态与时态的联系, 通过具体的语境领悟命题者的思路。 【精点例句】 1. Once environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the system to recover

2、. 2. The broken bike was mended by Mr. Li this morning. 3. I got caught in the heavy traffic this morning. 4. The children are taken good care of by their aunt. 5. The boss made the little boy do heavy work. The little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss. 6. This new book sells well. 【归纳吧】 1.

3、被动语态的构成形式是 “be_ 的过去分 词” , 表示主语是动作的 _。 2. 一般现在时的被动语态由 “am / is / are + 及物动词 过去分词” 构成, 如句 1; 一般过去时的被动语态由 “was / were + 及物动词过去分词” 构成, 如句 2。 3. 被动语态还可用 “_” 构成, 如句 3。 4. 主动句的谓语如果是短语动词,变为被动句时, 要 把这个短语动词视为一个单词,动词后的介词、 副 词等不可省略, 如句 4。 5. 在使役动词省略 to 的动词不定式中,主动语态中 不带 to, 但变为被动语态时, 须 _, 如句 5。 6. 有些动词用 _ 表示被动意义

4、, 如句 6。 主谓一致 主谓一致指句子的主语和谓语在人称和单复数上 保持一致。为方便大家学习, 现将主谓一致常考点总结 如下: 一、 并列主语的主谓一致 【精点例句】 1. Swimming and walking are good exercise. 2. The singer and dancer is to attend our evening party. 3. Each boy and (each) girl wants to serve the people in the future. 4. Neither I nor he is in favor of her marriag

5、e. 5. One or two friends are coming this evening. 6. Dr. Smith, together with his wife, is to arrive on the evening flight. 【归纳吧】 1. 两个单数名词用 and 连接, 表示 _ 时, 谓语 动词用复数, 如句 1。 2. 在句 2 中, and 连接两个单数名词, 表示同一人、 物 或同一概念时, 谓语动词用 _。 3. 被 every, _, many a, no 等限定的单个主语 由 and 连接时, 谓语动词用单数, 且后一个限定词 可省略, 如句 3。 4.

6、 由 or, nor, either . or, neither . nor, not only . (but) also 连接的并列主语, 根据 _ 原则, 谓语动 词的单复数要和与它邻近的主语的数一致, 如句 4 和句 5。 5. 单数名词 + with, along with, together with, as well as, rather than, as much as, but, except 等所跟的名词 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式, 如句 6。 二、 集合名词作主语的主谓一致 【精点例句】 1. The class consists of twenty boys and

7、 eighteen girls. 2. The class are doing experiments. 【归纳吧】 集合名词 family, class, team, public 等作主语时, 动词 的单复数要根据主语所指的 _ 而定。当集合 名词作为一个整体看待时, 谓语动词用单数; 如果指 _ 时, 谓语动词用复数。 三、 数词与量词作主语的主谓一致 【精点例句】 1. Five people is enough to do the job. 2. One hundred and twenty pounds is what he used to weigh. 3. About one

8、third of the books are worth reading. 4. Only 60 percent of the work was done yesterday. 【归纳吧】 1. 表示时间、 金钱、 距离、 体积、 重量、 面积、 数字等的 词语作主语时,其意义若是指总量应看作单数, 谓 语动词用单数; 但如果其意义是指 “_” 则应 该看作是复数, 那么谓语动词也应该用复数。 2. 分数和百分数修饰名词作主语时, 谓语形式是用单 数还是复数取决于它们所表示的意义。 【以练促记】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Many a boy and girl _ (have) made

9、 such a funny experiment. 2. A football team which _ (keep) on training _ (be) more likely to win. 3. Either you or I _ (be) going to be in charge of this matter. 本版作者 魏 昭 王珊珊 (本版答案见本期) Words face 【品句会意】 1. The building faces (toward the) north. 2. They are all faced with the same problem. 3. His wi

10、fe slapped (打)him in the face. 4. He had a surprised expression on his face. 5. He wouldn t say rude things about her to her face. 【我来总结】face 作动词, 在句 1 中意为 “_” ; 此 外, face 还可表示“_” ,常构成搭配 be faced with, 如句 2; face 也可用作名词, 如句 3 表示 “打在脸 上” 时, 常与介词 in 连用; 表示 “_” , 通常用介 词 on, 如句 4; 在句 5 中, face 表示 “_” ,

11、用介 词 to/in/before。 【联想拓展】与 face 有关的短语: 1. face to face 面对面 2. make faces (at sb) 做鬼脸, 做苦相 3. pull / wear a long face 板着脸, 愁眉苦脸的样子 4. have two faces 口是心非, 耍两面派 5. in (the) face of 面对着 【以练促记】翻译下列句子。 1. 你的房子很美观, 可惜它朝着北方。 _ 2. 我那时需要面对很多困难。 _ 3. 她听到那话之后, 显示出一副不高兴的样子。 _ situated 【品句会意】 1. Japan is situate

12、d to the east of China. 2. Shandong is situated on the north of Jiangsu Province. 3. The new building will be situated in the center of town. 【我来总结】situated adj. 坐落 (某处) 的; 位于 (某处) 的。 其后接表示 _ 状语。常见结构: be situated to/in/on ., 相 当 于 be located to/in/on . 或 lie/be to/in/on .。在句 1 中, situated 与介词 to 连用,

13、表示 “_” , 强调方向; 在句 2 中, situated 后接介词 on,表示“_” ;句 3 中, be situated in 表示 “_” 。 【联想拓展】 1. situate vt. 使坐落于; 使位于; 将置于。例如: They plan to situate the bus stop at the corner of the road. 2. situation n. 形势; 情况; 状况。例如: School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous situations. 【以练促记】翻译下列句子。 1. 我的

14、卧室在房子的顶楼。 _ 2. 旅馆环境优美, 坐落在河边一个僻静的地方。 _ Phrases be known as 【品句会意】 He is known as a director to all in the world as a result of his film “Titanic” . 【一点即通】be known as 意为“作为而出名 / 闻 名” , 其后的名词表示一个人的身份、 职业等。 【联想拓展】1. be known for 意为 “因而著名” , 其后 所接内容表示某人或物的特点、 特长等。例如: Mr. Geldof is well- known for organi

15、zing two big pop concerts on the same day. 2. be known to 意为 “为所了解 / 知道” , 其后 接表示人的词语; 也可表示 “ (人人都) 知道” 的意思, 其后接动词原形。例如: As is known to all, she is always ready to help others. He was known to have invented many things. 【以练促记】翻译句子。 大家都知道他是电视节目主持人。 _ in terms of 【品句会意】 The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages. 【一点即通】in terms of 意为“依据,依照, 就 来说” , 其后可直接接名词。 【联想拓展】


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